Miranda Blake
Știri din industrie • 2 min citește

Calea de urmat pentru 2025: Tendințe așteptate în industria camioanelor

Creat: 02.01.2025

Actualizat: 02.01.2025

De la nemulțumirea generală a șoferilor la recentele modificări ale CPC pentru șoferi și până la întârzierile la [sistemul UE de intrare/ieșire] (https://snapacc.com/newsroom/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-eu-entryexit-system/), anul 2024 a fost un adevărat vârtej pentru industria logistică. Și există multe la orizont pentru 2025 - aici explorăm tendințele care se așteaptă să modeleze sectorul.

Adoptarea tuturor avantajelor AI

Se anticipează că automatizarea va juca un rol-cheie în anul următor. Vor exista evoluții în domeniul tehnologiei vehiculelor autonome, al sistemelor de gestionare a transportului și al dispozitivelor de înregistrare electronică a vehiculelor - ceea ce va duce la o adoptare mai frecventă și la schimbări considerabile în cadrul industriei.

În plus, se preconizează o creștere a utilizării IA pentru optimizarea rutelor, întreținerea predictivă și gestionarea flotei. Acest lucru va declanșa rezultate mai bune, cum ar fi îmbunătățirea eficienței operaționale și reducerea costurilor. Internetul obiectelor (IoT) și învățarea automată vor fi deosebit de valoroase, fiind utilizate pentru a prevedea disfuncționalitățile echipamentelor, ceea ce va reduce timpii morți.

Într-o notă similară, telematica va împărtăși date valoroase în timp real legate de performanța vehiculului, comportamentul șoferului și starea încărcăturii - ceea ce va duce la o mai bună siguranță și conformitate.

Abordarea diferenței de gen și a deficitului de șoferi

Atragerea mai multor femei șoferi de camion este o modalitate de a face față [lipsei de șoferi] (https://snapacc.com/newsroom/hgv-drivers-challenge-the-term-driver-shortage/). Angajatorii ar putea oferi o gamă mai largă de roluri, ar putea introduce programe și politici de formare în beneficiul femeilor și ar putea face mediul de lucru mai incluziv. În acest din urmă caz, printre idei se numără mentoratul sau modelele de lucru care se potrivesc mai bine vieții șoferilor de camion (cum ar fi turele de zi și acoperirea rutelor circulare pentru a-i sprijini pe cei care au obligații familiale).

Cu toate acestea, discuțiile de pe [pagina de Facebook SNAP] (https://www.facebook.com/snapaccount) au arătat că atât bărbații, cât și femeile șoferi au nevoie de schimbare. În timp ce unii au subliniat că anumite lucruri ar putea fi mai bune pentru femei (de exemplu, cineva a remarcat că 90% din depozite nu au coșuri sanitare), au existat multe comentarii cu privire la pachetul general pentru angajați și la facilitățile din stațiile de camioane:

"Bărbații au nevoie de mai mult sprijin pentru îngrijirea copiilor. Dacă ar face acest lucru, atunci femeile nu ar mai fi obligate să fie "golite" de forță de muncă atunci când copiii lor se îmbolnăvesc sau au priorități. Facilitățile sunt șocante pentru ambele sexe."

"Îmbunătățiți condițiile și facilitățile pentru TOȚI șoferii și veți vedea mai mulți oameni venind în industrie, atât bărbați, cât și femei."

Prin urmare, companiile ar trebui să analizeze cum să atragă și să-și păstreze întreaga forță de muncă. Acestea pot oferi compensații, condiții de muncă și oportunități de dezvoltare mai bune. De asemenea, pot implementa cursuri de formare pentru a se asigura că oamenii au toate capacitățile necesare - pentru prezent și viitor.

Femeie care conduce un camion

Promovarea unei industrii mai ecologice

Un alt obiectiv central va fi durabilitatea - în special din cauza legilor de mediu din ce în ce mai stricte, a evoluției către zero net și a prețurilor din ce în ce mai mari la combustibil.

Vehiculele cu combustibil alternativ nu au îndeplinit așteptările în 2024, astfel încât se anticipează că, în timp ce inovarea în acest domeniu va continua să aibă loc, va exista o reorientare către concentrarea asupra modului în care flotele pot spori eficiența operațională (de exemplu, prin utilizarea tehnologiei, a datelor și a IA pentru a reduce timpul pierdut). De asemenea, companiile vor căuta să construiască lanțuri de aprovizionare mai ecologice prin colaborarea cu furnizori și transportatori mai prietenoși cu mediul.

În mod similar, trecerea la camioanele electrice este în creștere - în acest an, vor exista mai multe puncte de încărcare EV în parcările de camioane. Cu toate acestea, companiile de flote se confruntă cu obstacole precum costuri inițiale substanțiale și o cantitate insuficientă de infrastructură de încărcare.

Creșterea transportului de marfă pe distanțe lungi

În cele din urmă, se preconizează o creștere a transportului aerian și maritim de mărfuri, ceea ce va avea un efect în lanț asupra industriei transporturilor rutiere. Acest lucru este accentuat de faptul că lanțurile globale de aprovizionare devin din ce în ce mai interconectate.

Ca urmare, se va înregistra o creștere a transportului de marfă pe distanțe lungi - ceea ce face și mai important ca șoferii să beneficieze de pauze adecvate în stații de camioane sigure. Și aici este unde SNAP poate ajuta.

Aplicația noastră intruck are peste 800 de site-uri disponibile în întreaga Europă, inclusiv în Austria, Bulgaria, Cehia, Grecia, Ungaria, Italia și România. Noi contribuim la simplificarea gestionării flotelor și ne asigurăm că atât operatorii, cât și drumarii pot respecta Directiva privind timpul de lucru al șoferilor în 2025 și după aceea.

Pentru a afla mai multe, luați legătura cu echipa noastră la +44 (0)1603 777242.

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miercuri 22 ianuarie 2025 • Știri din industrie


Miranda Blake

On 22nd January 2025, it’s HGV Drivers Day. Established by NN1 Personnel (recruiters and suppliers of truckers in the logistics industry), the day aims to celebrate drivers and all they do for the economy and society. Without truckers, who often experience various difficulties in the role (including being away from their families and home, long working hours, and travelling in extreme weathers), we would be without our necessary products and convenience. They truly have been heroes over the last few years as well as prior to that – the pandemic was only one example of this. How you mark the day is up to you. , for example by providing drivers with a hot drink or chatting with them. Here at SNAP, we’re always keen to give truckers a voice. And so, for this HGV Drivers Day, that’s exactly what we’re doing. Following a recent post on our asking about the and how to ensure young people have the enthusiasm to join the industry, we’re highlighting some of the commentary from truckers that show their real-life experiences – from the challenges they face to what they love about their job. A key talking point for drivers is how the role impacts their personal lives, such as not being there for important moments in life, having to sleep in their cab, and the money not being worth the sacrifices they make. Statistics back up the feedback. For example, it’s been found ) – compared to 37.5 hours for all employees, this is a substantial 28% higher. And so, it’s not surprising . Nor is it shocking that such a significant number have left the sector, including . For some who commented, they’ve moved on from the industry and into other roles that make them happier. But for others, they reflected on the good memories of riding in lorries with their dads as children, along with the value of it and how this experience led them to join the sector themselves after finishing their education. On a similar note, many disagreed with trucking not being the ideal job – whether it was for the money or just their love of driving a lorry. All these comments make it clear that while truckers certainly face challenges, there’s still a lot to love and for some it’s a career they’re happy to do for life – so it makes sense that around . We think it’s crucial everyone acknowledges all truckers do for us. Unfortunately, some drivers pointed out that they experience a significant lack of respect. This shouldn’t be the case – they should be recognised for what they do to give us all the bare necessities in life. As one trucker put it: So, this HGV Drivers Day – and every other day, in fact – we ask everyone to acknowledge those out on the road for us. Truckers deserve praise, respect, and so much more.

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luni 09 decembrie 2024 • Știri din industrie


Miranda Blake

One of the biggest challenges drivers face is finding safe parking facilities. revealed that many feel the security in place at truck stops isn’t to a satisfactory standard.Let’s delve into the various aspects that contribute to secure truck parking from the drivers' perspective, exploring the essential measures and amenities. On top of this, we’ll look into the overall environment that fosters a sense of protection. Truckers need to park to comply with strict regulations regarding rest periods. Plus, they require locations where they can rest, refuel, and refresh without the . With approximately 81% of freight transported by road, the demand for secure truck parking really is critical for the industry’s success. Inadequate measures can lead to severe repercussions, including cargo theft, vehicle damage, and personal safety concerns. This has caused – it can deter them from taking breaks and ultimately affect their performance on the road.A fundamental aspect of secure truck parking is the implementation of physical barriers. Robust perimeter fencing is vital in preventing unauthorised access. Controlled entry and exit points, such as gates that require keycard or code access, are a necessity. Such measures significantly reduce the likelihood of intrusions and enhance overall safety.Effective lighting is also imperative. Well-lit areas discourage criminal activity and provide drivers with a sense of protection and the confidence to navigate truck stops, particularly during the nighttime. Comprehensive video surveillance is another important aspect. CCTV cameras should cover the entire parking facility, enabling constant monitoring and recording of activities. Many truckers appreciate knowing their vehicles and cargo are under 24/7 surveillance, as it may prove an effective deterrent to potential criminals.The presence of trained security personnel adds an extra layer of protection. Guards can respond promptly to incidents, assist, and maintain a visible presence that enhances the overall feeling of safety. Truckers are often more at ease knowing there are professionals on-site to handle any issues that may arise.Having easily accessible emergency communication systems is key – there should be emergency call boxes or intercom systems, which allow drivers to quickly contact security or crisis services if needed. In remote areas where immediate assistance may not be readily available, this feature is particularly crucial.Clean and well-maintained toilets and showers are also highly valued, especially on long journeys. Measures should extend to these facilities to ensure that they’re locked and under surveillance – this will not only increase driver comfort, but also contribute to their overall sense of safety.While not directly related to secure truck parking, additional amenities can significantly enhance the overall comfort of a parking area. The likes of food and beverage options, WiFi access, and electrical hookups for refrigerated trailers make for a more welcoming space. Basic maintenance services can also be beneficial, allowing truckers to address minor issues without leaving the premises.A secure truck parking facility should also effectively look after drivers. A great deal shared that they feel undervalued at certain locations, which can negatively impact their experience. Those that treat truckers with respect and provide a friendly atmosphere encourage repeat visits and foster loyalty.Investing in staff training is imperative to improving this. Employees should understand the unique needs of truckers and know how to provide excellent customer service.It’s important to know that female drivers, who make up a small percentage of the trucking workforce, often face additional challenges regarding safety. Many women report feeling unsafe in predominantly male environments, particularly when truck stops lack adequate security measures – it’s vital to consider their specific needs and take steps to ensure they’re both safe and happy.Another consideration is that some truckers have specific dietary needs. So, offering healthy food options and catering to various dietary requirements can enhance their experience and contribute to the positive wellbeing of drivers.Innovations such as smart surveillance systems, automated entry controls, and real-time monitoring can significantly improve measures. Truck stops that invest in solutions like these have a greater chance of attracting more fleets and drivers who are seeking safe options.Addressing challenges in this space requires collaboration between various stakeholders, including government agencies, logistics companies, and parking facility operators. By working together, these groups can develop comprehensive strategies to better security and the entire experience for truckers.Advocating for policy changes that prioritise the needs of drivers is crucial for creating safer environments. Industry organisations and advocacy groups can play a significant role in raising awareness about the importance of secure truck parking and pushing for legislative changes that support infrastructure improvements.Here at SNAP, we prioritise the safety of drivers and help truck parks do so through our dedicated Access & Security division. From to to to to , we’ll put in place everything to best protect truckers, vehicles, and cargo for , , , and more. You can learn more about , or discover our other services (like parking and washing) on the .

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luni 11 noiembrie 2024 • Știri din industrie


Miranda Blake

A from independent watchdog, Transport Focus, found that nearly half of lorry drivers aren’t satisfied with the amount and quality of truck stops in England. They feel the latter has deteriorated in the last year too. Here at SNAP, we have a network of offering superior services (in fact, we’ll soon be launching our own awards celebrating the best truck stops!). So, if there are plenty of great ones out there, it begs the question: why are drivers so unhappy? First, let’s take a look at what they’re not content with. Drivers are saying they don’t feel welcome and safe at every stop. On top of this, they’re unable to properly rest or enjoy a good meal. Some of the feedback included that there’s not always available or clean showers and toilets. A female driver also commented that there isn’t a shower in the women’s bathroom – meaning she had no choice but to go into the men’s to wash. However, it’s important to point out the statistics are from those who opted to take their breaks at these rest stops, so there is likely some level of fulfilment. What’s more, the survey only asked drivers about their experience at a third of the total number of truck stops, motorway services, and those on A roads in England. Plus, there were many truck parks achieving satisfactory scores of at least 95%, with overall contentment at 86%. So, perhaps the problem isn’t as big as it seems. Though, the industry certainly can’t ignore it – especially given what our findings uncovered. We found that 70% of drivers chose lay-bys over service stations or truck stops, with a key reason being insufficient security. For instance, they’ve experienced the likes of having their curtains cut previously. Though, it’s worth noting that in 2023, Cambridgeshire police reported , compared to 27% at service stations – which suggests maybe drivers are putting their worry in the wrong place. On our social media pages, over half of lorry drivers revealed that they thought the UK’s rest stops weren’t safe and secure in comparison to those in Europe. And for spaces that do have a higher level of protection, 70% have seen these full by the early evening. Although this implies there’s an insufficient amount to meet demand, many of our sites have fantastic security. So, for those that don’t, they should consider how to improve this. We provide a variety of services to better the experience all round – including our industry-leading security packages via SNAP Access & Security. From and to , we ensure the best protection for truck stops and therefore drivers and all cargo. You can learn more about , or discover our other services (like parking and washing) .