Miranda Blake
Новини и актуализации • 3 мин. четене

Практики за безопасно шофиране: Основни насоки за шофьорите на камиони за дълги разстояния

Създаден: 15.01.2025

Актуализирано: 15.01.2025

Като шофьор на камион е изключително важно винаги да сте в безопасност зад волана. Но при екстремните климатични условия и дългите маршрути в Европа как можете да се уверите, че оказвате положително въздействие?

В тази статия излагаме основни насоки, за да можете да дадете приоритет на безопасността на себе си и на другите.

Планиране и подготовка

Първо, трябва да се уверите, че всичко е готово, преди да тръгнете.

Организация на пътуването

Предварително внимателно планирайте маршрута си, като вземете предвид фактори като метеорологични условия, пътна конструкция и потенциални опасности. Добре е да използвате технологии като GPS и приложения за времето, за да сте информирани за пътуването си. Също така трябва да планирате спирки за почивка, презареждане и хранене. По този начин ще си гарантирате, че ще спазвате последователен график, без да правите компромис с безопасността.

Прегледи на превозни средства

Преди да потеглите на път, направете щателна проверка на камиона преди пътуване. Проверете следното:

● Правилно напомпване и износване на гумите

● Спирачки за оптимална работа

● Светлини и сигнали за функционалност

● Нива на течностите (масло, охлаждаща течност, спирачна течност и др.)

● Огледала за правилно регулиране

● Обезопасяване на товара

Като оценявате редовно тези неща, можете да идентифицирате потенциални проблеми, преди те да са се превърнали в големи.

Практики за безопасно шофиране на пътя

Изпълнението им е също толкова важно, след като сте стартирали двигателя.

Управление на умората

Това е значителен рисков фактор за шофьорите на камиони на дълги разстояния като вас. За да се преборите с него, препоръчваме:

● Спазване на правилата за работното време на водачите

● Редовни почивки - дори ако не се чувствате уморени.

● Разпознаване на признаците на умора и спиране за почивка, когато е необходимо

● Поддържане на постоянен график на съня, когато е възможно

Защитно шофиране

Също така е разумно да възприемете защитно мислене при шофиране, за да предвиждате и избягвате потенциални опасности. Няколко идеи са:

● Осигуряване на безопасно разстояние при следване

● Следене на мъртвите зони

● Избягване на чести смени на лентата и подаване на сигнал предварително

● Регулиране на скоростта в зависимост от пътните и атмосферните условия

● Да сте подготвени за действията на други водачи

Управление на скоростта

По отношение на точката за поддържане на безопасна и постоянна скорост, трябва:

● Винаги спазвайте ограниченията, особено в райони с намалени ограничения на скоростта на камионите.

● Намалете скоростта в завои, в работни зони и при неблагоприятни метеорологични условия.

● Използвайте помощни спирачки при стръмно спускане, за да предотвратите прегряване.

Поддръжка и сигурност на превозните средства

Друг важен въпрос за безопасното извършване на превози на дълги разстояния е да се уверите, че извършвате поддръжка и защитавате своя камион.

Редовна поддръжка

Трябва да спазвате строг график, за да поддържате автомобила си в оптимално състояние. Например, чрез:

● Честа смяна на маслото и проверка на течностите

● Проверка и поддръжка на спирачната система

● Следене на налягането и състоянието на гумите

● Поддържане на електрическата система в добро техническо състояние

● Незабавно отстраняване на всякакви проблеми, за да се предотвратят аварии на пътя

Сигурност на товара

По същия начин е важно да се гарантира безопасността на вашия товар. Можете да го направите, като:

● Използване на подходящи устройства за връзване и обезопасяване

● Равномерно разпределение на натоварването

● Повторна проверка на закрепването на товара по време на спиране, особено след внезапно спиране или остри завои

Сигурност на камиона

Препоръчваме ви да използвате Защита на автомобила върху товара си:

● Паркирайте на добре осветени места с висока степен на сигурност, когато спирате за почивка.

● Използвайте устройства срещу кражба и заключващи механизми.

● Бъдете бдителни и докладвайте за всяка подозрителна дейност.

Информираност за времето и състоянието на пътищата

Като шофьор на камион за дълги разстояния трябва да се подготвите и за различни климатични и пътни условия. Например, вземете предвид:

● информиране за прогнозите по маршрута ви

● Коригиране на шофирането или отлагане на пътуването при по-екстремни елементи

● носене на необходимото оборудване (вериги, комплект за спешни случаи и др.) за различни метеорологични условия

● Продължавайте с повишено внимание в непознати райони или такива, които са склонни към специфични опасности

Здраве и уелнес

Поддържането на добро здравословно състояние е също толкова важно в стремежа ви към безопасно шофиране. Затова се уверете, че:

● Получавайте редовни здравни прегледи и всички необходими медицински удостоверения.

● Хранете се балансирано и се хидратирайте.

● Правете упражнения, когато е възможно - дори и да е само разтягане по време на почивката.

● Управлявайте стреса чрез техники за релаксация или хобита по време на престой.

Безопасно шофиране със SNAP

Друг начин за повишаване на безопасността е чрез нашето приложение intruck. То позволява на шофьори на камиони като вас да плащат за различни услуги, като паркиране, измиване, гориво и др. Като елиминира транзакциите в брой, то ограничава всяко разсейване.

Нещо повече, много сайтове разполагат с подобрени мерки за сигурност, така че ще бъдете сигурни, че автомобилът ви е в безопасност, докато правите необходимите почивки. И тъй като нашето приложение позволява на потребителите да резервират места за паркиране предварително, ще бъдете спокойни, че ще има сигурно място за почивка след дългите часове на път.

Помнете: практиките за безопасно шофиране не са просто указания, а основни принципи, които всеки шофьор на камион за дълги разстояния трябва да приеме като част от професионалния си морал. Като давате приоритет на безопасността чрез внимателно планиране, бдително шофиране, правилна поддръжка и използване на технологии като intruck, можете значително да намалите рисковете, свързани с вашата трудна професия.

За да научите повече, свържете се с нашия екип на телефон +44 (0)1603 777242.

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сряда 08 януари 2025 • Новини и актуализации


Miranda Blake

Through the implementation of new regulations, the use of technology, and a commitment to driver welfare, the logistics industry can work towards a safer future for truckers while simultaneously promoting convenience.But, how exactly is this all put into action? Read on to find out…We previously conducted that shed light on the most dangerous roads across Europe, identifying countries such as Bulgaria and Czechia as having the highest average fatalities per 10,000 miles of road network.This analysis is crucial for understanding where the risks are greatest and highlights the need for targeted interventions to improve safety. Armed with this crucial information, drivers can better prepare for their journeys as well as make informed choices about their routes and rest stops.Intelligence gained via innovations like GPS navigation systems, real-time traffic updates, and advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) is also crucial. Such advancements in technology not only provide essential data about road conditions but also help truckers make educated decisions about their journeys. For instance, GPS systems can suggest alternative paths that avoid potential areas of peril, while traffic updates can give alerts on delays or accidents ahead. As a result, drivers are better able to . Moreover, applications like offer them access to detailed information on truck stops across Europe, ensuring they can find suitable places to rest – this is particularly beneficial for those travelling long distance who need to take regular breaks to adhere to legislation, combat fatigue, and maintain focus.In previous years, many drivers had no choice but to spend their break periods in their cabs due to a lack of accessible and affordable accommodation – and this often resulted in poor-quality rest, which can have detrimental effects on their health and safety.There’s been a much stronger emphasis on truckers having the ability to relax in suitable accommodation. Transport companies must take responsibility for arranging hotel stays or utilising dedicated break facilities. While this may involve additional costs, it presents an opportunity to invest in the wellbeing of the workforce, ultimately leading to higher levels of job satisfaction and retention.To comply with regulations, mitigate the risks associated with fatigue, and improve the overall safety of their drivers, fleet operators can consider the following approaches:● can ensure that drivers have access to a comfortable place to relax● can help truckers with locating nearby places to stay, streamlining the process and enhancing overall efficiencySNAP is a game changer for those in the sector, offering digital solutions that prioritise safety and convenience. Fleet companies and truckers now have access to an expanding network of services designed to make journeys smoother and more secure.At the heart of our offerings is our digital marketplace, which streamlines various aspects:● : Used every 13 seconds across Europe to pay for rest stop services, SNAP eliminates the need for truckers to spend from their own pocket and claim expenses later.● : intruck helps drivers locate and pre-book parking spaces along their routes, with many possessing enhanced security options to boost safety.● : Our platform allows truckers to pay for parking, washing, and other services using just their vehicle's licence plate number.This remains a top priority for us. We recently to include sites across Austria, Bulgaria, Czechia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, and Romania. Many of these have improved security infrastructure, addressing the critical need for safe overnight parking.What’s more, we have a dedicated division, , to provide bespoke solutions that protect premises from cargo crime threats, enhancing overall driver and freight safety.Truckers are extremely happy with our solutions. In fact, 80% of drivers we spoke to at UK events preferred SNAP over other payment methods, and 74% of European truckers expressed a desire to see more service partners join our network.And as we’re continuously growing and developing our network and solutions, European truck drivers can look forward to more options that result in increased safety, convenience, and efficiency on the road. By addressing key concerns like secure parking and streamlined payments, we’re paving the way for a more connected and supportive trucking industry across Europe.To learn more about SNAP, get in touch by calling our friendly team on +44 (0)1603 777242.

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понеделник 23 декември 2024 • Новини и актуализации



Navigating Sunday truck driving bans across Europe requires a comprehensive understanding of country-specific regulations, seasonal variations, and effective strategies. By investing in thorough route planning, staying informed, optimising operations, and leveraging technology, fleet companies can mitigate the impact of these restrictions. In this blog, we explore the different rules in a variety of European countries and dive further into the best ways to adapt to them. Each country has its own laws around Sunday driving bans, and these can vary widely. From 12 AM until 10 PM on the last day of the week, trucks that exceed 7.5 tonnes aren’t allowed to operate. However, this isn’t necessarily a deterrent. Combined transport operations can enjoy special allowances, with rail and road transport permitted within 200 kilometres of loading or unloading stations, and port or road transport allowed within 150 kilometres of ports. Moving specific perishable goods is also exempt, such as fresh milk, dairy products, meat, fish, fruit, and vegetables. Additionally, certain vehicles and operations aren’t subject to the ban, such as emergency vehicles involved in recovery, towing, or breakdown services. In this territory, driving restrictions are similar to those in Germany, applying to lorries surpassing 7.5 tonnes. These embargos occur on Sundays and public holidays from 12 AM to 10 PM. On top of this, there are restrictions on Saturdays and the day before national holidays, with driving prohibited from 10 PM to 12 AM. And during the summer, specific Saturdays have bans from 7 AM to 7 PM. Exemptions exist for certain goods, including dairy and meat items, as well as emergency vehicles. Violations of these prohibitions can lead to significant fines ranging from €750 to €3,750 for individuals and companies, respectively. Trucks aren’t allowed to be out on the roads on Sundays and public holidays from 9 AM to 10 PM in Italy. It’s worth noting that in June, July, August, and September, the embargo starts earlier at 7 AM – though it still ends at 10 PM. The country also imposes additional restrictions during the summer months. In July, there's a Saturday embargo from 8 AM to 4 PM, and this extends from 8 AM to 10 PM in August. While these are the general rules, it's crucial to know that there might be local variations or temporary restrictions on certain routes. Like with France and Germany, some exceptions may also apply for specific types of goods or emergency services. As for Spain, this presents a much more complex scenario. There’s a patchwork of regional bans, particularly in Catalonia. Driving restrictions for trucks can change based on local regulations, public holidays, and specific routes. Truckers operating here should consult local guidelines to ensure compliance. On top of the Sunday and holiday injunctions, there are also limitations on certain Saturdays during the summer months. These generally apply from 8 AM to 12 AM, particularly in July and August, when traffic is heavier due to vacationers. In terms of other European nations, there are many that also enforce their own Sunday driving bans. Austria, for example, dictates that trucks that weigh over 7.5 tonnes aren’t allowed on the roads on Sundays from 12 AM to 10 PM. Switzerland maintain something similar, with vehicles exceeding 3.5 tonnes unable to drive throughout the entire day. To navigate Sunday lorry driving restrictions, effective route planning is crucial. By using advanced technology and strategic thinking, fleet operators can optimise their processes. Employing modern GPS systems and enables fleets and their drivers to identify the most efficient journeys while avoiding areas with driving bans. These tools can provide real-time updates on road conditions, ensuring that truckers can make informed decisions on the go. Another idea is to explore different ways to get to the place in question. While it may be tempting to stick to the most direct path, alternative routes can often save time and avoid potential fines. Such detours may be slightly longer but can help circumvent areas with stringent embargos, allowing for smoother operations. Given the possibility of setbacks caused by traffic congestion or driving embargos, it’s also wise for fleet companies to build additional time into their schedules. A proactive approach provides better opportunity for deliveries to remain timely – even in the face of unexpected challenges. Staying updated on regulations and real-time traffic conditions is just as crucial. That’s why it’s wise to use specific apps and websites – these provide truckers with live updates on road closures, accidents, and congestion, enabling them to make adjustments to routes and avoid any delays. Many transport associations and logistics providers offer subscription services for traffic alerts. By signing up for these notifications, fleet operators can receive information on any changes to driving rules, ensuring they adhere to them. Utilising technology can enhance operational efficiency and compliance with . Telematics systems allow fleet companies to monitor vehicle location, fuel consumption, and driver behaviour. The data can be invaluable for optimising routes. What’s more, maintaining digital logbooks simplifies record keeping, and this will provide essential documentation in the event of an audit. Equally important is technology to simplify payments – and that’s where SNAP can help.Whether you’re looking for safe parking, a truck wash, or other services for your fleets, our solutions make paying for them much more convenient. Take a look at what can offer you today.

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понеделник 16 декември 2024 • Новини и актуализации


Miranda Blake

Modern transportation management is a strategic approach to planning, organising, and controlling the efficient and effective movement of goods and materials from origin to destination. It involves leveraging technology and data-driven insights to optimise transportation processes, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction.In this blog, we explore the main challenges and solutions related to this matter.One of the most pressing things that fleets have to deal with is the management of fuel expenses. These make up a significant portion of operational expenditure, and their volatility can wreak havoc on budgeting processes and overall profitability. The unpredictable nature of fuel prices creates a ripple effect throughout the supply chain, forcing companies to make difficult decisions about cost absorption or price increases, potentially impacting their competitiveness. However, forward-thinking businesses are adopting strategies to mitigate the associated risks: ● Entering to lock in prices for a set period, thereby stabilising spend● Investing in modern, to reduce consumption and lower overall costs● Exploring , such as biodiesel or compressed natural gas, to act as a buffer against traditional fuel price fluctuationsOne of the solutions – – allows for seamless fuel management:● Fleet operators can access detailed reports on expenditures, providing and helping them to identify trends and areas for improvement.● By partnering with Certas Energy, users can access , further reducing expenditure.Another issue is traffic. As urban populations swell, the strain on existing infrastructure intensifies, leading to problems throughout the entire logistics chain. Delays become commonplace, fuel consumption skyrockets, and operational costs surge, all while customer satisfaction plummets due to extended delivery times.There are several tactics to counteract the negative impacts of this:● Utilising advanced software can help to identify the most efficient paths, reducing travel time and fuel consumption.● Integrating into operations can allow for dynamic route adjustments based on current conditions.● Developing tailored can enable businesses to navigate city-specific challenges, like restricted access zones and peak traffic hours.From natural disasters to geopolitical events to labour shortages, disruptions are another matter that fleets face – leading to delays, increased costs, and diminished service levels, challenging the resilience of transportation management systems.To tackle such interruptions, organisations can adopt several strategies:● Sourcing materials and services from multiple suppliers can reduce dependency on any single one and mitigate risks.● Conducting these regularly can help to identify vulnerabilities within the supply chain and support contingency planning.● Putting in place technologies that provide real-time visibility into the supply chain can enhance responsiveness and quicken decision-making.As technologies continue to evolve and integrate, they promise to reshape the future of transportation management, addressing longstanding issues and opening up new possibilities for growth and innovation.● Vehicle tracking systems give real-time data on location, route optimisation, and driver behaviour, facilitating more informed judgements.● These can monitor vehicle health, fuel consumption, and cargo conditions, ensuring optimal performance and safety.● Through these, you can enable predictive analytics and demand forecasting, enhancing route optimisation and inventory management.● Implementing this technology can improve supply chain transparency, security, and traceability, fostering trust among stakeholders.The driver shortage is another challenge of transportation management, which the Department for Transport is attempting to solve by opening a consultation on ways to relieve it. We prompted truckers to voice their opinions regarding the proposal on the . While many didn’t comment on the scheme, 72.5% did challenge the term 'driver shortage’, labelling it as scaremongering. Instead, they . Therefore, attracting and retaining skilled drivers is still of great importance. The government , but fleet managers and truckers can take steps themselves:● Offering attractive packages can help to entice top talent in a competitive job market.● Providing these can better job satisfaction and reduce turnover rates.● Investing in ongoing programmes can equip drivers with the capabilities needed to excel in their roles and adapt to new technologies.Another key way to hold onto drivers is to make their jobs as easy as possible – and that includes the likes of paying for parking and washing. Thankfully, there’s SNAP.To learn more about and how they can aid transportation management, get in touch by calling +44 (0)1603 777242.