Susie Jones
Novinky a aktualizace • 3 min čtení

Umělá inteligence a její dopad na udržitelnost v odvětví nákladní dopravy

Vytvořeno: 29.08.2024

Aktualizováno: 29.08.2024

Umělá inteligence (AI) je pojem, který se v posledních letech stal součástí moderního slovníku. Kvůli nedostatečnému porozumění a mylným představám je často vnímán negativně. Navzdory výhradám může AI pozitivně ovlivnit udržitelnost, pracovní procesy i ekonomiku. Vzhledem k tomu, že více než 25 % emisí CO2 produkuje dopravní průmysl, může AI přinést pozitivní změnu pro udržitelnou budoucnost?

Co je umělá inteligence?

Podle Oxford Languages je AI:

"teorie a vývoj počítačových systémů schopných provádět úkoly, které obvykle vyžadují lidskou inteligenci, jako je vizuální vnímání, rozpoznávání řeči, rozhodování a překlad mezi jazyky. "

Udržitelnost v odvětví nákladní dopravy

Odvětví se nachází na kritické křižovatce s rostoucími požadavky a měnícími se typy dodávek - jedním z nejrychleji rostoucích požadavků je nakupování online. Zatímco zvýšená poptávka může být pro odvětví nákladní dopravy přínosem, čelí dilematu v oblasti životního prostředí, které má zásadní dopad na planetu.

Odvětví ovlivňuje životní prostředí následujícími způsoby:

  • Hlukové znečištění: Nákladní automobily mohou ve velkém počtu přispívat k hlukové zátěži. Hlukové znečištění narušuje městské a venkovské oblasti a často ovlivňuje pohodu obyvatel a volně žijících zvířat. Vystavení vysoké hladině hluku může vést ke stresu a kardiovaskulárním problémům.

  • Emise uhlíku: Tradiční paliva v nákladních vozidlech uvolňují do atmosféry CO2. Z celkových emisí z celosvětové dopravy pochází 29 % z nákladní dopravy.

  • Kvalita ovzduší: Obě tyto látky zhoršují kvalitu ovzduší, poškozují životní prostředí a vedou k dýchacím potížím u lidí.

Jak může umělá inteligence zlepšit udržitelnost

  • Plánování tras: Nevhodné plánování tras může stát vozový park peníze, čas a zdroje. Umělá inteligence dokáže přesně předvídat požadavky a nároky - a doporučit tak nejudržitelnější trasu. Její algoritmy mohou analyzovat dopravní vzorce, povětrnostní podmínky a efektivitu využití paliva a optimalizovat tak trasy doručování. Tento proces šetří peníze a přispívá ke snižování emisí uhlíku.

  • Předvídání spotřebitelské poptávky: Výrobky jsou často dodávány spotřebiteli, ale nejsou reklamovány, což vede k plýtvání zdroji a značnému dopadu na životní prostředí. Strojové učení a prediktivní analýza AI pomohou výrobcům předvídat poptávku, zefektivnit dodávky a optimalizovat výrobní procesy. Prostřednictvím smysluplných poznatků o dodávkách a neobdržení zboží může AI informovat logistické společnosti o tom, jaké zboží mají odesílat - řešit tak ekologické problémy od samého zdroje.

  • Monitorování řidiče: Algoritmy umělé inteligence analyzují vzorce chování řidiče, jako je překračování rychlosti, prudké brzdění a volnoběh. Na základě toho může umělá inteligence poskytovat koučování a pobídky k úspornějšímu řízení.

  • Snížení spotřeby energie: Umělá inteligence může pomoci společnostem s vozovým parkem při řízení spotřeby energie v dodavatelských řetězcích. Může identifikovat neefektivní oblasti a poskytnout optimalizační strategie - včetně analýzy dat z chytrých měřičů, senzorů a dalších zařízení, aby určila, co spotřebovává příliš mnoho energie.

Převezme umělá inteligence vládu nad logistickým průmyslem?

Přestože využití umělé inteligence bude hrát v logistickém průmyslu určitou roli, není pravděpodobné, že by jej zcela ovládla. Algoritmy AI nemohou zohlednit spontánní události a výjimky - proto bude stále hrát zásadní roli zapojení člověka. Kariérní příležitosti v odvětví nákladní dopravy budou stále existovat, ale budou vypadat výrazně jinak.

Jak jinak může průmysl snížit emise uhlíku?

Odvětví může přijmout následující opatření:

  • Vozidla s nízkými emisemi: Elektrická a hybridní nákladní vozidla mohou snížit emise uhlíku. Obě jsou vhodná pro přepravu na krátké i dlouhé vzdálenosti.

  • Alternativní paliva: S blížící se nulovou bilancí do roku 2050 se energetická legislativa zaměřuje na čistší alternativy. Hydrogenovaný rostlinný olej (HVO) může okamžitě a výrazně snížit emise. Společnost Certas Energy HVO stojí za přechodem na čistší alternativu - pomáhá podnikům plnit jejich cíle v oblasti udržitelnosti a podnikat smysluplné kroky k jejich čisté nulové budoucnosti. HVO poskytuje následující výhody:

  • Okamžité snížení emisí skleníkových plynů až o 90 % v porovnání se standardní naftou, a to v průběhu celého životního cyklu výrobku.

  • Méně oxidů dusíku než u standardní nafty

  • Méně pevných částic než u standardní nafty

  • Snadno biologicky odbouratelné

  • Dlouhá skladovatelnost až 10 let

  • Prakticky bez FAME

  • Alternativní nafta - nejsou nutné žádné úpravy motoru ani infrastruktury.

  • Účinnost vozidla: Efektivitu mohou zvýšit úsporné motory, zkrácení doby volnoběhu a pravidelná údržba.

  • Chytré balení: Výrobci mohou při přepravě zboží používat biologicky rozložitelné a recyklované materiály, což snižuje množství odpadu a náklady. Lehčí obaly navíc zvýší efektivitu, což vede ke snížení emisí uhlíku.

  • Obnovitelná energie: Využívání obnovitelných zdrojů energie, jako je solární nebo větrná energie, v provozu může výrazně snížit emise uhlíku.

  • Snížení počtu objížděk: Účet SNAP umožňuje správcům vozových parků snížit počet objížděk - s více než 600 servisními partnery, kteří jsou zákazníkům účtu SNAP k dispozici, se na vaší trase určitě najde zastávka.

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středa 19 února 2025 • Novinky a aktualizace


Susie Jones

Founded in 1995, Batim International Transport provides transport and freight forwarding services across Europe. The company prides itself on excellent quality and a state-of-the-art fleet consisting of SCANIA and Mercedes vehicles. The company has its headquarters in Stary Sącz, Poland is no stranger to growth. In its early beginnings, Batim started with two tractor units and now has over 500. In this short time, the company acquired many accreditations and certificates including the 2014 Best Employer of the Year and Forbes Magazine recognition in 2015. By expanding the company's fleet and improving its services, the company is constantly striving for growth.Batim International joined SNAP in the early days and continues to use its SNAP Account to book parking spaces across Europe for its large fleet. We spoke to Operations Manager, Krzysztof, who talks about the company’s experience with SNAP. SNAP provides fleets with over 450 service partners across Europe where they can use our fleet payment solution. “We joined SNAP for the no cash transactions” explains Krzysztof. A benefit for many fleets as SNAP provides a payment solution to pay without cash or a card for truck services. This payment solution can be used on items such as truck washing, Dartford Crossing, and truck parking. The latter, Krzysztof states, has been particularly beneficial. “SNAP has benefited me by giving me the possibility of booking a parking lot, so I don’t have to worry about a place for the driver.” The ability to search for a truck stop service partner through SNAP has also been an advantage for Krzysztof. He explains that "the possibility to check and find all the detailed information on many truck stops in different countries, to be sure there is everything needed regarding particular cargo and facilities for the drivers" has been one of the most useful features for him. Additionally, SNAP has huge benefits for Batim’s drivers. Krzysztof's fleet of drivers can rest assured knowing they have a large network of truck parks and depot parking sites to choose from. Krzysztof says SNAP’s “large network of truck parks" has been invaluable. Many businesses across the continent have added to their earnings with our Depot Parking Scheme. The scheme allows fleets to offer their depot parking spaces to the network and make extra cash helping drivers avoid vulnerable laybys and industrial estates. Batim International is helping to alleviate the European parking shortage by joining this scheme with their depot in Belgium. The site offers 20 spaces for other drivers when their trucks are on the road. Driver well-being has been a hot topic of discussion within the trucking community. As a demanding profession, it’s easy to see how long hours, social isolation, and a sedentary lifestyle can affect mental health. Fleets have a responsibility to look after their drivers' well-being. However, truck stops can have a significant impact too. Depot parking sites and truck stops with basic facilities can significantly improve driver well-being. Something Krzysztof and the team think is vital for their fleet of over 800 drivers. When asked about what truck stops can do to assist with driver well-being, Krzysztof states “Predominantly drivers need a clean shower and toilet.” Seemingly a simple solution to many, however, the impact it can have on a driver’s experience is substantial. Providing fleets and drivers with the support they need to run efficiently and effectively is something we pride ourselves on at SNAP. Our experienced Customer Service & Account Management team assist fleets and drivers with any queries. Something Krzysztof and the team have found useful. “We have contacted SNAP’s customer service team – via email as well as on the phone. We’ve always been met with an individual approach regarding a single case, an understanding, and goodwill from the employees of SNAP to help as much as possible” Krzysztof explains. Our fleet payment solution is used every 13 seconds across the continent to pay for truck services. Visit to join over 7,000 fleets using SNAP Account as their all-in-one fleet payment solution.

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středa 05 února 2025 • Novinky a aktualizace


Susie Jones

Currently, female HGV drivers in the UK make up just of all drivers a figure that has increased by over the last decade as more initiatives are introduced to promote diversity and close the driver shortage gap.A article describes the many ways the industry could attract more women into the industry: • Cultivating a supportive and welcoming work environment.• Upgrading infrastructure and amenities.• Flexible and family-friendly work arrangements.• Building clear pathways for career growth.Despite this, drivers on argued that these long-standing challenges in the industry must be addressed for everyone before new initiatives are brought in to close the driver shortage. The driver shortage has been a persistent issue for the transportation industry, but after COVID-19 and Brexit, it reached critical levels. In 2024, Europe, Norway, and the UK were missing over truck drivers a number set to exceed 745,000 by 2028 due to an aging workforce. The industry is still grappling with the consequences and is working towards implementing new initiatives to promote diversity, improve working conditions, and close the workforce gap. The Government has implemented roughly actions to deal with the shortage of HGV drivers in the UK. Including, but not limited to:• Increasing efficiency in existing supply chains.• Providing support and training for new HGV drivers.• Expanding HGV driver testing capacity.• Improving licencing processes.• Improving conditions.• Ensuring the stability of the fuel supply chain.49% of drivers on social media argued that changes must be implemented regardless of gender with 27% of female HGV drivers agreeing the sector must evolve for everyone. 24% stated the job was no longer appealing, highlighting the need for change in the industry. So, what do drivers want to see changed?55% wanted to see facilities improved for everyone:"There needs to be better facilities and better treatment full stop. The whole industry is a shambles, and we are mistreated.""The amenities are awful for all drivers, men and women."In November 2024, a found that two-thirds of drivers were dissatisfied with truckstop facilities with dirty amenities, poor food options, and a lack of social space causing significant issues. The Government and the haulage industry have taken significant measures by investing £14 million to drive innovation and improve working conditions.In October 2024, 23 successful applicants were awarded up to £4.5 million to enhance their truckstops. The upgrades will include new showers, restaurants, and enhanced security features to give drivers greater peace of mind. In addition, the scheme will create around 430 parking spaces for heavy goods vehicles. Better pay came second on the list, with 14% of drivers arguing that increased wages would encourage more into the industry:"Make it attractive to everyone, increase wages."Increasing wages will come at a significant cost for industry leaders. If the average truck driver's salary increased in line with the National Living Wage, fleet operators could face an additional £1.5 billion a year. Despite this, investment will improve retention rates, reduce recruitment expenses, and lower training costs. Offering higher salaries would not only make the profession more attractive to new entrants but would also recognise the critical role drivers play in maintaining the supply chain. Over the years, public opinions toward truck drivers have evolved significantly. The life of a trucker has often been romanticised in films and popular media leading many to believe they have it easy. However, it also presented them as hardworking heroes, an image that has deteriorated over time.Towards the end of the 20th century, perceptions shifted as working conditions got tough and truck drivers were given unfair stereotypes often due to media misrepresentation and sometimes to a few inexperienced drivers. These negative stereotypes were alleviated during the COVID-19 pandemic when public appreciation for truck drivers grew.Today, there is respect for truckers however, the industry remains plagued with negative stereotypes and attitudes. Something of which 6% of drivers wanted to see change:"Thinking back to Covid, we were deemed heroes, but afterward, it returned to normal. It's no wonder current drivers, men and women, want to leave the industry. They are sick of the rubbish treatment they face daily.""It would be nice not to be treated like you're scum."In recent years, the rise of social media has started to challenge and change negative perceptions. Many drivers are taking to platforms like TikTok and Instagram to share insights into their role, dispel misconceptions, and earn respect from those outside the industry. Feedback shows the urgent need for the haulage industry to implement changes to attract and retain existing and new drivers. The underrepresentation of women remains a significant challenge, and investing in facilities to cater to their needs is crucial. However, this investment must be inclusive and benefit the entire workforce. Countries in Europe have been hit the hardest, with many trucking companies unable to expand their business because they can't find skilled workers. Europe has an ageing truck driver population, with an . One-third of truckers are over 55 and expected to retire in the next ten years. Additionally, less than 5% of truck drivers in Europe are below the age of 25 highlighting the gap that will be left once an ageing workforce has retired. takes place on the 22nd of January and was Established by NN1 Personnel. The day aims to celebrate truck drivers and all they do for the economy and society. From our blog, , we expect the following to be prominent in the trucking industry this year:• Embracing the advantages of AI.• Tackling the gender gap and driver shortage.• Promoting a greener industry.• Increasing long-distance freight.

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středa 22 ledna 2025 • Novinky a aktualizace



The trucking industry is undergoing a technological revolution – and here at SNAP, we consistently push the boundaries of innovation to enhance safety, efficiency, and convenience for drivers and fleet operators across Europe, setting new standards in the process.Central to our offerings? Our comprehensive digital marketplace – a one-stop platform that's redefining the management of operations. Read on to learn how…There are two main elements to this.Having become an indispensable tool for drivers navigating Europe's vast road network, is so much more than just a mobile app that helps them find their way; it’s a dynamic resource that puts the power of information directly into their hands. What’s more, it allows them to pre-book parking spaces along their routes. As for our web-based platform, the innovative tool enables fleet managers to book parking spaces for drivers in advance, significantly enhancing route planning efficiency. By providing this level of foresight and control, we’re able to help , reduce downtime, and improve overall logistics management.Our commitment to improving the trucking experience is evident in our rapidly growing network of services across Europe. Many of these sites have enhanced security features – addressing the critical need for safe rest areas for drivers and their valuable cargo.On top of this, our network extends beyond parking – we’ve integrated European , demonstrating our holistic approach to meeting drivers' needs on the road. Plus, through our partner company, Certas Energy, we can offer SNAP Fuel – this gives truckers access to discounted refuelling at their stations, adding another layer of convenience and cost efficiency.We’ve also revolutionised via our digital payment system. Effectively eliminating the need for cash transactions in the industry, it’s no wonder it’s used every 13 seconds across Europe. What’s more, it’s resulted in enhanced security for drivers and streamlined expense management for fleet operators.There are features that automate booking and transaction processes too. These significantly simplify administrative tasks for both truckers and fleet managers, which not only saves time but also reduces the potential for human error – leading to more efficient and accurate operations.Recognising the critical importance of safety in the industry, we have a dedicated . This offers tailored products designed to protect haulage sites, vehicles, and cargo. In an era where , our proactive approach to security is key to tackling the sector's most pressing challenges.We’ll continue to innovate and expand our technological offerings, ensuring we remain agile by updating and improving our services to meet the evolving needs of the industry. Additionally, as our network grows across different countries, we’ll make sure to navigate varied regulatory landscapes and infrastructure differences – just as we did with our into Austria, Bulgaria, Czechia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, and Romania.By addressing pain points in the sector through technology, we’ll also enhance existing processes and reshape the future of logistics – further solidifying our position as a leader in tech trucking.Want to learn more about SNAP and what we do? Get in touch on +44 (0)1603 777242.