Susie Jones
Novinky a aktualizace • 3 min čtení

Síla hudby v nákladní dopravě

Vytvořeno: 28.08.2024

Aktualizováno: 28.08.2024

Pro řidiče kamionů, kteří nekonečně dlouho cestují napříč Spojeným královstvím a Evropou, je hudba víc než jen hluk v pozadí - je to společník, který zmírňuje nudu a udržuje je ve střehu, zapojuje je a soustředí na cestu před nimi. Hudba může zlepšit pohodu řidiče a zvýšit bezpečnost na cestách.

Proč je hudba důležitá pro řidiče kamionů

Život řidiče kamionu, který je mnoho hodin na cestách a dny strávené mimo rodinu a přátele, může být někdy osamělý. Hudba může změnit cestu tím, že pozvedne náladu a udrží řidiče soustředěného na cestu. Může také zajistit klid a pohodu během prostojů řidiče.

Hudba a bezpečnost řidiče

Hudba nejenže zabraňuje nudě na silnici, ale může také ovlivnit bezpečnost silničního provozu. Studie ukázala](,lead%20to%20faster%2C%20riskier%20driving), že hlasitá hudba (nad 95 decibelů) může snížit reakční dobu až o 20 %. Studie také prokázala, že hudba o síle 55 decibelů zlepšuje výkon při řízení - stejní řidiči dosahovali lepších výsledků než řidiči bez hudby.

Hudba může také změnit vaši náladu ve stresových situacích - jemný rock a jazz mohou zlepšit soustředění a koncentraci řidiče. Ti, kteří mají rádi rychlejší hudbu, by se měli mít na pozoru. Testy prokázaly, že hudba s vyšším počtem úderů za minutu spíše způsobí, že pojedete rychle a podceníte svou rychlost. V některých případech měla rychlejší hudba za následek kličkování, nerespektování červených světel a zvýšenou míru kolizí.

Výzkum provedený společností Autotrader ukázal, že nejlepší písně pro řidiče nákladních automobilů pocházejí od popových umělců, protože zlepšují koncentraci - studie byla vyhodnocena na základě série testů vnímání nebezpečí při poslechu playlistů od 20 různých umělců. Na prvním místě se umístil Drake se skóre 59,5/75, na druhém Ariana Grande a Eminem se skóre 58,5/75.

Vliv na fyzické a duševní zdraví

Nadace JED zjistila, že hudba je z různých důvodů prospěšná pro duševní zdraví:

  • Rozptýlení - Hudba vás může odvést od starostí a sloužit jako místo úniku.

  • Hladina stresu - některé druhy hudby mohou snižovat hladinu kortizolu, což vede ke snížení stresu. Při poslechu hudby, která vás baví, se také uvolňují endorfiny, které vám dodávají pocit pohody.

  • Aktivuje mozek - průzkum provedený AARP ukázal, že u těch, kteří pravidelně poslouchají hudbu, se snížila úroveň úzkosti a deprese. Navíc 69 % těch, kteří často navštěvovali hudební vystoupení, hodnotilo zdraví svého mozku jako výborné nebo velmi dobré.

  • Zlepšení nálady - oblíbená píseň může někomu okamžitě zlepšit náladu.

Hudba má vliv nejen na duševní zdraví, ale také na fyzické zdraví řidiče. Studie]( provedená několika univerzitami v Brazílii, Velké Británii a Itálii naznačila, že poslech hudby ovlivňuje kardiovaskulární stres. Studie zjistila snížení srdeční zátěže při poslechu hudby během řízení.

Konečný seznam skladeb pro nákladní dopravu

The Ultimate Trucking Playlist byl vytvořen pro řidiče, pro řidiče. Každý týden žádáme naši komunitu řidičů kamionů, aby hlasovali o tom, které skladby by chtěli poslouchat na cestách. Zajistěte, aby se vaše oblíbená skladba dostala do seznamu, a to tak, že zamíříte na naši stránku Facebook.

Sledují řidiči kamionů televizi?

Hodiny strávené za volantem tráví mnoho řidičů sledováním televizních pořadů a filmů. Díky streamovacím službám je pro řidiče přístup k nejnovějším titulům snazší než kdykoli předtím. Mnoho nákladních vozidel je navíc vybaveno možností montáže satelitu - řidiči tak mohou sledovat živé televizní vysílání z pohodlí své kabiny.

Poslouchají řidiči kamionů audioknihy?

Hudba hraje při jízdě řidiče kamionu důležitou roli, ale není to jediná věc, která zažene nudu při dlouhých jízdách. Po rozhovoru se skupinou řidičů kamionů o jejich poslechových preferencích Road Pro zjistili, že na druhém místě se umístily audioknihy a na třetím tradiční rádio.

Používání audioknih za volantem se stalo terčem kritiky a mnozí se domnívají, že rozptylují pozornost. Ačkoli je hudbu snazší vyladit, neznamená to, že audioknihy nejsou bezpečné. Studie zjistily, že mnoho řidičů poslech audioknihy neomezuje - to se týkalo pouze "nudných" kurzů. Na zrádnějším terénu měli řidiči problém rychle reagovat.

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pátek 08 listopadu 2024 • Novinky a aktualizace


Miranda Blake

Understanding the intricacies of the Dart Charge system is essential to ensure a seamless and cost-effective experience when using the Dartford Crossing. Familiarising yourself with the payment options, account management, and potential pitfalls can save you from unnecessary fines and headaches. The Dartford Crossing, a vital aspect for commercial traffic, is managed by a sophisticated electronic payment system known as the Dart Charge. This innovative system was introduced to enhance the efficiency of toll collection, eliminating the need for traditional toll booths and enabling drivers to pre-pay or pay online by the end of the day.Wondering what exactly the Dart Charge is? It refers to the payment method used for the Dartford Crossing. The system was implemented to improve traffic flow and provide a more convenient payment experience for users.Drivers have three primary options when it comes to paying the Dart Charge:1. Customers can set up a pre-pay account, which offers automated billing and a discounted crossing rate. Such a hassle-free approach ensures that payments are made seamlessly, with the account being automatically debited for each crossing. For those who don't have a pre-pay account, the option to pay online, by phone, or at Payzone retail outlets is available. Payments can be made in advance or by midnight the following day. The Dartford Crossing is free to use between the hours of 10:00 pm and 6:00 am, providing a cost-effective option for nighttime journeys.Curious as to what the Dart Charge rates are? These vary depending on the vehicle class and whether the customer has a pre-pay account or is making a one-off payment. Here’s a breakdown of the current charges:You can also .Maintaining your Dart Charge account is crucial for avoiding fines and streamlining your crossings. Let’s explore the key aspects of account management.Establishing a Dart Charge account is a straightforward process. Customers can visit the , click "Start now," and select the "Sign in or set up a Dart Charge account" option. Alternatively, they can open a pre-pay account by downloading and submitting an application form.Accessing your Dart Charge account requires the email address registered on the account. If you've forgotten your password, the link on the sign-in page will guide you through the process of creating a new one.Changing your name, address, or the vehicle registration numbers associated with your account can be done by logging into your Dart Charge account, navigating to the "Account management" and "Profile" or "Vehicle management" sections, and making the necessary updates.Customers can review their crossing history and account statements by logging into their Dart Charge account. This feature allows you to track your usage and ensure that all payments have been properly recorded.If your Dart Charge account becomes inactive due to a lack of vehicle registration, valid payment method, or recent crossings, you can reactivate it by addressing the underlying issue. Similarly, a suspended account can be unsuspended by topping up the balance or making payments for any outstanding crossings.When it’s time to close your Dart Charge account, you can do so by logging in, navigating to the "Account management" section, and selecting the "Close account" option. Any remaining balance will be refunded using the same payment method.SNAP Account offers a convenient solution, providing several benefits for drivers and .The system automatically handles the payment for each crossing, eliminating the need to remember to pay or deal with Dart Charge directly.You’ll never receive a charge for late payment. This helps avoid potential fines or penalties associated with missed or late payments, providing peace of mind.We simplify your financial management by including the Dartford Crossing transactions on the same invoice as your other SNAP Account activities. Such consolidation makes it easier to track and manage your expenses.By automating the payment process, we save drivers valuable time. There’s no need to stop and make individual payments or remember to pay by midnight the following day, as is required when paying directly through the government's Dart Charge system.Our Dartford Crossing service is part of a broader ecosystem of road transport services. This integration allows users to manage multiple aspects of their journey, including parking, washing, and fueling, through a single platform.For businesses managing multiple vehicles, we provide an efficient way to control and monitor the Dartford Crossing expenses. The consolidated billing and automated payment system helps streamline accounting processes and reduce the administrative burden associated with managing individual crossings. By leveraging SNAP Account for the Dartford Crossing payments, drivers and fleet operators can enjoy a more efficient, reliable, and stress-free experience when using this crucial transport link.Want to learn more about how to save money on the road? Check out our article on along with our .

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pátek 01 listopadu 2024 • Novinky a aktualizace


Miranda Blake

Situated just 60 minutes from Calais is TWV Park, a haven for truckers looking for a restful night’s sleep. With an impressive 4.7-star rating on Google, TWV has been described by its customers as an oasis and a great place to park. The site offers a range of services including, showers, free Wi-Fi, and 24/7 video surveillance. Emilie, from TWV Park, tells us a bit more. "We offer our customers all the comforts for drivers to rest peacefully. Bicycles are available to rent, and we host entertainment such as football match broadcasts, competitions, and music concerts. Nearby is a shopping centre, and a water sports centre for extra activities outside of TWV." Providing drivers with a wide range of facilities and entertainment is not the only thing the truck park does incredibly well. The safety and security of TWV is something the team has made great progress on throughout the years. "TWV is a secure car park with ESPORG Gold certification. The site has 24/7 security guards, fences, and 80 on-site cameras. All of which are monitored." Emilie explains. Back in June 2023, the site announced its Secure Truck Park project – a project supported by the European Co-Funding programme. This has enabled TWV Park to take further security measures to ensure truck drivers and their cargo safe. Truck stops play a pivotal role in providing a space for truck drivers who have spent long hours on the road something Emilie and the team are conscious of, when making decisions about the truck park. "To improve well-being, truck drivers need safety and comfort from a truck park," states Emilie. TWV does this particularly well when you look at the amount of choice and variety for drivers at the site. Emilie explains the truck park offers "kitchens with all the appliances, food trucks, and brasserie-style on-site meals." She states that other comforts, such as "sanitary facilities, phone charging access, and air-conditioning," are also available. TWV was one of the stops on our Truckpark Tour in 2023 a ten-stop tour throughout the UK and Europe to give back to the tireless truck-driving community. Emilie explained why they wanted to be a part of it. "When SNAP came to us about the tour, we thought it was a great idea to offer the drivers an extra activity in the park." The teams at SNAP and TWV were kept busy throughout the day, handing out free merchandise and having crucial conversations with drivers. "The event went really well, and the drivers were happy to see SNAP and the team at TWV. The drivers enjoyed the entertainment and goodies on offer and appreciated getting to have a chat," states Emilie. By joining SNAP, you'll put your location in front of 190,000 drivers and over 9,000 fleets. For truck stops like TWV, who are constantly striving to grow their business, SNAP provides the opportunity to do so. "We had no hesitations about joining SNAP and found the setup process easy. Since joining, we have had good communication with the SNAP team," says Emilie. To improve your profitability and optimise your site operations, head to .

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pátek 25 října 2024 • Novinky a aktualizace


Miranda Blake

As a lorry driver in the UK, it’s crucial to have a firm grasp of the complex regulations surrounding driver working hours and rest periods. The Drivers’ Working Time Directive (WTD), also known as the Road Transport Directive, is a set of rules that governs the maximum hours a driver can work, the mandatory breaks they must take, and the required rest periods they must observe. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in hefty fines and even the immobilisation of your vehicle.The Drivers’ Working Time Directive is a European Union legislation that aims to ensure the safety of all road users by preventing fatigue-related accidents. apply to those driving vehicles weighing more than 3.5 tonnes, regardless of whether the individual operates within the UK or across the EU.Under the WTD, truck drivers in the UK are subject to a daily driving cap of 9 hours, which can be increased to 10 hours a maximum of twice per week. After 4.5 hours of continuous or intermittent driving, drivers must take a break of at least 45 minutes. Alternatively, they can opt for a split break, where the first is at least 15 minutes, followed by a second of at least 30 minutes.There’s a weekly driving limit for UK lorry drivers, which is 56 hours, while the fortnightly cap is 90 hours. This means that if a driver clocks 56 hours in 1 week, they can only work for 34 hours the following week to ensure they do not go over the 90-hour fortnightly limit.In addition to the driving time restrictions, the WTD also imposes limits on the total number of hours a driver can work per week. Average weekly working time, including both driving and non-driving tasks, must not surpass 48 hours, calculated over a 17-week or 26-week reference period. Maximum working time in a single week is 60 hours, provided the 48-hour average is not exceeded.The WTD requires to take a daily rest period of at least 11 consecutive hours, which can be split into 2 periods with the first being at least 3 hours long. Drivers can also opt for a reduced daily rest period of nine hours, but this can only be done up to three times per week. Additionally, a weekly rest period of at least 45 hours is mandatory, although this can be lowered to 24 hours once in a 2-week period.While the WTD applies to the majority of UK lorry drivers, there are certain exceptions that may apply in specific circumstances. For example, those who do not drive more than 10 times within a 26-week period or 15 times within a timeframe exceeding 26 weeks may not be required to monitor their working time directive.Failing to adhere to the WTD can have serious consequences for both drivers and . Drivers caught in breach of the regulations can face fines of up to £1,500, and if they break the rules more than 5 times in 28 days, they may be taken to court and have their vehicle immobilised.For fleet operators, the onus is on maintaining compliance throughout the entire fleet. Neglecting to implement sufficient measures to monitor and enforce the WTD can result in the DVSA issuing a notice to improve, and in extreme cases, a requirement to cease operations until the issues are resolved.To effectively manage driver working hours and ensure compliance with the WTD, fleet operators should consider investing in tachograph-integrated fleet management solutions. These purpose-built technologies allow for efficient monitoring of driver behaviour and automatic logging of driving and working time data, making it virtually impossible for non-compliance to go unnoticed.By partnering with a trusted provider like , fleet operators can leverage cutting-edge fleet management tools and gain access to a comprehensive network of service partners, making sure that their drivers have the support they need to stay compliant and safe on the road.There’s also the in the UK to consider. It’s proving to be a big problem within the industry. The industry has seen a drop in HGV drivers – the pandemic delayed 30,000 tests for new drivers, and Brexit hit fleet companies hard – with many European truck drivers leaving the UK. A 2023 report from SNAP suggests the sector could reach a 'tipping point' in the next 10-15 years. It may prove that the Drivers’ Working Time Directive is just what the industry needs to make the profession desirable again and provide better balance for drivers. Learn more about what can be done to tackle the driver shortage by .