Miranda Blake
Case study: TWV Park
Created: 01/11/2024
Updated: 01/11/2024
Situated just 60 minutes from Calais is TWV Park, a haven for truckers looking for a restful night’s sleep. With an impressive 4.7-star rating on Google, TWV has been described by its customers as an oasis and a great place to park. The site offers a range of services including, showers, free Wi-Fi, and 24/7 video surveillance. Emilie, from TWV Park, tells us a bit more.
"We offer our customers all the comforts for drivers to rest peacefully. Bicycles are available to rent, and we host entertainment such as football match broadcasts, competitions, and music concerts. Nearby is a shopping centre, and a water sports centre for extra activities outside of TWV."
Safety and Security
Providing drivers with a wide range of facilities and entertainment is not the only thing the truck park does incredibly well. The safety and security of TWV is something the team has made great progress on throughout the years.
"TWV is a secure car park with ESPORG Gold certification. The site has 24/7 security guards, fences, and 80 on-site cameras. All of which are monitored." Emilie explains.
Back in June 2023, the site announced its Secure Truck Park project – a project supported by the European Co-Funding programme. This has enabled TWV Park to take further security measures to ensure truck drivers and their cargo safe.
Driver well-being
Truck stops play a pivotal role in providing a space for truck drivers who have spent long hours on the road - something Emilie and the team are conscious of, when making decisions about the truck park.
"To improve well-being, truck drivers need safety and comfort from a truck park," states Emilie.
TWV does this particularly well when you look at the amount of choice and variety for drivers at the site. Emilie explains the truck park offers "kitchens with all the appliances, food trucks, and brasserie-style on-site meals." She states that other comforts, such as "sanitary facilities, phone charging access, and air-conditioning," are also available.
SNAP Truckpark Tour 2023
TWV was one of the stops on our Truckpark Tour in 2023 - a ten-stop tour throughout the UK and Europe to give back to the tireless truck-driving community. Emilie explained why they wanted to be a part of it.
"When SNAP came to us about the tour, we thought it was a great idea to offer the drivers an extra activity in the park."
The teams at SNAP and TWV were kept busy throughout the day, handing out free merchandise and having crucial conversations with drivers.
"The event went really well, and the drivers were happy to see SNAP and the team at TWV. The drivers enjoyed the entertainment and goodies on offer and appreciated getting to have a chat," states Emilie.
Joining SNAP as a service partner
By joining SNAP, you'll put your location in front of 190,000 drivers and over 9,000 fleets. For truck stops like TWV, who are constantly striving to grow their business, SNAP provides the opportunity to do so.
"We had no hesitations about joining SNAP and found the setup process easy. Since joining, we have had good communication with the SNAP team," says Emilie.
Sign up to SNAP
To improve your profitability and optimise your site operations, head to snapacc.com/truck-parks.