Josh Cousens
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SNAP se consolidează prin achiziționarea tehnologiei OTRA și a rețelei de parcări pentru camioane

Creat: 04.09.2024

Actualizat: 04.09.2024

SNAP și-a extins rețeaua europeană prin achiziționarea platformelor tehnologice, a infrastructurii IT și a unei părți considerabile din rețeaua de parcări pentru camioane OTRA din 17 țări.

Prin integrarea tehnologiei existente a SNAP cu soluțiile OTRA, piața digitală a SNAP va include peste 120 de opțiuni suplimentare de parcare pentru camioane și o funcționalitate îmbunătățită a serviciilor.

Șoferii pot rezerva spații folosind aplicația intruck la mai mulți parteneri de servicii, flotele vor avea mai multe oportunități avansate de servicii de pe portalul lor, iar operatorii de parcări pentru camioane vor avea un bazin mai larg de șoferi pentru a-și maximiza afacerea - cu peste 10 000 de șoferi noi care folosesc plățile prin contul SNAP.

"Achiziționarea rețelei extinse de opțiuni de parcare pentru camioane și a infrastructurii IT sofisticate a OTRA reprezintă o rampă de lansare pentru SNAP în vederea oferirii celei mai bune soluții din industrie clienților noștri.

"Recunoaștem că trebuie să ne extindem amprenta europeană pentru a le oferi clienților noștri o călătorie conectată și o rețea lider în industrie pe continent.

"După ce am evaluat capacitățile tehnologiei inteligente OTRA alături de calea noastră existentă, am constatat că ne potrivim foarte bine, iar integrarea acestor sisteme va contribui la crearea unei platforme tehnologice de vârf pe piață.

"Am lucrat din greu cu fondatorii OTRA pentru a-i înțelege pe ei și afacerea lor și sunt încântat să închei o afacere care va permite continuarea creșterii. De asemenea, aș dori să-mi exprim profunda apreciere pentru munca depusă de OTRA pentru a crea o afacere tehnologică foarte dezvoltată."

Matthew Bellamy, director general - SNAP

Clienții existenți ai OTRA își vor putea continua activitatea ca de obicei prin utilizarea rețelei SNAP și nu vor suferi nicio perturbare a operațiunilor lor.

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joi 28 noiembrie 2024 • Anunțuri


Miranda Blake

With our recent acquisition of OTRA, we’re pleased to say that as well as our network expanding by over 120 new European sites, we’ll be entering seven brand-new territories: Austria, Bulgaria, Czechia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, and Romania. All our new truck options are bookable via the SNAP Portal. Find your new sites across Europe today at countries are ideal for both fleet managers and drivers alike. Why? Let’s explore… This location boasts an impressive road density, having . As it’s central, it’s ideal for trans-European crossings with . Plus, Austria is a world leader in telemetry and innovates in areas including sustainable transport. The country is also aiming to build strong international partnerships to standardise technical and legal boundary conditions, so it’s clearly a thriving part of the industry. Logistics currently sits at , and further growth is on the horizon. Transport via road is the most popular option. There are more than 16,000 businesses, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.2% over the last 5 years. Bulgaria also has a Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP), with their efforts to facilitate more efficient movement of freight a core part of this. Strategically located in Central Europe, Czechia is in the perfect position to act as the hub between Eastern and Western Europe. Its . This includes the D35 PPP motorway project, which will build 35 kilometres of additional motorway. What’s more, it’s , with an average annual growth rate of 1.8%. In Greece, it’s expected that the logistics industry will get to . Currently, the . There are over 31,000 businesses, and this has risen at a CAGR of 13.6% between 2019 and 2024. The country has a particular strength in shipping – it’s the biggest ship-owning nation, possessing . As a result, it holds the largest merchant fleet globally, meaning Greece will be making waves (figuratively and literally) going forward – both on water and the road. in this territory. Its , but there’s . And there are almost 25,000 businesses – this has developed at a CAGR of 9.2% since 2019. With such high numbers, it’s no wonder Hungary is showing itself to be a prosperous part of the sector. .), this territory’s logistics market growth isn’t going anywhere either – it’s predicted it’ll exceed €128 billion by 2030, with a CAGR of 3.71%. Although it’s previously experienced a lack of development, it’s bounced back through a focus on exports. As it’s situated at the centre of Europe and has a strong network, specifically in the Northern and Central parts of Italy, it’s seeing significant investment. In fact, it received . The final country we’re opening a new corridor into is Romania, and while it’s experienced quieter growth in the sector, it’s a vital part of the network. A substantial number of investors are predicting that it’ll act as a logistics hub to rebuilding Ukraine. There are and it has – so it’s evident that we can expect great things. SNAP is available in all these new territories now. So, whether you’re a fleet operator needing a better method to manage fleets or a driver seeking an easier way to pay, turn to us. Get in touch by calling +44 (0)1603 777242. Want to see SNAP in a location we’ve not yet expanded to? Let us know!