Miranda Blake
Industrijske novice • 2 min branja

Dan voznikov tovornih vozil 2025: Dajanje glasu voznikom tovornjakov

Ustvarjeno: 22. 01. 2025

Posodobljeno: 22. 01. 2025

  1. januarja 2025 je dan voznikov tovornih vozil. Ta dan, ki ga je ustanovila družba NN1 Personnel (zaposlovalci in dobavitelji voznikov tovornjakov v logistični industriji), je namenjen praznovanju voznikov in vsega, kar počnejo za gospodarstvo in družbo.

Brez voznikov tovornjakov, ki se pri svojem delu pogosto soočajo z različnimi težavami (med drugim so oddaljeni od svojih družin in doma, imajo dolge delovne ure in potujejo v ekstremnih vremenskih razmerah), bi ostali brez potrebnih izdelkov in udobja. V zadnjih nekaj letih in tudi prej so bili resnično junaki - pandemija je bila le en primer tega.

Kako boste zaznamovali ta dan, je odvisno od vas. NN1 Osebje priporoča prijazna dejanja, na primer tako, da voznikom ponudite topel napitek ali z njimi poklepetate.

V podjetju SNAP si vedno prizadevamo, da bi tovornjakarji dobili besedo. In prav to počnemo ob dnevu voznikov tovornih vozil. Po nedavni objavi na naši strani na Facebooku, v kateri smo se spraševali o pomanjkanju voznikov in o tem, kako mladim zagotoviti navdušenje za delo v panogi, izpostavljamo nekaj komentarjev voznikov tovornjakov, ki prikazujejo njihove resnične izkušnje - od izzivov, s katerimi se soočajo, do tega, kaj imajo radi pri svojem delu.

Ravnovesje med delom in zasebnim življenjem

Vozniki največ govorijo o tem, kako vloga vpliva na njihovo zasebno življenje, na primer, da ne morejo biti ob pomembnih življenjskih trenutkih, da morajo spati v kabini in da denar ni vreden žrtvovanja, ki ga opravljajo.

"Vožnja tovornjaka je bila vedno slabo plačana, dolge ure in malo ali nič družabnega življenja. Današnji mladi ne bodo prenašali neumnih ur, saj ima večina ljudi življenje zunaj službe. "

"Ne priporočam ga, razen če ga imate v krvi. Ne gre za običajno službo, ampak za način življenja. Razumeti moraš, v kaj se spuščaš. Nimaš rednih časov začetka in konca dela kot v tovarni. Vse je odvisno od narave dela. Od tebe se pričakuje, da boš delal 15-urne izmene in noči v kabini, saj to zahteva delo - in da boš ob tem izgubil domače življenje. "

"70 ur na teden v povprečju za 50 tisoč funtov na leto preprosto ni več vredno. Minimalna plača hitro dohiteva povprečno plačo voznika tovornjaka, zato bom za podoben denar delal nadure v tovarni in bom lahko vsak večer videl ženo. "

"60/65 ur na teden, 3/4 večera, nobenega družabnega življenja - za denar, ki ga zaslužiš, bi lahko tudi zlagali police v Aldiju in imeli življenje. Novi vozniki, ki prihajajo na vozniški poklic, ne želijo toliko ur ali noči za drobiž, ki ga zaslužijo, dejstvo. Ko bodo podjetja začela voznikom plačevati več, bodo začela pridobivati voznike. "

"Koliko tistih, ki so začeli hkrati z mano, je nadaljevalo z delom v tej panogi? Koliko žena se je naveličalo, da ne vidijo svojih mož? Koliko voznikov se je naveličalo, da ne vidijo svojih žena in otrok? "

"Zakaj bi mladi vozniki vstopili v panogo? Dolge ure, slabo plačilo - če se izobrazijo za kaj drugega, lahko zaslužijo več in imajo bolj družabno življenje. Zame je zdaj žal prepozno. "

Statistični podatki potrjujejo povratne informacije. Ugotovljeno je bilo na primer, da vozniki tovornjakov vsak teden v povprečju delajo 48 ur - v primerjavi s 37,5 ure za vse zaposlene je to za 28 % več. In zato ni presenetljivo le tretjina voznikov je menila, da njihovi delodajalci podpirajo ravnovesje med poklicnim in zasebnim življenjem. Prav tako ni presenetljivo, da jih je tako veliko zapustilo sektor, vključno s 67,21 % mlajših od 30 let, ki so v enem letu po pandemiji obesili na klin svoje vozniško opremo.

Življenje po prevozu

Nekateri, ki so komentirali, so se iz industrije preselili v druge vloge, ki jih bolj veselijo.

*"V tovarni, kjer obdelujejo dele, so plačani bolje... in vem, kdaj grem in kdaj grem domov, tako da je to brez težav." *

"Moje vozniško dovoljenje in CPC le ležita v denarnici. Zdaj učim ljudi voziti avtomobile. "

"Niti malo ga ne pogrešam. Licenca še vedno velja. Pustite CPC. Dovolj ga imam. "

"Dolga leta sem delal v prvem razredu in se ne bi vrnil vanj, ker lahko v tovarni zaslužim enako in imam družinsko življenje. Preprosto ni več vredno!"

"Vrnil sem se k vožnji z avtobusi, saj je tam, kjer živim, plačilo na uro višje. Po 15 letih vožnje težkih tovornih vozil naravnost obožujem osemurne izmene. Ne zavedaš se, kaj zamujaš s kakovostnim časom brez dela, dokler tega ne izkusiš znova. "

Po družinskih stopinjah

Drugi pa so razmišljali o lepih spominih na vožnjo s tovornjaki z očetom v otroštvu, o vrednosti te vožnje in o tem, kako jih je ta izkušnja pripeljala do tega, da so se po končanem izobraževanju tudi sami pridružili temu sektorju.

"Mislim, da industrija v veliki meri ne razmišlja o tem, kako so bili 21-letniki vzgojeni. Včasih so se vozili s svojimi očeti v tovornjakih. Fantje v tovornjaku so razvijali prav toliko možganskih spretnosti, vendar so gledali na številke na cesti. "

"Ko so ukinili možnost, da bi se otroci med počitnicami vozili z očetom v vagonu, je to mlade nehalo zanimati. Priznajmo si: ni ravno finančne spodbude za včlanitev, kajne? "

"Niti ene šolske počitnice nisem preživel brez vožnje z očetom v tovornjaku. "

"Preden so zapustili šolo, so to delo poznali do potankosti. "

"Z očetom je bilo super iti v Belgijo. United Carriers za agencijo Protem Ltd iz Kenta. Nato sem začel delati za Marley Extrusions. Potem in še zdaj sem pomočnik voznika, ker nimam vozniškega dovoljenja - želel bi si ga imeti, vendar moj vid ni dober, zato delam naslednjo najboljšo stvar kot pomočnik voznika. Rad sem v svojih tovornjakih. "

strast do dela

Podobno se mnogi niso strinjali, da tovornjakarstvo ni idealen poklic - bodisi zaradi denarja bodisi zaradi ljubezni do vožnje tovornjaka.

"Delam tri noči na teden za osnovno plačilo 45 tisoč funtov na leto. Pokažite mi drugo delo, ki bi ga lahko dobil z dvotedenskim usposabljanjem in bi bilo tako plačano!"

"Že skoraj 49 let delam na tankerjih, pri 74 letih še vedno delam ob koncih tedna in eno noč na teden, in lahko vam zagotovim, da v industriji primanjkuje dobrih ljudi. Veliko dobrih ljudi je umrlo pred svojim časom. Vsekakor bi vse to ponovil, če bi lahko. "

"To je poklic, ki ti je ali všeč ali ne. Jaz sem ga z veseljem opravljal več let in sem bil odsoten 4-6 tednov naenkrat. Veliko je odvisno od tega, kateremu podjetju se pridružite. Jaz sem bil pri svojem 32 let. "

"Pri 19 letih sem opravil vozniški izpit. Že skoraj tri leta sem na potepih - obožujem ga. "

"50 % voznikov ni želelo biti odsotnih in nihče ni želel biti odsoten ob koncih tedna. Bolj ali manj so mi vsi rekli: "Zamudil si najboljša leta, sin, poišči si drugo službo". Resnica je bila, da denar ni bil slab, če si delal ure, in če si bil tam zaradi denarja, si lahko dobro živel. Če si želel lagodno življenje v najboljših tovornjakih, veliko počitka in skrb za podjetje, si bil na napačnem delovnem mestu. "

"Vedno sem vsak teden opravil več kot 60 ur in imel pri tem dobro in udobno življenje, predvsem pa ob sebi zelo dobro, razumevajočo in močno žensko. In ja, vse to bi ponovil. "

Priznanje voznikom tovornjakov ob dnevu voznikov tovornih vozil

Vsi ti komentarji jasno kažejo, da se vozniki tovornjakov zagotovo soočajo z izzivi, vendar imajo še vedno veliko dela, ki jim je všeč, za nekatere pa je to poklic, ki ga z veseljem opravljajo vse življenje - zato je smiselno, da je približno polovica voznikov zadovoljna s svojim delom.

Menimo, da je ključnega pomena, da se vsi zavedamo, kaj vse tovornjakarji naredijo za nas. Na žalost so nekateri vozniki poudarili, da se soočajo s precejšnjim pomanjkanjem spoštovanja. To se ne bi smelo zgoditi - treba jim je priznati, da nam zagotavljajo vse najnujnejše življenjske potrebščine. Kot je dejal eden od voznikov tovornjakov:

"Avtoceste so morda žile države, vendar so tovornjaki naša kri. Brez njih ne bi imeli niti hrane, kaj šele blaga. "

Zato na dan voznikov tovornih vozil - in pravzaprav vsak drugi dan - prosimo vse, da se zavedajo tistih, ki so za nas na cesti. Vozniki tovornjakov si zaslužijo pohvalo, spoštovanje in še veliko več.

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torek 25 marec 2025 • Industrijske novice


Susie Jones

Apprenticeships in the logistics sector have long provided a pathway for young people and career changers to gain experience in the industry while still earning a wage. However, for a long time, the industry has been calling for urgent reform after it had seen a decline in apprenticeships since the rollout of the Apprenticeship Levy and other challenging factors. A concerning trend is that, according to the RHA, the industry will require new truck drivers over the next five years to meet demand and support growth.In February 2025, the Government announced it would enforce changes to the apprenticeship scheme, allowing up to more apprentices to qualify yearly. We look at the key changes and what it means for the industry.• Businesses will be able to decide whether adult learners over 19 will need to complete level 2 English and maths qualification (equivalent to GCSE) to pass their apprenticeship (Effective immediately).• The duration of an apprenticeship has been reduced from 12 months to eight months (Effective from August 2025).• With a shorter apprenticeship duration, fleet companies can quickly train new drivers and logistics staff improving workforce availability. • Companies now have more say in determining whether English and Maths qualifications are necessary A change benefitting the haulage industry, where practical skills are more relevant. • By changing the educational requirements, a barrier has been removed for many potential apprentices looking to get into the industry. • Skills England, a new government body, will give businesses a stronger voice in shaping apprenticeship standards and funding. Fleet operators will benefit from more tailored training programs that meet industry needs. • A shorter apprenticeship duration combined with more employer flexibility will result in a more attractive process for everyone involved.There are several steps employers must take to employ an apprentice, and the steps vary depending on the country. This guidance is for employers in England guidance for other UK countries can be found • for your business.• for this apprenticeship.• Check to see what • to manage funding and recruit apprentices.• • Make an with your chosen apprentice.Employing apprentices provides fleet companies with a cost-effective way to train skilled workers. Government funding for apprenticeship schemes can reduce training costs, making it a viable long-term investment for fleet operators. Companies can benefit from new employees who bring fresh energy into the workplace and who are keen to learn. Apprenticeships in the haulage industry offer the opportunity to earn while gaining valuable skills in logistics, vehicle operations, and safety regulations. Currently, the industry is in demand for skilled drivers, and apprentices will benefit from good opportunities for career advancement.

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sreda 12 marec 2025 • Industrijske novice


Susie Jones

In 2023, of EU road transport in tonne-kilometers was transported by HGVs amounting to a maximum permissible laden weight of over 30 tonnes.The road transport industry in Europe is undergoing a major transformation; driven by technological advancements and sustainability goals. For the haulage sector, these changes could be essential for staying competitive in a fast-evolving industry. We'll explore some of the changes coming into effect this year and future advancements.Construction for a highway between Crevillente and Alhama in Murcia started in Q4 2024, and completion is expected in 2030. The project will provide state-of-the-art road transportation infrastructure, improving service levels and long-distance journeys between the areas.Improve traffic flow, reduce congestion, and cut travel times. Fleet managers will benefit from lower fuel and maintenance costs and enhanced logistics efficiency.Commenced in Q4 2024, this project consists of a 21.17km four-lane motorway from Trutnov to the border of Poland in the Hradec Kralove Region. The project is part of the D11 motorway that connects Praha, Hradec, Králové, and Trutnov to Poland's border crossing. Improve cross-border connectivity and reduce travel times and congestion. A four-lane motorway will lower fuel costs, improve road safety, and provide a reliable and faster route.With completion set to be in 2027, the A5 tunnel development in Madrid aims to reduce traffic congestion and provide state-of-the-art transportation infrastructure for people in the region. The project will improve air quality, noise pollution, and mobility. Improve traffic flow, reduce congestion, and a faster, more reliable route for freight transport.Six lanes will be constructed on 12.6 km of road between Bechovice and the D1 highway in Praha completion for Q4 2027. This project is one of the remaining sections that would complete the Prague Ring Road. Smoother and faster movement of freight vehicles enhancing transport efficiency. Plans to upgrade the existing 9km A47 single-lane motorway to a dual carriageway are underway between North Tuddenham and Easton in Norfolk, UK. Completion is due in Q4 2026.Dualling this section will create more consistent travel, minimising delays and cutting fuel costs.By 2030, Europe's electric truck market is due to hit highlighting the importance of the expansion and the shift towards sustainable transport. €15 billion is expected to be invested in Europe's electric truck charging infrastructure. looks at where the industry will be regarding the infrastructure required for electric charging at truck stops. Electric vehicles will be ubiquitous globally by 2049 fleets will notice the immediate financial benefits and reap the rewards of efficient vehicle management. Italy has introduced drones to monitor road conditions, soundproof screens and fences, and detect traffic jams, stopped vehicles, and other obstacles. The drones rise to 120 metres and cover both directions of the A35 motorway. The recordings are sent to the Control Center, which improves intervention management and allows for a quick response to any issues on the route. The Drone Asset and Traffic Monitoring Project consists of three operational stages:• Stage one: Beginning in October 2024, this stage included drone tests controlled by specialists and the implementation of a platform for managing real-time video transmission at the Brebemi Control Center. • Stage two: Introduced remote control of drones through the control center, which uses advanced sensors to transmit data and images. • Stage three: In the current stage, drones will operate fully autonomously.The Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility has announced they will be analysing the possibility of adapting three key motorways AP-6, AP-51, and AP-61 to operate without tolls after the agreement expires in November 2029. After this date, these roads will be managed by the Ministry and can be used without a fee. A survey revealed that Western Europe has better road infrastructure compared to Eastern Europe, where there is an overall grim picture of road quality in their countries. The Netherlands took the top spot for road quality in Europe, followed by Switzerland, Austria, Portugal, Spain, and Croatia.

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sreda 12 februar 2025 • Industrijske novice


Susie Jones

Anyone working in the haulage industry is no stranger to the term; 'Driver Shortage' a phrase all too common since COVID-19 and Brexit disrupted the sector. The UK was hit hard during this time, with many EU drivers leaving the country a big loss as European drivers made up a significant portion of its truck driving workforce.Six months after our on this topical issue, we examine where the sector is now. Figures published by showed an increase of almost 55,000 HGV Drivers employed over the last year a 21% rise. Several initiatives have come to fruition to try to ease the driver shortage in the UK. • The government has implemented 33 initiatives aimed at easing the shortage. These include but are not limited to, relaxing the rules for late-night supermarket deliveries, driver training boot camps, and increasing the number of available driving tests. • Truck drivers have been across the UK, with 55% wanting improved facilities. The has provided £16 million to truck stops to improve facilities. Influencers have played a significant role in changing public perceptions regarding the industry. Drivers like and use their platforms to highlight the highs and lows of working in the sector.Logistics UK also reported that the number of drivers under the age of 35 rose by 31,630 between Q3 2023 and Q3 2024. Despite this, the industry still relies on older drivers with more than 53% across the sector aged 50 and over. A report from the RHA, titled , suggests initiatives to attract younger people into the industry by:• Fully implementing the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks to provide an effective career guidance system to all school-age students to boost awareness. • Increasing collaboration with schools and colleges.• Developing a formal school or college-based qualification such as a T-Level.• Incorporating logistics modules in the current curriculum.• Leveraging government-supported initiatives incorporated within the Make Work Pay programme, showcasing logistics as an accessible and rewarding career path.Although work has already begun to tackle the driver shortage, more work needs to be done to avoid a repeat of 2021:• More government funding must become available for truck stops to improve facilities. • Providing ongoing support for aspiring drivers, including boot camps to reduce training costs.• Offering greater flexibility within the new Growth and Skills Levy.• Collaborating with schools and colleges at a local level to promote careers in the industry. HGV drivers are leaving the industry for a multitude of reasons:• Ageing workforce: With many truck drivers over 50, the industry has seen an influx of drivers retiring. • Working hours: Trucking is a lonely profession, with drivers working long, irregular, and antisocial hours behind the wheel. • Working conditions: There have been significant concerns regarding the state of facilities, long hours, and unpredictable schedules.