connecting journeys across europe

SNAP connects the road transport industry through technology, security and our extensive European network.

Who is using SNAP Account?









Service Partners

Why join SNAP Account?


We make your life easier by connecting you to our network of road transport services - when and where you need them.

Fleet Operators

We simplify fleet management - from depot to destination - through connected services and our extensive network of service partners.

Service Providers

We improve your profitability and optimise your operations. We drive more business and guarantee your payment on time - every time.

SNAP Account is used every 12 seconds across Europe to pay for TRUCK services

SNAP Account services

SNAP Parking

SNAP Parking

You can pay with SNAP Account at over 430 Truck Parks in Europe, including over 160 Depot Parking Sites across the continent. These are exclusive to SNAP drivers and contain enhanced security features.

SNAP Washing

SNAP Washing

SNAP Account customers can pay via their licence plate number at over 230 European Truck Washes. We have a dynamic system that provides frequency control – allowing you to set washing limits and prevent unnecessary spending.



Did you know that you can use SNAP to pay for refuelling - saving your drivers time and saving you money? SNAP Fuel offers a sustainable, transparent pricing structure and discounted rates at our partner company, Certas Energy’s refuelling stations

SNAP Dartford

SNAP Dartford

Each time you use the Dartford Crossing, we guarantee you won’t receive a charge for late payment. Transactions appear on the same invoice as your other SNAP Account activity, and we save you the hassle of dealing with Dart Charge directly.

Industry leading security packages

SNAP Access & Security blends tailored security products and market expertise to protect the people, vehicles, and contents of your haulage site.

Find out more

Proudly using SNAP

  • Batim
  • DHL
  • Finejas
  • Girteka
  • Goldstar
  • Jack Richards
  • KFL
  • LINK
  • OpusAuto
  • RB Transport
  • RV transport
  • SLAM
  • Turners
  • Wincanton
  • WS transport
the driver's app

The drivers' app includes 11,000 HGV service providers across Europe. Use intruck to find truck parking and washing near your transit route.

Do you want to save yourself the stress and pre-book a truck parking space ahead of time? intruck users can reserve a spot at SNAP Depot Parking Sites and pay via the app.

Mobile devices with the Intruck app