Susie Jones
Rådgivning til chauffører • 4 min læsning

En lastbilchaufførs guide til budgetlægning

Oprettet: 29.08.2024

Opdateret: 29.08.2024

Som lastbilchauffør er du vant til at rejse over lange afstande og arbejde på skæve tidspunkter, hvilket ofte kan betyde ekstra udgifter. Men hvordan sparer man penge som lastbilchauffør? Det kan være svært at holde styr på sine udgifter og sine penge, men vi har samlet nogle praktiske tips, der kan hjælpe dig med at lægge et budget.


Hvis du tager dig tid til at forberede dig på rejsen, kan du spare penge og få ro i sindet.

  • Forsyninger: Find ud af, hvilke ting du får brug for, så du ikke skal ud og købe dyre ting, mens du er på farten.

  • Mad: At tilberede sin mad kan være et simpelt trick, men det er effektivt, når det gælder om at spare på pengene. At spise ude er ofte dyrt og nogle gange usundt, så prøv at lave dine måltider i din taxa. Hvis du har en mikrobølgeovn og et køleskab i førerhuset, bliver det meget nemmere at forberede måltiderne. Se vores tips til at forblive [sund på vejen] (

  • Planlægning af rejsen: Hvis du planlægger den mest effektive rute, kan du spare penge på brændstof og uventede vejafgifter. Hvis du ved, hvor du skal overnatte, og booker på forhånd, kan det gøre din rejse mere omkostningseffektiv. Download vores [intruck app] ( for at finde lastbilparkering i nærheden af din transitrute.

Lav et budget, og hold dig til det

Det sværeste, men mest effektive tip. Lav et månedligt eller ugentligt budget, som du kan holde dig til, og hold styr på dine udgifter. Der er mange måder at lægge dit budget på, du kan skrive dine udgifter i en månedskalender, notere dem i en notesbog eller bruge en app til at hjælpe dig. Forbes har en omfattende liste over apps, der kan hjælpe.


Hvis du investerer i en inverter, får du mulighed for at bruge små apparater. Med et køleskab til at holde varerne friske, en elektrisk stegeplade til madlavning og en kaffemaskine til at lave din kop kaffe, præcis som du vil have den, slipper du for at bruge en formue. Sig farvel til dyr fastfood og goddag til hjemmelavede måltider til den halve pris.


En omkostning, som du ikke kan undgå. Men der er mange måder, du kan spare på den:

  • Dæktryk: For lavt dæktryk reducerer din brændstoføkonomi, så det er vigtigt at tjekke dem regelmæssigt.

  • Reducer tomgang: Stop motoren, hvis du ved, at du skal holde stille i et stykke tid. En times tomgang kan forbrænde omkring en liter brændstof.

  • Brug fartpilot: Fartpiloten kan reducere unødvendig acceleration og deceleration.

  • Kør i et højere gear: Dette vil maksimere brændstofeffektiviteten, da kørsel ved høje hastigheder i lavere gear kan forbruge 45 % mere brændstof.

  • Aircondition: Det kan øge dit brændstofforbrug med op til 0,4 miles per gallon. Hvis det er muligt, så kør med åbent vindue, før du bruger aircondition.

Ud over disse tips tilbyder [SNAP Fuel] ( en bæredygtig, gennemsigtig prisstruktur og rabatter på vores partnervirksomhed Certas Energys optankningssteder.


Nogle arbejdsgivere tilbyder deres chauffører belønningsprogrammer for at hjælpe dem med at spare penge. Varer som rabat på mad, drikke, brusebad og rengøringsfaciliteter kan alt sammen hjælpe med at spare. Hvis du er SNAP-kunde, kan vi desuden tilbyde dig madkuponer på deltagende truckstops.


Uanset om det drejer sig om at komme i kontakt med familien via videoopkald eller at streame dine yndlingsserier, kan du spare et betydeligt beløb ved at have mulighed for at koble dig på WiFi. Det kan blive dyrt udelukkende at bruge telefonens data, og det kan give dig en uventet høj regning. De fleste truckstops tilbyder WiFi til chauffører, og du kan altid finde ud af, hvilke truckstops der tilbyder dette på vores maps side.

Er lastbilkørsel et hårdt job?

Det er ofte op til den enkelte, for som med ethvert andet job vil du have aspekter, som du synes er svære, men som andre ikke ville have. Lange arbejdstider, tid væk fra ens nærmeste og en stillesiddende livsstil kan gøre jobbet hårdt. Derudover skal du håndtere eksterne vanskeligheder som trafikpropper, stramme tidsplaner og nogle gange overarbejde. Men det hele er ikke så sort, for mange lastbilchauffører har mange arbejdsmuligheder, uafhængighed, fleksibilitet og mulighed for at rejse til udlandet.

Er lastbilkørsel et godt liv?

Som nævnt ovenfor kan der bestemt være nogle ulemper ved livet på landevejen. Lastbilkørsel er bestemt ikke for alle, men de, der ender i rollen, nyder godt af et par fordele: - Jobstabilitet - Den nuværende mangel på chauffører betyder, at du ikke får problemer med at finde og beholde et job.

  • Løn - En karriere som lastbilchauffør kan give en god løn og ekstra fordele.

  • Rejser - Hvis du ikke kan lide at være begrænset til et enkelt sted hver dag, er det en stor fordel at få lov til at rejse rundt i Storbritannien og Europa.

Ud over nogle af disse frynsegoder vil du opdage, at mange lastbilchauffører ikke ville bytte deres liv bag rattet ud med et 9-5-kontorjob.

Hvad koster det at blive lastbilchauffør?

Der er en hel del trin til at blive HGV-chauffør, og prisen kan variere afhængigt af, hvem du tager dine prøver hos. Vi har opdelt det for dig i et par nemme trin.

Foreløbigt HGV-kørekort

Før du kan få dit klasse 2-kørekort, skal du have et fuldt kørekort til bil, være over 18 år og have et midlertidigt HGV-kørekort. Dit midlertidige HGV-kørekort består af to formularer, en D2 (den er gratis) og en D4. En D4-formular er din helbredsundersøgelse, og prisen kan variere mellem £50 og £120.

HGV-kørekort (klasse 2, C-klasse)

Der er fire dele, der skal til for at få et HGV-kørekort, og prisen for hver del kan variere. Ifølge [regeringens] ( hjemmeside vil det koste ca. £304 at få et HGV-kørekort. Denne pris kan dog svinge, hvis du booker via en uofficiel hjemmeside. Oven i disse gebyrer skal du betale for lektioner, som kan koste op til £1.390.


Når du har bestået, har du dit HGV Class 2 (C Class)-kørekort og kan køre med en stiv lastbil. For at køre erhvervskørsel skal du have et tachokort, som koster £32. Det skal fornyes hvert femte år og koster £15.

Klasse 1 (C+E)

For at blive klasse 1-chauffør skal du tage endnu en prøve. Et klasse 1-kørekort kvalificerer dig til at køre en lastbil på over 3.500 kg med en anhænger på over 750 kg. Dette koster £115.

Samlet set kan det koste dig knap 2.000 pund at kvalificere dig som klasse 1 HGV-chauffør. Det er dog vigtigt at sige, at når du har fået dit kørekort, vil du få en anstændig løn, have jobstabilitet, komme til at rejse og få en følelse af fællesskab inden for lastbilverdenen.

At lægge et budget som lastbilchauffør kan være en udfordring, men det er vigtigt, hvis du vil have styr på din økonomi. Hvis du holder øje med dine udgifter, lægger et budget og holder dig til det, kan du spare penge. Ovenstående tips giver dig et godt udgangspunkt for at opmuntre dig til at få sundere økonomiske vaner. Hvordan sparer du penge, når du er på farten? Del dine tips og tricks med os på SNAP.

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tirsdag 27 august 2024 • Rådgivning til chauffører


Susie Jones

As a demanding profession, truck driving frequently involves long hours, a sedentary lifestyle, and extended periods away from home which can often take its toll on the health of many drivers. Unhealthy habits such as the consumption of fast food, lack of physical activity, and disruptive sleeping patterns can all lead to potential health complications in the future. But how do you stay fit as a truck driver? It is easier said than done but we've compiled a list of tips to help keep you at your peak whilst on the road. A simple tip and a commodity that we often take for granted, however, most health issues occur from dehydration. Regular sips of water or squash throughout the day will expel metabolic waste and toxins from your system and keep you more energized and alert. Keeping a refillable water bottle with you will not only remind you to stay hydrated but is better for the environment as well. The temptation of fast food after a long day is something that we can all relate to, however, just like keeping hydrated, your diet plays a significant role in your health as well as how you will end up feeling throughout the day. It is recommended that truck drivers eat three to four times a day, either two meals and two snacks or two meals and one snack. Try to maintain a meal and snack plan that is high in omega-3, iron, and vitamin C, such as green leafy vegetables, fish, and fruits. Avoid frequently consuming food and drink like pasta, bread, sweet drinks, and stimulants such as coffee and energy drinks. Check out our list of healthy snacks to keep in your cab:• Granola bars • Energy bars • Popcorn • Nuts • Dried fruit • Dark chocolate In addition to purchasing healthy food whilst out on the road, it can sometimes be healthier and more cost-effective to meal prep. has a fantastic selection of recipes to help you maintain a healthy diet whilst on the job. Due to the job's nature, getting enough sleep can be difficult for a truck driver and can lead to devastating results for everyone on the road. Simple tips and tricks such as the following could assist you with a decent night's kip: • Create an environment in the cab that feels like home. Check out our post about how to make your lorry cab a home • Keep your sleep area dark • A hot shower: Use our page to find out which truck stops offer this facility • Try out some Apps to assist you with sleeping • Find the ideal spot to park with little noise and disruption. Our intruck app provides 5,000 HGV (Heavy Goods Vehicle) locations across Europe for you to choose from whilst our team can provide bespoke security solutions enabling you to get a better night’s sleep knowing that you and your truck are safe. One of the hardest tips to follow whilst out on the road but an important one, nonetheless. Long hours of sitting throughout the day can lead to poor posture, back pain, and potential health complications. After a long day behind the wheel, it may be tempting to sit and relax, however, a quick 15 minutes of activity like walking or stretching can make you feel rejuvenated and less stressed. has some useful exercises tailored for truck drivers if you are looking to incorporate several types of physical exercise into your routine. Being out on the road full-time can make it difficult to get all your necessary vitamins. Taking a multivitamin each day can boost your immune system and help you stay healthy. We know that looking after your physical health on the road is important but how much time do truck drivers take to look after their mental health? The mental health charity Mind released statistics revealing that 30% of self-reported work-related illnesses in the transport and logistics industry are due to anxiety, loneliness, stress, and depression. They also implied that this number could be higher as most people do not seek the help they require. In addition to this, 95% of people off sick will not give the real reason for their absence from work if it is regarding their mental health. Following the above tips and tricks can have a knock-on, positive, effect on your mental health. Furthermore, it is important to have open and honest conversations with other truck drivers, supervisors, or dispatchers. Not only does a healthy lifestyle lead to better mental health but evidence suggests that it can also make you a better driver. A study showed that drivers who were asked to exercise daily reported greater ease in turning their heads were able to rotate their bodies further and were able to get into their cars more rapidly. Long hours appear to be one of the hardest aspects of truck driving. Truckers are often faced with long miles to cover and antisocial hours. These long miles and antisocial hours can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle. Due to the lifestyle of many truck drivers, on average, they are statistically more likely to have health problems compared to people in other careers. Truckers are often faced with a few obstacles such as cramped working spaces, stressful situations, unusual sleeping patterns, and lack of nutritional food that all have an influence on their health.Maintaining a healthy lifestyle as a truck driver requires a conscious effort but the benefits of doing so are well worth it overall. The above tips will enable you to take control of your health and improve your well-being. Keep an eye out for more tips and tricks from us at SNAP.

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tirsdag 27 august 2024 • Rådgivning til chauffører


Susie Jones

The average truck driver spends roughly 12 hours behind the wheel every day. Endless time on the open road may sound appealing, however, the reality is a stark contrast. Countless petrol stations, rest areas, and long hours can become tedious. Truckers often spend their downtime away from home and preventing boredom can be challenging. Convoy's recent survey suggested boredom was one of truckers’ top challenges. What effect is boredom having on driver well-being? And how can truckers stay entertained? Fatigue, isolation, loneliness, and a lack of mental stimulation are common concerns for drivers. Some drivers may tackle these concerns with unhealthy coping mechanisms such as overeating, smoking, or excessive caffeine consumption. Over time, these habits can negatively impact mental health. However, as talk surrounding mental health improves, more and more drivers are taking a different route to combat this. We asked truck drivers on Facebook what they do when boredom kicks in. “Audiobooks, mainly psychology. Music, chatting with loved ones, or listening to the radio. Or I turn everything off and have a peaceful existence with my own thoughts,” says Nigel. Others have mentioned how talking with loved ones over the phone has helped. Ashleigh states: “Talking to my friends in a group chat. Honestly, if I didn’t have them, I’d have quit a long time ago. The road throws up some rubbish and without talking to really good friends I’d never have survived.” Likewise, Karl believes a “group chat with friends is a must.” Contrary to popular belief, trucking is a physical endeavour drivers need coordination and concentration to avoid accidents. Despite this, being behind the wheel for extended periods can cause fatigue. The risk of getting complacent on the job can occur, especially if a driver knows their route well. How can drivers deal with complacency behind the wheel? Whether it’s listening to a podcast or a catchy tune, drivers must choose something that keeps their mind alert. We’ve compiled a list of things to prevent boredom behind the wheel. • Podcasts: Truck driver Marty listens to “dozens of podcasts” whilst driving. Podcasts are an excellent way to change things up and learn something new. Check out this • Music: “Music, music, and music” is Richard’s boredom buster. Whether it’s listening to the radio or singing along to a playlist, music is an excellent way to keep the mind alert • Take a break: Although drivers have strict deadlines and tachograph regulations, getting out of the cab when boredom kicks in helps the mind refocus. Truckers face additional challenges to entertain themselves after their shift. Taking a proactive approach to preventing boredom during this time is imperative. We’ve compiled a list of ways to pass the hours. • Location: Truck stops that offer a vast range of facilities and a communal feel are an excellent way to alleviate boredom. Some act as a social hub where truckers can share similar experiences. Head over to our to see what facilities our SNAP service partners offer • Exercising: Taking a daily walk or getting creative with your workouts can prevent boredom and ensure you stay fit and healthy. Check out our tips for • Streaming services: Catch up on the latest TV show or scroll through social media. Truck driver Steve likes to “scroll and comment on Facebook and watch Netflix” to pass the time • Hobbies: The opportunities are endless. Learning an instrument, learning a foreign language, drawing, writing, and more. Picking up a hobby is an effective way to prevent boredom • Cooking: Cooking meals in the cab has many benefits. Not only does it prevent boredom, but it saves money and is healthier • Stay connected with loved ones: A trucker’s downtime provides the perfect opportunity to contact those closest to them. Video calls are an effective way to feel closer to family and friends • Relax: Truckers can face stressful situations. Relaxing fully after a shift can improve driver well-being. Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises and meditation reduce stress. Although some drivers enjoy the solitude and independence the open road offers, combating boredom is still a challenge for many. Due to the nature of the job, truckers often experience long periods of boredom. However, to improve well-being, job satisfaction, and road safety, they must find ways to alleviate it. Whether it’s focusing on the task at hand, listening to the radio, or chatting with friends and family, most truckers can find a solution that works for them. Most drivers sleep in their cabs since they are well-equipped for a comfortable night’s sleep. A basic sleeper cab includes a bed, storage, lights, and electrical outlets – making it a home away from home. Due to the current European parking shortage, many drivers park in laybys. Doing so is deemed unsafe and leaves a driver vulnerable to theft. From November 2017, HGV drivers in the UK must take regular weekly rest breaks in proper rest areas (like service areas and truck stops). scheme allows fleets to offer their truck parking spaces to the network, alleviating the shortage and helping drivers avoid vulnerable situations. In addition, SNAP provides over 450 service partners across Europe for drivers to park at. Head over to our to learn more. If you’ve ever driven down a main road at night, you may have noticed trucks parked with their trailer doors open. A lot of drivers do this to deter thieves, the assumption being that if the trailer door is open there is nothing to steal. This is predominantly done on curtain-side trailers as it prevents thieves from slashing the curtain to see what’s inside.

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torsdag 22 august 2024 • Rådgivning til chauffører


Susie Jones

As a truck driver, you spend long hours on the road which can often be tiring and monotonous, so naturally, you would want your environment, the area where you’re stationed for the longest, to feel like a second home. Therefore, many drivers tend to customise and decorate their cabs, but what are the best ways to get your sleeper cab setup feeling like a home away from home? We’ve compiled five top tips to assist you along the way. One of the best ways to personalise your cab is to add decorations that remind you of home. Decorations also allow you to add style and colour. • Bedding and pillows – Add a personal touch to your bedding and pillows by picking some that have a colour or a pattern you like. This can make your cab feel a bit more cosy and less stagnant. • Seat covers – Seat covers often come in different colours, patterns, and materials that will bring some life to your cab. Not only will these make the cab feel more inviting, but they will also protect the interior from wear and tear, dirt, and spills. tends to have a large selection of colours available. • Rugs, curtains, and shades – Picking out some rugs and curtains can transform the interior of your cab. The curtains will not only add an aesthetically pleasing value, but they will also assist you in getting a decent night’s kip. • Photos, posters, and artwork – These items don’t take up a lot of room in your cab and can make it instantly feel like home. Use command hooks for damage-free installation. • Entertainment: At the end of your driving day, relax as you would at home by watching TV, a DVD, or streaming something on your laptop. You will need WiFi before streaming, be sure to check out our to find out what stops offer this service.Alternatively, create a smartphone hotspot that will use your phone’s data for streaming. Books and magazines are another great way to keep you entertained after a long day of driving. Sometimes, a simple video call to friends or family can relax you and make you feel at home. You spend a lot of time in the cab so it’s important not to compromise on your comfort. Why not invest in the following: • Mattress topper – Getting a decent night’s sleep is crucial for your safety and the safety of others. Investing in a good mattress topper will ensure you have a comfortable area to sleep in. • Ergonomic driver seat – The majority of your time will be spent in the driver’s seat so it’s important to ensure that this is as comfortable and supportive as possible. Invest in an ergonomic driver’s seat or cushion that will support your back during those long hours. • Extra pillows and blankets – As stated above, buying bedding and cushions in a colour or a pattern you like can make your cab feel like more of a home. Consider purchasing extra pillows and blankets to add an even more personal touch to the cab, and maximum comfort. Adding a mini-fridge or a microwave to your cab can allow you to prepare food as you would at home, so you won’t have to rely on truck stops and eating out. We suggest thinking about what items you would need in this area, for example, if you’re a coffee drinker, try sourcing a small coffee machine. Using your kitchen area and appliances will not only stop you from spending a fortune on eating out but will also affect your general health for the better. Living in a small space can get quite messy very quickly. Investing time and effort to get a regular cleaning routine can do wonders for your mental health and enable you to work more efficiently and effectively. Ensuring you have dedicated areas for your items will assist with this and have some excellent tips on keeping everything organized. Boredom not only impacts job satisfaction, but it can also affect job safety. There are many ways that truck drivers can stay entertained while out on the road. • Music and podcasts: Music is a great way to keep drivers entertained during long drives. Creating a playlist of favourite songs to listen to can instantly reduce boredom. Podcasts are a great way of switching things up, many out there can offer advice, assist in learning a new skill, or simply entertain. • Stretching your legs: Stopping and getting out of the cab to stretch the legs can instantly banish boredom. Regular stops can also boost your energy. Since the 1st of November, HGV drivers in the UK who take regular weekly breaks in cabs must now take them in proper rest areas. Due to there being few of these, some drivers have been taking their rest in laybys which are often unsafe. Therefore, finding a safe, secure, and quiet place to park up for a good night’s kip or rest is vital. Using our intruck app or heading over to our can enable you to find a truck park near you and browse what facilities are on offer. Whilst there are many perks to being a truck driver, one of the downsides of the industry can be loneliness. It can be a problem for many drivers who are left feeling isolated by the nature of their job. Making plans to stay in touch with friends and family can give drivers a boost when out on the road. Trucking Forums, Facebook groups, and chat rooms are great if you’re looking to become part of the trucking community. has some fantastic tips to assist you with combating loneliness as a trucker on the road. Making your lorry cab feel like home requires a bit of effort and creativity but the benefits of doing so will make your long journeys that much easier. It’s important to remember that small touches can make a big difference to your living space and using the above tips will enable you to make it comfortable and welcoming. How do you make your cab feel like a home away from home?