Susie Jones
Notizie e aggiornamenti • 3 leggere

L'intelligenza artificiale e il suo impatto sulla sostenibilità nel settore del trasporto merci

Creato: 29/08/2024

Aggiornato: 29/08/2024

L'intelligenza artificiale (AI) è un termine che negli ultimi anni è entrato a far parte del vocabolario moderno. A causa della mancanza di comprensione e di idee sbagliate, viene spesso percepito negativamente. Nonostante le riserve, l'IA può avere un impatto positivo sulla sostenibilità, sui processi lavorativi e sull'economia. Con oltre il 25% delle emissioni di CO2 prodotte dall'industria dei trasporti, l'IA può apportare un cambiamento positivo per un futuro sostenibile?

Che cos'è l'AI?

Secondo Oxford Languages, l'IA è:

*"la teoria e lo sviluppo di sistemi informatici in grado di svolgere compiti che normalmente richiedono l'intelligenza umana, come la percezione visiva, il riconoscimento vocale, il processo decisionale e la traduzione tra le lingue".

Sostenibilità nel settore dei trasporti

Il settore si trova a un bivio critico, con un aumento delle richieste e un cambiamento dei tipi di consegna: lo shopping online è una delle richieste in più rapida crescita. Se da un lato l'aumento della domanda può giovare all'industria del trasporto, dall'altro essa si trova ad affrontare un dilemma ambientale che ha un impatto vitale sul pianeta.

L'industria ha un impatto sull'ambiente nei seguenti modi:

  • Inquinamento acustico: I camion in gran numero possono contribuire all'inquinamento acustico. L'inquinamento acustico disturba le aree urbane e rurali, spesso compromettendo il benessere dei residenti e della fauna selvatica. L'esposizione a livelli elevati di rumore può causare stress e problemi cardiovascolari.

  • Emissioni di carbonio: I carburanti tradizionali nei camion rilasciano CO2 nell'atmosfera. Il 29% delle emissioni totali del trasporto globale proviene dagli autocarri.

  • Qualità dell'aria: I camion emettono ossidi di azoto e particolato - entrambi degradano la qualità dell'aria, danneggiano l'ambiente e causano problemi respiratori nell'uomo.

Come l'intelligenza artificiale può migliorare la sostenibilità

  • Pianificazione dei percorsi: Una pianificazione inadeguata dei percorsi può costare alle flotte denaro, tempo e risorse. L'intelligenza artificiale è in grado di prevedere con precisione le richieste e le esigenze, consigliando il percorso più sostenibile. I suoi algoritmi possono analizzare i modelli di traffico, le condizioni meteorologiche e l'efficienza del carburante per ottimizzare i percorsi di consegna. Questo processo consente di risparmiare denaro e contribuisce a ridurre le emissioni di carbonio.

  • Prevedere la domanda dei consumatori: Spesso i prodotti vengono spediti al consumatore ma non richiesti, con conseguente spreco di risorse e un notevole impatto ambientale. L'apprendimento automatico dell'intelligenza artificiale e l'analisi predittiva aiuteranno i produttori ad anticipare la domanda, a razionalizzare l'offerta e a ottimizzare i processi produttivi. Grazie a informazioni significative sulla consegna e sulla mancata ricezione delle merci, l'IA può informare le aziende di logistica su quali merci spedire, affrontando i problemi ambientali alla fonte.

  • Monitoraggio del conducente: Gli algoritmi di intelligenza artificiale analizzano i modelli di guida, come l'eccesso di velocità, le frenate brusche e il funzionamento al minimo. Da qui, l'intelligenza artificiale può fornire coaching e incentivi per una guida più efficiente dal punto di vista dei consumi.

  • Riduzione dell'energia: L'intelligenza artificiale può aiutare le aziende di flotte a gestire l'energia lungo le catene di fornitura. Può identificare le aree inefficienti e fornire strategie di ottimizzazione, compresa l'analisi dei dati provenienti da contatori intelligenti, sensori e altri dispositivi per determinare cosa consuma troppa energia.

L'IA conquisterà il settore della logistica?

Anche se l'utilizzo dell'IA avrà un ruolo nel settore della logistica, è improbabile che prenda completamente il sopravvento. Gli algoritmi di IA non possono tenere conto di eventi spontanei ed eccezioni, pertanto il coinvolgimento umano continuerà a svolgere un ruolo cruciale. Le opportunità di carriera nel settore dell'autotrasporto saranno ancora presenti, ma avranno un aspetto significativamente diverso.

In che altro modo l'industria può ridurre le proprie emissioni di carbonio?

L'industria può adottare le seguenti misure:

  • Veicoli a basse emissioni: I mezzi pesanti elettrici e ibridi possono ridurre le emissioni di carbonio. Entrambi sono adatti per il trasporto a breve e lungo raggio.

  • Carburanti alternativi: Con l'avvicinarsi del 2050, la legislazione energetica è orientata verso alternative più pulite. L'olio vegetale idrotrattato (HVO) può ridurre le emissioni in modo immediato e significativo. Certas Energy HVO è alla base del passaggio a un'alternativa più pulita, aiutando le aziende a raggiungere i loro obiettivi di sostenibilità e a compiere passi significativi verso il loro futuro a zero emissioni. L'HVO offre i seguenti vantaggi:

  • Una riduzione immediata delle emissioni di gas serra fino al 90% rispetto al diesel standard, per tutto il ciclo di vita del prodotto.

  • Meno ossidi di azoto rispetto al diesel standard

  • Meno particolato rispetto al diesel standard

  • Facilmente biodegradabile

  • Lunga durata di conservazione fino a 10 anni

  • Praticamente senza FAME

  • Diesel alternativo: non sono necessarie modifiche al motore o all'infrastruttura.

  • Efficienza del veicolo: Motori efficienti, riduzione dei tempi di inattività e manutenzione regolare possono migliorare l'efficienza.

  • Imballaggio intelligente: I produttori possono utilizzare materiali biodegradabili e riciclati per la spedizione degli articoli, riducendo così i rifiuti e i costi. Inoltre, un imballaggio più leggero migliorerà l'efficienza, riducendo le emissioni di carbonio.

  • Energia rinnovabile: L'utilizzo di fonti di energia rinnovabili, come l'energia solare o eolica, nelle operazioni può ridurre significativamente le emissioni di carbonio.

  • Riduzione del chilometraggio delle deviazioni: il Conto SNAP consente ai gestori di flotte di ridurre il chilometraggio delle deviazioni - con oltre 600 partner di servizio disponibili per i clienti del Conto SNAP, ci sarà sicuramente una fermata sul vostro percorso.

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lunedì 16 settembre 2024 • Notizie e aggiornamenti


Miranda Blake

No industry is safe from the threat of cyberattacks, not least of all trucking. In fact, 4.3% targeted . For hackers, they’re an ideal victim. This is because they process substantial sensitive data and can’t afford time delays, making them great prospects for ransomware.Transportation businesses are also susceptible to other types of cyberattack due to how technology and have transformed the sector, increasing the reliance on these and multiple connected systems – which gives cybercriminals entry into larger organisations. With other reasons to target the industry including that there’s a general lack of awareness around cybersecurity in the sector, it’s evident that it’s incredibly vulnerable.The statistics back up the concern. For example, – specifically in the transport space. While this may seem scary, knowing the signs of cybercrime will help you reduce your chance of being a victim of it. In this blog, we share the five most common ones.Are employees complaining about the operating system, internet, or software running slow? Or they can’t open a particular application? While this isn’t necessarily a cyberattack, it is a key indicator. So, if you notice any type of performance deterioration, flag it to the relevant people. It’s crucial that whatever the problem is, it’s taken out of the online world as soon as possible.On a similar note, if there’s uncharacteristically high system, network, or disk activity, this is another sign – most applications are usually idle in the background.You’ll likely know all about phishing attacks – and they’re getting more and more sophisticated. If anything appears to be from a legitimate company and requests bank information or a payment, then it’s best to check with the organisation in question.Opening a link and needing to enter an ID and password is another way that hackers can intercept emails. Responding to the email is an issue too – this confirms the recipient email address, which may trigger further phishing attacks. As a result, relevant training is crucial.Emails aren’t the only thing you and employees should be aware of. Web pop-up windows are best avoided – you shouldn’t even close them. While some will be completely innocent, there’s always the risk that one could contain malware or spyware that puts your network at peril.In addition, make sure to tackle any strange activity from a user. This could be logging in during unusual hours and from abnormal locations or from a few different locations in a short period of time.Is a programme doing any of the following:· Running itself· Switching itself off· Reconfiguring itselfOr are there even multiple programmes doing this? First, check if there’s a source within the company that could have caused this. If there’s not, then it’s a symptom of a cyberattack.If an employee can’t access an account or document, or they’re somehow locked out of a system and have received an email claiming that their password has been changed, this is another key indication of a cybercrime.Although you can’t stop this one, a great practice is to ensure every team member has a strong password that’s updated on a regular basis. This will also help avert situations like hackers deleting software or files, changing file contents, or installing software.As you can see, prevention is crucial to not falling foul of a cyberattack. And core to this is ensuring that providers’ technology is as safe as can be.With SNAP, you’ll have a secure account to use for your fleet operations, giving you peace of mind over the risk of cybercrime – learn more about what we could do for your business on .

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giovedì 29 agosto 2024 • Notizie e aggiornamenti


Josh Cousens

"It is very important for drivers to take their breaks in safe and secure places, and it is unimaginable for us not to provide additional comfort," says Charlotte Decouard, Communication Manager at Certas Energy Retail France. After opening its first French parking site in May 2023, Certas Energy is launching its second high-spec truck parking facility in Saint Geours-de-Maremne. We spoke to Charlotte Decouard to learn more about the new truck stop and their relationship with SNAP. The truck stop will open on Tuesday, the 19th of March 2024, offering 140 parking spaces and accepting SNAP Account payments. Charlotte said, "The site is located in the town of St Geours-de-Maremne, on the A63 motorway, approximately 70 km from the Spanish border. The exit from St Geours is from the north and the south. The entrance to the site is 300m from the highway. "This is the second Truck parking by Certas Energy. The first opened in May 2023 in Montmarault (A71/A79), and like the first, the site has individual showers & toilets, microwaves, vending machines, free wifi, laundry, and, of course, the possibility of paying with SNAP." Charlotte explained that Certas had been planning the truck stop in Saint Geours for two years, and the installation had taken around one year to complete. As a modern truck parking business, the new venue in Saint Geours-de-Maremne offers the following facilities to truck drivers during their transit through the south of France:• High-security standards 1.80m fences• CCTV 24/7• Shower and toilet facilities• Hot & cold drinks dispensers• Free wifi to stay connected• Washing machinesHaving already successfully partnered on Montmarault Truck Parking by Certas, and The Hollies, the Stop in the UK SNAP and Certas Energy were keen to reignite their working relationship at Saint Geours-de-Maremne. Charlotte said, "SNAP support us in the best payment solution, giving us the possibility of paying on-site directly and adapting to our parking." As one of the leading truck stop security experts, SNAP Access & Security worked on reinforcing the safety of St Geours-de-Maremne. The technicians have installed ANPR cameras on the entries and exits and have synced them with the preexisting barriers. The team has also equipped the truck stop with SNAP payment terminals enabling drivers to pay easily for their parking sessions. Charlotte said, "The relationship is very good, and we have regular meetings to monitor the various files linked to the installation and the characteristics of the site."The Saint Geours-de-Maremne Truck Parking by Certas venue has also used local security experts to bolster their site security and protect drivers staying in their truck stop. Charlotte said, "To increase our level of security, we have installed shock cables on our exterior fence."In addition, we have installed intelligent cameras in the parking lot to detect the intrusion of pedestrians at the barriers, and we have also installed intelligent cameras which detect the presence of cars at the entrances. In both cases, alerts are sent to our CCTV.""In the coming months, We will accredit our parking via TAPA's PSR level 2 or Gold Level."To learn more about Saint Geours-de-Maremne Truck Parking by Certas, visit .

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mercoledì 28 agosto 2024 • Notizie e aggiornamenti


Susie Jones

For truck drivers traversing endlessly across the UK and Europe, music serves more than just background noise it is a companion that eases boredom and keeps them alert, engaged, and focused on the journey ahead. Music can improve driver well-being and enhance safety on the road. With many hours on the road and days spent away from friends and family, the life of a trucker can sometimes be a lonely affair. Music can change a journey by uplifting spirits and keeping a driver focused on the road. It can also provide tranquillity and calm during a driver's downtime. Not only does music prevent boredom on the road, but it can also affect road safety. A that loud music (anything over 95 decibels) can reduce reaction times by as much as 20%. The study also demonstrated music at 55 decibels improved driving performance the same drivers performed better than those with no music. Music can also alter your mood in stressful situations soft rock and jazz can improve driver focus and concentration. For those who enjoy faster-paced music, beware. Tests have proven that music with higher beats per minute is more likely to cause you to drive fast and underestimate your speed. In some cases, faster music resulted in weaving, a disregard for red lights, and an increased collision rate. Research conducted by saw the best truck driving songs came from pop artists as they improved concentration the study was scored on a series of hazard perception tests while listening to playlists from 20 different artists. Drake came out tops with a score of 59.5/75, while Ariana Grande and Eminem came second with scores of 58.5/75. found that music is beneficial to mental health for various reasons:• Distraction Music can take your mind off things troubling you and act as a place to escape.• Stress levels Certain types of music can reduce cortisol levels, resulting in stress reduction. Listening to music you enjoy also releases endorphins giving you a sense of well-being.• Activates the brain A survey conducted by revealed those who regularly listened to music saw a decrease in levels of anxiety & depression. Additionally, 69% of those who often attended music performances rated their brain health as excellent or very good. • Mood-boosting Someone's favourite song can instantly lift their mood. Music not only affects mental health but also a driver's physical health. A conducted by multiple universities across Brazil, the UK, and Italy suggested listening to music impacts cardiovascular stress. The study found reduced cardiac stress when listening to music while driving.has been made for drivers, by drivers. Each week, we ask our community of truck drivers to vote on which songs they'd like to listen to on the road. Ensure your favourite tune makes the list by heading to our page.With hours spent behind the wheel, many drivers spend their downtime watching TV shows and films. Streaming services have made it easier than ever before for drivers to gain access to the latest releases. Additionally, many trucks are fitted with satellite mounting options enabling drivers to watch live TV from the comfort of their cab. Music plays a vital part in a truck driver's journey, however, it isn't the only thing that keeps boredom away on long drives. After speaking to a group of truck drivers about their listening preferences, found that audiobooks came second highest, with traditional radio taking the title. The use of audiobooks while behind the wheel has come under scrutiny, with many suggesting they are a distraction. While music is easier to tune out, it doesn't mean audiobooks are unsafe. Studies discovered that many drivers were not impaired by listening to an audiobook this was only on "boring" courses. Drivers on more treacherous terrain found it difficult to react quickly.