Miranda Blake
Новини и актуализации • 3 мин. четене

Съвети за обезопасяване на автомобила: Защита на вашия камион от кражба

Създаден: 14.11.2024

Актуализирано: 14.11.2024

Превозвачите в Обединеното кралство и Европа могат значително да намалят риска от кражба на превозни средства и товари. Защитата на камиона не се състои само в обезопасяването на самото превозно средство; тя включва цялостен подход, който включва технологии, обучение, ангажиране на общността и проактивно планиране. С подходящите мерки мениджърите на автопаркове могат да осигурят безопасността на водачите и целостта на активите, насърчавайки сигурна среда за своите операции.

Какво трябва да направят драйверите

Обезопасяване на превозното средство

Повишете сигурността на автомобила си, като използвате различни устройства, като катинари, пломби с уникален номер и въжета за накланяне. Те трябва да се поставят веднага след натоварването, за да създадат допълнителен слой защита срещу неоторизиран достъп.

Извършването на задълбочени проверки е от съществено значение. След всяко спиране отделяйте по малко време, за да прегледате камиона и неговия товар. Търсете признаци на манипулация или подозрителна дейност. Бдителността е от решаващо значение за предотвратяване на кражби.


Поддържайте цялостен контролен списък за сигурност на автомобила. Той трябва да бъде лесно достъпен за преглед от служителите на граничните сили или други органи, когато това се налага. Това не само доказва вашата ангажираност, но и подпомага процеса на разследване в случай на кражба.

Безопасни места

Избирайте добре осветени и оживени места за паркиране. Зоните с голям пешеходен трафик и камери за наблюдение са по-малко привлекателни за крадците. Когато е възможно, използвайте обозначени охраняеми паркинги, които са оборудвани с периметрова ограда и модерни системи за наблюдение или охранителен персонал. Тези места осигуряват допълнително ниво на безопасност. За паркиране през нощта избирайте места, които са осветени и наблюдавани.

Намерете безопасен паркинг за камиони по маршрута си с помощта на картата SNAP.

Шофьор на камион в тъмното

Технология и оборудване

Включването на съвременни технологии може значително да повиши сигурността на вашия автомобил. Оборудвайте камиона си със съвременни системи, включително GPS проследяване, имобилайзери и паник аларми. Те не само възпрепятстват кражбата, но и помагат за възстановяването в случай на инцидент.

Планиране на маршрута

Освен това ефективното планиране на пътуванията ви може да ви помогне да избегнете рисковите зони. Използвайте софтуер, който ви позволява да начертаете маршрутите за доставка, като избягвате известни горещи точки за кражба на товари. Чрез внедряване на телематични и GPS технологии за наблюдение на автомобила в реално време - ще можете да проследявате местоположението му и да гарантирате спазването на планираните пътувания.

Какво трябва да направят операторите на автопаркове

Протоколи и системи за сигурност

Добре дефинираният набор от протоколи за сигурност е от съществено значение за всички водачи. В качеството си на оператор на автопарк можете да предоставите подробни писмени указания, в които подробно са описани мерките за сигурност, които те трябва да спазват. Такъв подход гарантира, че всички са на една и съща страница по отношение на практиките за безопасност.

Трябва да обучите водачите как да използват ефективно системите, инсталирани в техните камиони. Запознаването с тези устройства може да повиши тяхната ефективност. Добре е също така да ги обучавате за потенциалните заплахи и за важността на бдителността. Те трябва да са наясно с обичайните тактики, използвани от крадците, и как да реагират адекватно.

Поддържането на камионите в оптимално състояние намалява риска от повреди, които могат да доведат до кражба. Въведете проактивен график за поддръжка, за да сте сигурни, че вашите превозни средства са винаги в добро работно състояние. Редовните проверки могат да предотвратят механични повреди, които могат да направят вашите камиони уязвими.

Комуникация и общност

Установяването на ясни канали за комуникация е жизненоважно за ефективното управление на сигурността. Поддържайте открита комуникация между шофьорите, диспечерите и персонала по сигурността. Това дава възможност за незабавно докладване на всяка подозрителна дейност или проблеми с автомобила. Насърчавайте шофьорите да се регистрират периодично по време на смяната си.

Взаимодействието с местната общност може да подобри мерките ви за сигурност. Сътрудничете си с други предприятия и местните правоприлагащи органи, за да споделяте информация за потенциални заплахи. Колективният подход може да повиши осведомеността и да доведе до по-ефективни стратегии за предотвратяване на престъпления. Участвайте в инициативи на общността, които са насочени към това - изграждането на взаимоотношения може да създаде мрежа за подкрепа, която да подпомогне защитата на вашите активи.

Планове за реакция

Наличието на солиден план за действие при извънредни ситуации може да смекчи последиците от кражбата. Разработете ясни протоколи за реагиране при инциденти. Той трябва да включва стъпки за докладване, свързване с правоприлагащите органи и уведомяване на вашия застраховател. Уверете се, че всички водачи са запознати с тях - те трябва да знаят как да действат бързо и ефективно.

Ситуационна осведоменост

Обучението на шофьорите да наблюдават заобикалящата ги среда може да предотврати кражби. Научете ги как да разпознават подозрителна дейност около автомобилите си и ги насърчавайте да се доверяват на инстинктите си и да докладват за всякакви необичайни случаи. Освен това подчертайте значението на това да се дава приоритет на личната безопасност пред тази на товара. Ако се сблъскат с крадец, те трябва да се подчинят и да съобщят за инцидента на властите веднага щом това е безопасно.

Мониторинг на транзакциите с гориво с помощта на SNAP

Ние предлагаме интелигентна система за плащане, която автоматично регистрира и проследява транзакциите с гориво. Когато шофьорите зареждат автомобилите си с гориво в някоя от над 3500 точки в Обединеното кралство, те просто представят своята карта SNAP Fuel, за да платят транзакцията, което елиминира нуждата от пари в брой или кредитни карти и оптимизира процеса.

Системата автоматично добавя всяка транзакция с гориво към сметката, свързана с регистрационния номер на автомобила. Подобна автоматизация премахва необходимостта водачите да събират и представят ръчно разписки, като намалява административната тежест и възможността за грешки.

Мениджърите на автопаркове получават месечни фактури с подробна информация за дейността на всички свои автомобили, което позволява лесно наблюдение на потреблението на гориво и разходите за целия автопарк.

SNAP Fuel се интегрира с други услуги на SNAP Account, което позволява на мениджърите на автопаркове да наблюдават не само транзакциите с гориво, но и услугите за паркиране и измиване в един акаунт, осигурявайки цялостна представа за операциите и разходите. Научете повече за SNAP Fuel тук.

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сряда 15 януари 2025 • Новини и актуализации


Miranda Blake

As a truck driver, it’s crucial that you’re always safe behind the wheel. But – with extreme weathers and lengthy routes across Europe – how can you ensure you make a positive impact? In this article, we outline essential guidelines so you can prioritise the safety of yourself and others.Firstly, you should make sure you have everything in place before you set off.Carefully plot your route in advance, considering factors such as weather conditions, road construction, and potential hazards. It’s a good idea to utilise technology like GPS and weather apps to stay informed about your journey. You should also plan stops for rest, refuelling, and eating. This way, you’ll ensure you maintain a consistent schedule without compromising on safety. Before hitting the road, conduct a thorough pre-trip inspection of your truck. Check the following:● Tyres for proper inflation and wear● Brakes for optimal performance● Lights and signals for functionality● Fluid levels (oil, coolant, brake fluid, etc.)● Mirrors for proper adjustment● Cargo securementBy assessing the likes of these things on a regular basis, you can identify potential issues before they escalate into major problems.Implementing these is just as crucial once you’ve started the engine.This is a significant risk factor for long-haul truckers like yourself. To combat this, we recommend:● Adhering to the rules around ● Taking regular breaks – even if you don't feel tired● Recognising signs of fatigue and pulling over to rest when necessary● Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule when possibleIt’s also wise to adopt a defensive-driving mindset to anticipate and avoid potential hazards. A few ideas are:● Ensuring a safe following distance● Staying aware of your blind spots● Avoiding frequent lane changes and signalling well in advance● Adjusting your speed according to road and weather conditions● Being prepared for the actions of other driversWith the point about maintaining a safe and consistent speed, you should:● Always adhere to the restrictions, especially in areas with reduced truck speed limits.● Lessen speed on curves, in work zones, and during adverse weather conditions.● Use auxiliary brakes on steep downhill grades to prevent overheating.Another important matter for safe long-haul trucking, you should ensure you carry out upkeep and protect your lorry.You’ll want to follow a strict schedule to keep your vehicle in optimal condition. For example, through:● Performing frequent oil changes and fluid checks● Inspecting and maintaining the brake system● Monitoring tyre pressure and condition● Keeping the electrical system in good working order● Addressing any issues promptly to prevent breakdowns on the roadLikewise, it’ll be key to ensure the safety of your cargo. You can do so by:● Utilising appropriate tie-downs and securing devices● Distributing the load evenly● Rechecking cargo securement during stops, especially after sudden braking or sharp turnsWith on top of your cargo, it’s recommended you:● Park in well-lit areas with high security when stopping for a rest.● Employ anti-theft devices and locking mechanisms.● Be vigilant and report any suspicious activity.As a long-haul trucker, you’ll also need to prepare for various conditions related to the climate and roads. For example, consider:● Staying informed about forecasts along your route● Adjusting your driving or delaying your trip in the more extreme elements● Carrying necessary equipment (chains, emergency kit, etc.) for different weathers● Proceeding with extra caution on unfamiliar areas or those prone to specific hazardsMaintaining is just as crucial in your quest for safe driving. So, ensure you:● Get regular health check-ups and any necessary medical certifications.● Eat a balanced diet and stay hydrated.● Exercise when possible – even if it's just stretching during breaks.● Manage stress through relaxation techniques or hobbies during downtime.Another way to boost safety is through our . This allows truck drivers like yourself to pay for various services such as parking, washing, fuel, and more. By eliminating cash transactions, it limits any distractions. What’s more, many sites feature enhanced security measures, so you’ll feel assured that your vehicle is safe while you take necessary breaks. And as our app allows users to reserve parking spots ahead of time, you’ll have peace of mind there will be a secure place to rest after long hours on the road.Remember: safe driving practices are not just guidelines; they’re essential principles that every long-haul trucker should embrace as part of their professional ethos. By prioritising safety through careful planning, vigilant driving, proper maintenance, and drawing on technology like intruck, you can significantly reduce the risks associated with your demanding profession. To learn more, get in touch with our team on +44 (0)1603 777242.

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сряда 08 януари 2025 • Новини и актуализации


Miranda Blake

Through the implementation of new regulations, the use of technology, and a commitment to driver welfare, the logistics industry can work towards a safer future for truckers while simultaneously promoting convenience.But, how exactly is this all put into action? Read on to find out…We previously conducted that shed light on the most dangerous roads across Europe, identifying countries such as Bulgaria and Czechia as having the highest average fatalities per 10,000 miles of road network.This analysis is crucial for understanding where the risks are greatest and highlights the need for targeted interventions to improve safety. Armed with this crucial information, drivers can better prepare for their journeys as well as make informed choices about their routes and rest stops.Intelligence gained via innovations like GPS navigation systems, real-time traffic updates, and advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) is also crucial. Such advancements in technology not only provide essential data about road conditions but also help truckers make educated decisions about their journeys. For instance, GPS systems can suggest alternative paths that avoid potential areas of peril, while traffic updates can give alerts on delays or accidents ahead. As a result, drivers are better able to . Moreover, applications like offer them access to detailed information on truck stops across Europe, ensuring they can find suitable places to rest – this is particularly beneficial for those travelling long distance who need to take regular breaks to adhere to legislation, combat fatigue, and maintain focus.In previous years, many drivers had no choice but to spend their break periods in their cabs due to a lack of accessible and affordable accommodation – and this often resulted in poor-quality rest, which can have detrimental effects on their health and safety.There’s been a much stronger emphasis on truckers having the ability to relax in suitable accommodation. Transport companies must take responsibility for arranging hotel stays or utilising dedicated break facilities. While this may involve additional costs, it presents an opportunity to invest in the wellbeing of the workforce, ultimately leading to higher levels of job satisfaction and retention.To comply with regulations, mitigate the risks associated with fatigue, and improve the overall safety of their drivers, fleet operators can consider the following approaches:● can ensure that drivers have access to a comfortable place to relax● can help truckers with locating nearby places to stay, streamlining the process and enhancing overall efficiencySNAP is a game changer for those in the sector, offering digital solutions that prioritise safety and convenience. Fleet companies and truckers now have access to an expanding network of services designed to make journeys smoother and more secure.At the heart of our offerings is our digital marketplace, which streamlines various aspects:● : Used every 13 seconds across Europe to pay for rest stop services, SNAP eliminates the need for truckers to spend from their own pocket and claim expenses later.● : intruck helps drivers locate and pre-book parking spaces along their routes, with many possessing enhanced security options to boost safety.● : Our platform allows truckers to pay for parking, washing, and other services using just their vehicle's licence plate number.This remains a top priority for us. We recently to include sites across Austria, Bulgaria, Czechia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, and Romania. Many of these have improved security infrastructure, addressing the critical need for safe overnight parking.What’s more, we have a dedicated division, , to provide bespoke solutions that protect premises from cargo crime threats, enhancing overall driver and freight safety.Truckers are extremely happy with our solutions. In fact, 80% of drivers we spoke to at UK events preferred SNAP over other payment methods, and 74% of European truckers expressed a desire to see more service partners join our network.And as we’re continuously growing and developing our network and solutions, European truck drivers can look forward to more options that result in increased safety, convenience, and efficiency on the road. By addressing key concerns like secure parking and streamlined payments, we’re paving the way for a more connected and supportive trucking industry across Europe.To learn more about SNAP, get in touch by calling our friendly team on +44 (0)1603 777242.

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понеделник 23 декември 2024 • Новини и актуализации



Navigating Sunday truck driving bans across Europe requires a comprehensive understanding of country-specific regulations, seasonal variations, and effective strategies. By investing in thorough route planning, staying informed, optimising operations, and leveraging technology, fleet companies can mitigate the impact of these restrictions. In this blog, we explore the different rules in a variety of European countries and dive further into the best ways to adapt to them. Each country has its own laws around Sunday driving bans, and these can vary widely. From 12 AM until 10 PM on the last day of the week, trucks that exceed 7.5 tonnes aren’t allowed to operate. However, this isn’t necessarily a deterrent. Combined transport operations can enjoy special allowances, with rail and road transport permitted within 200 kilometres of loading or unloading stations, and port or road transport allowed within 150 kilometres of ports. Moving specific perishable goods is also exempt, such as fresh milk, dairy products, meat, fish, fruit, and vegetables. Additionally, certain vehicles and operations aren’t subject to the ban, such as emergency vehicles involved in recovery, towing, or breakdown services. In this territory, driving restrictions are similar to those in Germany, applying to lorries surpassing 7.5 tonnes. These embargos occur on Sundays and public holidays from 12 AM to 10 PM. On top of this, there are restrictions on Saturdays and the day before national holidays, with driving prohibited from 10 PM to 12 AM. And during the summer, specific Saturdays have bans from 7 AM to 7 PM. Exemptions exist for certain goods, including dairy and meat items, as well as emergency vehicles. Violations of these prohibitions can lead to significant fines ranging from €750 to €3,750 for individuals and companies, respectively. Trucks aren’t allowed to be out on the roads on Sundays and public holidays from 9 AM to 10 PM in Italy. It’s worth noting that in June, July, August, and September, the embargo starts earlier at 7 AM – though it still ends at 10 PM. The country also imposes additional restrictions during the summer months. In July, there's a Saturday embargo from 8 AM to 4 PM, and this extends from 8 AM to 10 PM in August. While these are the general rules, it's crucial to know that there might be local variations or temporary restrictions on certain routes. Like with France and Germany, some exceptions may also apply for specific types of goods or emergency services. As for Spain, this presents a much more complex scenario. There’s a patchwork of regional bans, particularly in Catalonia. Driving restrictions for trucks can change based on local regulations, public holidays, and specific routes. Truckers operating here should consult local guidelines to ensure compliance. On top of the Sunday and holiday injunctions, there are also limitations on certain Saturdays during the summer months. These generally apply from 8 AM to 12 AM, particularly in July and August, when traffic is heavier due to vacationers. In terms of other European nations, there are many that also enforce their own Sunday driving bans. Austria, for example, dictates that trucks that weigh over 7.5 tonnes aren’t allowed on the roads on Sundays from 12 AM to 10 PM. Switzerland maintain something similar, with vehicles exceeding 3.5 tonnes unable to drive throughout the entire day. To navigate Sunday lorry driving restrictions, effective route planning is crucial. By using advanced technology and strategic thinking, fleet operators can optimise their processes. Employing modern GPS systems and enables fleets and their drivers to identify the most efficient journeys while avoiding areas with driving bans. These tools can provide real-time updates on road conditions, ensuring that truckers can make informed decisions on the go. Another idea is to explore different ways to get to the place in question. While it may be tempting to stick to the most direct path, alternative routes can often save time and avoid potential fines. Such detours may be slightly longer but can help circumvent areas with stringent embargos, allowing for smoother operations. Given the possibility of setbacks caused by traffic congestion or driving embargos, it’s also wise for fleet companies to build additional time into their schedules. A proactive approach provides better opportunity for deliveries to remain timely – even in the face of unexpected challenges. Staying updated on regulations and real-time traffic conditions is just as crucial. That’s why it’s wise to use specific apps and websites – these provide truckers with live updates on road closures, accidents, and congestion, enabling them to make adjustments to routes and avoid any delays. Many transport associations and logistics providers offer subscription services for traffic alerts. By signing up for these notifications, fleet operators can receive information on any changes to driving rules, ensuring they adhere to them. Utilising technology can enhance operational efficiency and compliance with . Telematics systems allow fleet companies to monitor vehicle location, fuel consumption, and driver behaviour. The data can be invaluable for optimising routes. What’s more, maintaining digital logbooks simplifies record keeping, and this will provide essential documentation in the event of an audit. Equally important is technology to simplify payments – and that’s where SNAP can help.Whether you’re looking for safe parking, a truck wash, or other services for your fleets, our solutions make paying for them much more convenient. Take a look at what can offer you today.