Susie Jones
Noticias • 5 min leer

Cuentos de camioneros: historias de la carretera

Creado: 22/08/2024

Actualizado: 22/08/2024

Queremos arrojar luz sobre la comunidad del transporte por carretera y conocer a las personas que están al volante.

Desde helicópteros que aterrizan delante de sus camiones hasta coches que circulan por el lado equivocado de la autopista, conozca mejor a los conductores que le entregan sus mercancías.


Alan conduce desde hace 23 años y decidió unirse al sector después de escuchar las canciones de Ally Thomson sobre conducción de camiones. Cuando se le pregunta qué es lo que más le gusta del trabajo, afirma que es "la soledad que aporta la conducción de camiones: hay una separación total de la vida doméstica."

Los camiones Volvo son sus favoritos, ya que viaja por todo el Reino Unido transportando mercancías de Amazon. Dice que ha transportado montones de productos interesantes, "la elección es ilimitada, basta con pensar en cualquier cosa que venda Amazon".

Para los conductores que aparcan por la noche, entretenerse durante el tiempo de inactividad es difícil. Sin embargo, los conductores experimentados como Alan han conseguido que su rutina nocturna sea perfecta. Afirma que "le gusta ver Sky TV a través del iPad" cuando está aparcado por la noche.

Para los conductores que luchan por mantenerse entretenidos al volante, hemos recopilado una lista de formas de evitar que el aburrimiento haga acto de presencia.

Aunque las largas horas en la carretera pueden parecer monótonas para muchos, Alan explica que siempre hay algo que le mantiene alerta.

"Creo que lo más loco que he visto conduciendo es un helicóptero aterrizando justo delante de mí", explica, muy lejos de la monótona reputación que ha envuelto al sector durante décadas.

Con 23 años de experiencia en el sector a sus espaldas, Alan nos ofrece algunos consejos que mantendrán tus perlas blancas frescas durante tus viajes.

Explica que "el consejo que daría a cualquiera que se inicie en el sector es que recuerde siempre tener el cepillo de dientes cargado".


Hace 36 años, Richard empezó su carrera en el sector del transporte y nunca miró atrás. Le picó el gusanillo de conducir cuando se unió a sus dos hermanos mayores para ayudar a repartir mercancías por todo el Reino Unido.

"Me encanta coger una carga y ponerme en marcha. Puedo decidir cuándo hago una pausa y dónde aparco. Estar en la carretera y viajar por todo el Reino Unido es genial", explica.

Durante su carrera, la vida en la carretera le ha llevado hasta Milán (Italia), un viaje agotador incluso para los conductores más experimentados. Cuando se le pregunta cómo se entretiene en sus viajes, afirma: "Me gusta escuchar música y ver películas en los ratos muertos."

¿El mejor camión para hacerlo? "Tiene que ser un Scania Next Generation 450S", afirma.

Para Richard, 30 años en el sector no han estado exentos de historias disparatadas y entregas insólitas: "He visto un coche ir en sentido contrario por una autopista, saliendo de una vía de servicio. Lo más interesante que he tenido en la parte trasera del camión es una carroza del desfile de San Wilfred".

Aunque le sigue encantando la carretera, Richard afirma que a veces tiene un precio. Ofrece una gran perspectiva de la realidad de esta profesión y consejos para quienes quieran unirse al sector.

"Piensa muy bien si ésta es la carrera adecuada para ti. Prepárate para largas jornadas y para perderte mucha vida familiar".


Crecer en una familia de conductores significa que Sean lleva el transporte por carretera en la sangre, y hace 20 años se puso al volante y siguió su carrera en el sector del transporte.

El trabajo tiene muchas ventajas, pero a Sean lo que más le gusta es la libertad que le ofrece. Esta libertad le ha llevado hasta Escocia para realizar un servicio cada seis semanas. En esos largos viajes, llamar por teléfono a los amigos y ver la televisión son su fuente de entretenimiento.

Además, las paradas de camiones han desempeñado un papel fundamental para Sean a la hora de combatir el aislamiento que supone conducir. A menudo un hervidero de actividad, las paradas de camiones permiten a Sean ponerse al día con sus amigos en sus viajes.

Estas paradas en boxes son la oportunidad perfecta para escuchar las locas historias de otros camioneros. Al igual que Richard, lo más extraño que Sean ha visto en sus viajes ha sido "un coche que iba en dirección contraria por una autopista en la oscuridad", una historia demasiado común entre la comunidad de camioneros.

Un DAF XF 530 es el camión elegido por Sean para transportar materiales de construcción por todo el Reino Unido. Aconseja a cualquiera que busque una carrera en el transporte por camión que "¡simplemente vaya a por ello!".


Dave lleva 30 años conduciendo camiones y ha viajado hasta Dinamarca y España. Cuando no está viajando en su camión favorito, un Volvo FH, le gusta ver telenovelas en la comodidad de su cabina.

"El comportamiento de algunos conductores me ha dado algunas historias locas que contar", explica. Sin embargo, cuando le preguntamos qué es lo más interesante que ha llevado en la parte trasera de su camión, Dave no nos dice nada: "es un secreto", afirma.

Después de 30 años transportando mercancías, Dave ha aprendido algunas cosas sobre el mundo del transporte. Ofrece un gran consejo a quienes buscan iniciar su carrera en el sector: "asegúrate de especializarte en algo".


Relativamente nuevo en el sector, Alastair decidió dedicarse a la conducción de camiones para mantenerse ocupado tras su jubilación. Con cinco años a sus espaldas, lo que más le gusta es la variedad de la profesión.

Durante este tiempo, Alastair ha podido viajar por todo el Reino Unido y Europa: "He viajado a Inverness, Copenhague, Lisboa, Budapest y Roma", afirma.

Para no aburrirse, a Alastair le gusta escuchar "Radio 4, LBC y 5 Live".

Viajando por Europa, ha sido testigo de comportamientos inusuales por parte de otros usuarios de la carretera. Sin embargo, fue más cerca de casa, donde tuvo que maniobrar con su camión a través de "las manifestaciones de Londres". Fue probablemente lo más loco que he vivido", explica.

Para los fans de 007, Alastair comparte el momento en que tuvo que transportar algunos objetos de alto secreto.

"Lo más interesante que he tenido en la parte trasera del camión serían probablemente objetos de exposición de James Bond", afirma.

Aunque Alastair no lleva mucho tiempo en este sector, tiene algunas palabras para los nuevos.

"Un consejo que daría a alguien que esté pensando en incorporarse al mundo del transporte es que mantenga la calma".

Sean V

El amor de Sean por la carretera se remonta a las muchas vacaciones de verano que pasó con su padre viajando en su camión. Después de 30 años conduciendo, su amor por la carretera sigue creciendo.

"Lo que más me gusta de este trabajo es ver todos los sitios bonitos del Reino Unido y Europa", explica. Es un trabajo que le ha llevado a varios destinos: Roma es el más lejano al que ha viajado.

Cuando no está explorando los pueblos y ciudades, a Sean le gusta entretenerse viendo la tele, utilizando su iPad y, hasta hace poco, jugando en la comodidad de su propio taxi.

¿Lo más loco que ha visto en la carretera?

Desgraciadamente, Sean es otro de los testigos de un espectáculo demasiado habitual entre los camioneros: "un coche circulando en sentido contrario por la autopista", explica.

Durante los 30 años de carrera de Sean, afirma que los camiones DAF han sido sus favoritos para conducir, y que el artículo más interesante que ha transportado ha sido "equipo médico especializado".

El amor de Sean por el sector supera algunos de los aspectos negativos del trabajo. Sin embargo, para aquellos que quieran iniciar su carrera en el sector del transporte, Sean tiene estas sabias palabras:

"Si está pensando en incorporarse al sector, espere hacer muchas horas".

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miércoles 22 enero 2025 • Noticias



The trucking industry is undergoing a technological revolution – and here at SNAP, we consistently push the boundaries of innovation to enhance safety, efficiency, and convenience for drivers and fleet operators across Europe, setting new standards in the process.Central to our offerings? Our comprehensive digital marketplace – a one-stop platform that's redefining the management of operations. Read on to learn how…There are two main elements to this.Having become an indispensable tool for drivers navigating Europe's vast road network, is so much more than just a mobile app that helps them find their way; it’s a dynamic resource that puts the power of information directly into their hands. What’s more, it allows them to pre-book parking spaces along their routes. As for our web-based platform, the innovative tool enables fleet managers to book parking spaces for drivers in advance, significantly enhancing route planning efficiency. By providing this level of foresight and control, we’re able to help , reduce downtime, and improve overall logistics management.Our commitment to improving the trucking experience is evident in our rapidly growing network of services across Europe. Many of these sites have enhanced security features – addressing the critical need for safe rest areas for drivers and their valuable cargo.On top of this, our network extends beyond parking – we’ve integrated European , demonstrating our holistic approach to meeting drivers' needs on the road. Plus, through our partner company, Certas Energy, we can offer SNAP Fuel – this gives truckers access to discounted refuelling at their stations, adding another layer of convenience and cost efficiency.We’ve also revolutionised via our digital payment system. Effectively eliminating the need for cash transactions in the industry, it’s no wonder it’s used every 13 seconds across Europe. What’s more, it’s resulted in enhanced security for drivers and streamlined expense management for fleet operators.There are features that automate booking and transaction processes too. These significantly simplify administrative tasks for both truckers and fleet managers, which not only saves time but also reduces the potential for human error – leading to more efficient and accurate operations.Recognising the critical importance of safety in the industry, we have a dedicated . This offers tailored products designed to protect haulage sites, vehicles, and cargo. In an era where , our proactive approach to security is key to tackling the sector's most pressing challenges.We’ll continue to innovate and expand our technological offerings, ensuring we remain agile by updating and improving our services to meet the evolving needs of the industry. Additionally, as our network grows across different countries, we’ll make sure to navigate varied regulatory landscapes and infrastructure differences – just as we did with our into Austria, Bulgaria, Czechia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, and Romania.By addressing pain points in the sector through technology, we’ll also enhance existing processes and reshape the future of logistics – further solidifying our position as a leader in tech trucking.Want to learn more about SNAP and what we do? Get in touch on +44 (0)1603 777242.

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miércoles 15 enero 2025 • Noticias


Miranda Blake

As a truck driver, it’s crucial that you’re always safe behind the wheel. But – with extreme weathers and lengthy routes across Europe – how can you ensure you make a positive impact? In this article, we outline essential guidelines so you can prioritise the safety of yourself and others.Firstly, you should make sure you have everything in place before you set off.Carefully plot your route in advance, considering factors such as weather conditions, road construction, and potential hazards. It’s a good idea to utilise technology like GPS and weather apps to stay informed about your journey. You should also plan stops for rest, refuelling, and eating. This way, you’ll ensure you maintain a consistent schedule without compromising on safety. Before hitting the road, conduct a thorough pre-trip inspection of your truck. Check the following:● Tyres for proper inflation and wear● Brakes for optimal performance● Lights and signals for functionality● Fluid levels (oil, coolant, brake fluid, etc.)● Mirrors for proper adjustment● Cargo securementBy assessing the likes of these things on a regular basis, you can identify potential issues before they escalate into major problems.Implementing these is just as crucial once you’ve started the engine.This is a significant risk factor for long-haul truckers like yourself. To combat this, we recommend:● Adhering to the rules around ● Taking regular breaks – even if you don't feel tired● Recognising signs of fatigue and pulling over to rest when necessary● Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule when possibleIt’s also wise to adopt a defensive-driving mindset to anticipate and avoid potential hazards. A few ideas are:● Ensuring a safe following distance● Staying aware of your blind spots● Avoiding frequent lane changes and signalling well in advance● Adjusting your speed according to road and weather conditions● Being prepared for the actions of other driversWith the point about maintaining a safe and consistent speed, you should:● Always adhere to the restrictions, especially in areas with reduced truck speed limits.● Lessen speed on curves, in work zones, and during adverse weather conditions.● Use auxiliary brakes on steep downhill grades to prevent overheating.Another important matter for safe long-haul trucking, you should ensure you carry out upkeep and protect your lorry.You’ll want to follow a strict schedule to keep your vehicle in optimal condition. For example, through:● Performing frequent oil changes and fluid checks● Inspecting and maintaining the brake system● Monitoring tyre pressure and condition● Keeping the electrical system in good working order● Addressing any issues promptly to prevent breakdowns on the roadLikewise, it’ll be key to ensure the safety of your cargo. You can do so by:● Utilising appropriate tie-downs and securing devices● Distributing the load evenly● Rechecking cargo securement during stops, especially after sudden braking or sharp turnsWith on top of your cargo, it’s recommended you:● Park in well-lit areas with high security when stopping for a rest.● Employ anti-theft devices and locking mechanisms.● Be vigilant and report any suspicious activity.As a long-haul trucker, you’ll also need to prepare for various conditions related to the climate and roads. For example, consider:● Staying informed about forecasts along your route● Adjusting your driving or delaying your trip in the more extreme elements● Carrying necessary equipment (chains, emergency kit, etc.) for different weathers● Proceeding with extra caution on unfamiliar areas or those prone to specific hazardsMaintaining is just as crucial in your quest for safe driving. So, ensure you:● Get regular health check-ups and any necessary medical certifications.● Eat a balanced diet and stay hydrated.● Exercise when possible – even if it's just stretching during breaks.● Manage stress through relaxation techniques or hobbies during downtime.Another way to boost safety is through our . This allows truck drivers like yourself to pay for various services such as parking, washing, fuel, and more. By eliminating cash transactions, it limits any distractions. What’s more, many sites feature enhanced security measures, so you’ll feel assured that your vehicle is safe while you take necessary breaks. And as our app allows users to reserve parking spots ahead of time, you’ll have peace of mind there will be a secure place to rest after long hours on the road.Remember: safe driving practices are not just guidelines; they’re essential principles that every long-haul trucker should embrace as part of their professional ethos. By prioritising safety through careful planning, vigilant driving, proper maintenance, and drawing on technology like intruck, you can significantly reduce the risks associated with your demanding profession. To learn more, get in touch with our team on +44 (0)1603 777242.

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miércoles 08 enero 2025 • Noticias


Miranda Blake

Through the implementation of new regulations, the use of technology, and a commitment to driver welfare, the logistics industry can work towards a safer future for truckers while simultaneously promoting convenience.But, how exactly is this all put into action? Read on to find out…We previously conducted that shed light on the most dangerous roads across Europe, identifying countries such as Bulgaria and Czechia as having the highest average fatalities per 10,000 miles of road network.This analysis is crucial for understanding where the risks are greatest and highlights the need for targeted interventions to improve safety. Armed with this crucial information, drivers can better prepare for their journeys as well as make informed choices about their routes and rest stops.Intelligence gained via innovations like GPS navigation systems, real-time traffic updates, and advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) is also crucial. Such advancements in technology not only provide essential data about road conditions but also help truckers make educated decisions about their journeys. For instance, GPS systems can suggest alternative paths that avoid potential areas of peril, while traffic updates can give alerts on delays or accidents ahead. As a result, drivers are better able to . Moreover, applications like offer them access to detailed information on truck stops across Europe, ensuring they can find suitable places to rest – this is particularly beneficial for those travelling long distance who need to take regular breaks to adhere to legislation, combat fatigue, and maintain focus.In previous years, many drivers had no choice but to spend their break periods in their cabs due to a lack of accessible and affordable accommodation – and this often resulted in poor-quality rest, which can have detrimental effects on their health and safety.There’s been a much stronger emphasis on truckers having the ability to relax in suitable accommodation. Transport companies must take responsibility for arranging hotel stays or utilising dedicated break facilities. While this may involve additional costs, it presents an opportunity to invest in the wellbeing of the workforce, ultimately leading to higher levels of job satisfaction and retention.To comply with regulations, mitigate the risks associated with fatigue, and improve the overall safety of their drivers, fleet operators can consider the following approaches:● can ensure that drivers have access to a comfortable place to relax● can help truckers with locating nearby places to stay, streamlining the process and enhancing overall efficiencySNAP is a game changer for those in the sector, offering digital solutions that prioritise safety and convenience. Fleet companies and truckers now have access to an expanding network of services designed to make journeys smoother and more secure.At the heart of our offerings is our digital marketplace, which streamlines various aspects:● : Used every 13 seconds across Europe to pay for rest stop services, SNAP eliminates the need for truckers to spend from their own pocket and claim expenses later.● : intruck helps drivers locate and pre-book parking spaces along their routes, with many possessing enhanced security options to boost safety.● : Our platform allows truckers to pay for parking, washing, and other services using just their vehicle's licence plate number.This remains a top priority for us. We recently to include sites across Austria, Bulgaria, Czechia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, and Romania. Many of these have improved security infrastructure, addressing the critical need for safe overnight parking.What’s more, we have a dedicated division, , to provide bespoke solutions that protect premises from cargo crime threats, enhancing overall driver and freight safety.Truckers are extremely happy with our solutions. In fact, 80% of drivers we spoke to at UK events preferred SNAP over other payment methods, and 74% of European truckers expressed a desire to see more service partners join our network.And as we’re continuously growing and developing our network and solutions, European truck drivers can look forward to more options that result in increased safety, convenience, and efficiency on the road. By addressing key concerns like secure parking and streamlined payments, we’re paving the way for a more connected and supportive trucking industry across Europe.To learn more about SNAP, get in touch by calling our friendly team on +44 (0)1603 777242.