Susie Jones
Novinky z odvetvia • 3 min čítania

Pochopenie nových sadzieb mýta pre nákladné vozidlá v Nemecku

Vytvorené: 12. 08. 2024

Aktualizované: 12. 08. 2024

V súvislosti s prebiehajúcimi zmenami v nemeckom mýtnom systéme pre nákladné vozidlá je ľahké sa v mnohých zmenách a predpisoch stratiť. Takmer 83 % miestnych jázd nákladných vozidiel, ktoré pokrývajú približne 200 kilometrov, sa už uskutočňuje po spoplatnených cestách - čo poukazuje na vplyv nemeckých mýtnych poplatkov na výdavky vozového parku.

V súvislosti s nárastom sadzieb mýta tieto nové zmeny tvrdo zasiahli spoločnosti prevádzkujúce vozové parky. Zmeny mýta v rokoch 2023 a 2024 sú dôsledkom podpory nemeckej vlády v rámci novely zákona o mýte, ktorou sa prijíma:

  • Nové sadzby mýta

  • Zavedenie mýta za emisie CO2

  • Zrušenie oslobodenia od mýta pre vozidlá na zemný plyn

  • Rozšírenie mýta na vozidlá s prípustnou celkovou hmotnosťou nad 3,5 tony.

1. januára 2023 zmeny

Sadzby mýta sa zvýšili na začiatku roka 2023. Rozhodujúce boli tri faktory:

  • Počet náprav

  • Trieda emisií

  • Prípustná celková hmotnosť jazdnej súpravy.

zmeny 1. decembra 2023

V decembri boli zavedené triedy emisií CO2 ako nové tarifné kritérium. Vypočítava sa na základe príplatku 200 eur za tonu emisií CO2 - tento príplatok sa vyberá od všetkých vozidiel s prípustnou celkovou hmotnosťou nad 7,5 tony. Výška jednotlivých príplatkov okrem súčasného mýta závisí od emisnej triedy.

  • Trieda 1 - nákladné vozidlá s najvyššími emisiami CO2, a teda s najvyšším možným príplatkom. Spoločnosť TollCollect, ktorá v Nemecku vyberá mýto pre nákladné vozidlá, zaraďuje všetky registrované vozidlá do tejto emisnej triedy - prevádzkovatelia vozových parkov sa musia obrátiť na túto spoločnosť, aby požiadali o lepšie zaradenie, ak na to majú nárok.

  • Triedy 2 a 3 - obe triedy sa priradia pri zadávaní údajov o vozidle na portáli TollCollect.

  • Trieda 4 - nákladné vozidlá s nízkymi emisiami, napríklad vozidlá na zemný plyn.

  • Trieda 5 - nákladné vozidlá s nulovými emisiami.

1. januára 2024 zmeny

Od 1. januára 2024 sa prestalo uplatňovať oslobodenie od mýta pre vozidlá na zemný plyn.

1. júla 2024 zmeny

Mýto sa bude platiť za všetky vozidlá s technicky prípustnou celkovou hmotnosťou vyššou ako 3,5 tony. V súvislosti s touto novou zmenou existuje niekoľko výnimiek:

  • Vozidlá bez emisií s technicky prípustnou celkovou hmotnosťou vyššou ako 4,25 tony.

  • Ťažké úžitkové vozidlá bez emisií - táto výnimka platí do konca decembra 2025.

  • Vozidlá používané obchodnými podnikmi - Platí pre vozidlá s celkovou hmotnosťou nižšou ako 7,5 tony.

Pripravte svoj vozový park na júlové zmeny

Pred 1. júlom si musíte overiť, či vaše vozidlá podliehajú mýtu, a ak áno, ako chcete mýto zaplatiť.

Skontrolujte svoje vozidlá

  • Skontrolujte prvú časť osvedčenia o evidencii vozidla v poli F1. Ak má vaše vozidlo technicky prípustnú maximálnu hmotnosť nákladu (TPMLM) vyššiu ako 3,5 tony, podliehate plateniu mýta. Nákladné vozidlá, ktorých TPMLM je presne 3,5 tony alebo menej, nepodliehajú plateniu mýta.

  • Kombinácie vozidiel - ak má ťažné vozidlo TPMLM viac ako 3,5 tony, podliehate mýtu. Kombinácia s TPMLM nad 3,5 tony nepodlieha mýtnemu poplatku, ak má ťahajúce vozidlo TPMLM 3,5 tony alebo menej.

  • Požiadavky na mýto sa vzťahujú na vozidlá určené alebo používané na cestnú nákladnú dopravu.

  • Obchodné podniky sú za určitých podmienok oslobodené od mýta.

Ako zaplatiť mýto

Najpohodlnejší spôsob platby je pomocou palubnej jednotky (OBU), ktorú poskytuje spoločnosť Toll Collect, poskytovatelia Európskej služby elektronického výberu mýta (EETS) alebo ich obchodní partneri.

Platba palubnou jednotkou si vyžaduje registráciu v systéme Toll Collect a dohodnutie termínu inštalácie - po inštalácii nastavte hmotnosť ako "<7,5 tony". S palubnou jednotkou sa bude automaticky vyberať mýto na diaľniciach a spolkových cestách od 1. júla 2024.

Mýto môžete zaplatiť aj na webovej stránke Toll Collect alebo prostredníctvom aplikácie app ešte pred začiatkom cesty.

Je moje obchodné vozidlo oslobodené od nových nemeckých mýtnych sadzieb?

Na uplatnenie oslobodenia od dane pre remeselníkov sa vzťahujú tieto podmienky:

  • Vozidlo môžu viesť len zamestnanci obchodnej spoločnosti.

  • Prepravované materiály, zariadenia alebo stroje musia byť nevyhnutné na vykonávanie služieb a prác v rámci živnostenského podnikania.

  • Prepravovaný ručne vyrobený tovar musí byť vyrobený, spracovaný alebo opravený v podniku živnostníka.

Svoje obchodné vozidlá môžete zaregistrovať online na stránke Toll Collect. Viac informácií o výnimkách sa obchodné podniky dozvedia na stránke FAQ spoločnosti Toll Collect.

Môžu nákladné vozidlá jazdiť v Nemecku v nedeľu?

V záujme zníženia premávky a zachovania bezpečnosti na cestách platia v určitých časoch zákazy jazdy komerčných nákladných vozidiel. Zákaz platí v nedeľu, čo znamená, že vodiči nákladných vozidiel s hmotnosťou nad 7,5 tony sa nemôžu pohybovať od 12.00 do 22.00 hod. Okrem toho platí zákaz jazdy aj počas nasledujúcich štátnych sviatkov:

  • Nový rok - 1. januára

  • Veľký piatok - 18. apríla

  • Veľkonočný pondelok - 21. apríla

  • Sviatok práce - 1. máj

  • Deň nanebovstúpenia - 29. máj

  • Zelený štvrtok - 8. júna

  • Deň zjednotenia Nemecka - 3. október

  • Vianoce a Boxing Day - 25. a 26. decembra

Počas hlavných prázdnin, od 1. júla do 31. augusta, platí v sobotu zákaz jazdy nákladných vozidiel, čo znamená, že vodiči nákladných vozidiel nesmú jazdiť v čase od 7.00 do 20.00 h, keď je na cestách vysoká frekvencia vozidiel.

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pondelok 12 augusta 2024 • Novinky z odvetvia


Susie Jones

At the start of October, the Government announced its plan to scrap HS2 and redirect funding to improve the country's transport infrastructure – a project known as Network North. The project will provide £36 billion to improve major roads that have become a bone of contention for drivers. The announcement surprised many, but what does it mean for the truck drivers who are endlessly traversing across these roads? The Government will increase funding for most existing Major Road Network and Large Local Major road schemes. These schemes will go from an 85% to a 100% contribution to ensure they are delivered. A list of the is available on . Extra funding for these schemes will improve road efficiency throughout the country. The strategic road network scheme aims to reduce congestion and ensure smoother journeys for those using the roads frequently. A welcome advancement for truck drivers where sitting in standstill traffic has become the norm. • M6 Junction 15 As one of the busiest sections of road in the UK and used by over vehicles per day, it has long suffered from heavy congestion and unpredictable journey times. The tight corners on the slip road have proven challenging for truck drivers causing overturns and increased traffic delays. The changes promised should reduce congestion and improve the safety of the junction. • Two Manchester North West Quadrant projects The M60 sees journeys daily from commuters and long-distance drivers. The Northwest Quadrant projects will aim to bypass J12-J18 and remodel junctions 12, 13, and 14. Other additions, such as a link road to the A57 and capacity improvements to junctions nine, ten, seventeen, and eighteen, will improve congestion and journey times. • A1 between Morpeth and Ellingham The 12.8-mile stretch has been plagued by development delays since its proposal. However, the Network North project aims to get development underway by widening the stretch of road improving journey time, safety, and resiliency. • A5 between Hinckley and Tamworth pinch points Although further details are yet to be released, it's been suggested that congestion relief will be prominent in their plans. • A50/A500 corridor improvements between Stoke and Derby With average rush hour speeds below 20mph, this route has proven slow and unreliable for truck drivers and commuters. The Network North scheme is likely to: • Generate new jobs by 2061 • See a population increase in the area by 2061 • See a increase in GVA (gross value added) over the next 60 years. • A2 Brenley Corner Known as Kent's most congested junction, Network North promises to invest in this area fantastic news for truck drivers traveling to Dover. Further details regarding development plans are yet to be released. However, plans to improve Brenley Corner have been discussed since 2021. • A75 improvements between Gretna and Stranraer The A57 is in dire need of dualling as currently, truck drivers are restricted to a 40mph speed limit causing tailbacks and long delays. As a crucial ferry link between Northern Ireland and Great Britain, truck drivers who use this link will benefit heavily from the project. An improved road infrastructure will alleviate congestion, saving truck drivers valuable time and fuel expenses contributing to faster delivery times. The Network North scheme looks to improve the lives of truck drivers and other road users by increasing safety and enhancing efficiency. According to a report by , from 2007-2021, the average pass rate for a HGV practical test was around 50%. Data from shows in 2022-2023, 75.9% of men in the UK passed their LGV test compared to 75.9% of women who passed. As with any profession, some aspects are stressful. Long hours away from loved ones can cause loneliness and isolation among many drivers. Additionally, truck driving is a high-pressure job at times with tight delivery deadlines and navigating through unpredictable weather conditions.

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štvrtok 08 augusta 2024 • Novinky z odvetvia


Susie Jones

A 2024 report by revealed over 25% of road traffic emissions come from the transport sector in Europe with heavy-duty vehicles responsible for of emissions (buses and coaches make up the remainder).At the current rate, the transport sector alone will make up nearly half of Europe's greenhouse gas emissions in 2030 Europe's transport emissions have continued to increase by more than a quarter since 1990. Emissions across the economy have decreased however, since a peak in 2007, the transport sector has been decarbonising more r than the rest of the economy.Since the proliferation of e-commerce and home delivery services, the demand for more trucks on the road has increased significantly. Consequently, increased demand has resulted in an increase in CO2 emissions within the haulage industry.A report regarding domestic freight tonnage across different modes (road, rail, and water) revealed road freight was more dominant in Europe than rail and water compared to other geographies (USA and India). Although China is more reliant on road freight, the report revealed the country operated with roughly 600,000 electric trucks to deliver goods.European Parliament adopted the to tackle rising CO2 emissions. As part of this law, the EU target of reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 has been increased to at least 55% making climate neutrality by 2050 legally binding.In May 2024, EU countries approved a law to slash truck CO2 emissions. The new law will require new heavy-duty vehicles sold in the EU from 2040 to be emissions-free while enforcing a cut in CO2 emissions from new HGVs by the same year. Manufacturers must sell a large amount of fully CO2-free HGVs for example, electric and hydrogen fuel vehicles to offset remaining sales of CO-emitting vehicles.Fleet managers can take measures to reduce their CO2 emissions:• Harsh braking, rapid acceleration, and idling can increase fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions Although monitoring driver behaviour can be challenging, AI technology can provide continuous feedback to drivers and fleet managers. Learn more about how in the haulage industry.• Fleets with older vehicles can switch to Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO), hydrogen, or electric-powered HGVs to significantly reduce emissions. However, fleet managers must consider the distance alternative-fuelled vehicles can travel and the cost implications.• allows fleet managers to reduce their detour mileage with over 600 service partners available to SNAP Account customers, fleet managers can plan overnight stops for their drivers on route.According to a , by 2030, a third of all trucks in Europe will be electric. As fleet companies are taking steps towards electrification, truck stops across Europe must be able to meet the demand for electric charging stations.Providing the infrastructure will come at a cost for many truck stops and service stations. However, those who already accommodate EV car chargers are well-placed to take advantage of future waves of electric trucks. By 2030, public charging stations in Europe will grow to over The EU has put forward an ambitious law for charging with the Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR). The AFIR plans to equip the main road network with charging pools every 60km providing enough charging energy and hydrogen capacity for of truck and coach fleets to be zero-emission by 2030.In 2021, Germany, France, and Italy were responsible for the highest overall greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions ranging from . However, countries with larger populations produce more GHG emissions therefore, viewing the overall greenhouse gas emissions provides a distorted image.Looking at an impartial view of emissions provides a different outlook Luxembourg, Ireland, and the Czech Republic produced the highest per capita emissions in the EU in 2021.Transporting goods via rail is modes of transport, but it also provides other benefits:• Reduces road congestion, which contributes to improved air quality.• Rail offers a faster way to transport goods and removes heavy traffic obstacles.Alternative fuel trucks are another environmentally friendly way to transport goods. Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) can immediately reduce up to of greenhouse emissions compared to standard diesel across the product life cycle. is behind the move to a cleaner alternative helping businesses meet their sustainability goals and take meaningful steps towards their net zero future.