Susie Jones
Consejos para conductores • 4 min leer

Guía presupuestaria para camioneros

Creado: 29/08/2024

Actualizado: 29/08/2024

Como camionero, estás acostumbrado a recorrer largas distancias y a trabajar en horarios poco sociales, lo que a menudo puede suponer gastos añadidos. Pero, ¿cómo ahorrar dinero como camionero? Controlar sus gastos y gestionar su dinero puede ser difícil, pero hemos reunido algunos consejos prácticos para ayudarle a presupuestar.


Tomarse el tiempo necesario para preparar el viaje puede ahorrarle dinero y darle tranquilidad.

  • Provisiones: Calcula qué artículos vas a necesitar para no tener que gastar mucho dinero durante el viaje.

  • La comida: Prepararse la comida puede ser un truco sencillo pero eficaz a la hora de ahorrar dinero. Comer fuera suele ser caro y, a veces, poco saludable. Tener un microondas y un frigorífico en el taxi te facilitará mucho la preparación de la comida. Consulte nuestros consejos para mantenerse sano en la carretera.

  • Planificación del viaje: Planificar la ruta más eficiente puede ahorrarle dinero en combustible y peajes inesperados. Saber dónde va a pasar la noche y reservar con antelación puede hacer que su viaje sea más rentable. Descargue nuestra intruck app para encontrar aparcamiento para camiones cerca de su ruta de tránsito.

Crear un presupuesto y ceñirse a él

El consejo más difícil, pero el más eficaz. Crea un presupuesto mensual o semanal al que puedas ceñirte y controla tus gastos. Hay muchas formas de establecer tu presupuesto: puedes anotar tus gastos en un calendario mensual, apuntarlos en un cuaderno o utilizar una aplicación que te ayude. Forbes tiene una extensa lista de aplicaciones que pueden ayudarte.


Invertir en un inversor le permitirá utilizar pequeños electrodomésticos. Tener un frigorífico para mantener los alimentos frescos, una plancha eléctrica para cocinar y una cafetera para preparar tu taza de café como a ti te gusta te evitará gastarte una fortuna. Despídete de la cara comida rápida y dale la bienvenida a la comida casera por la mitad de precio.


Un coste que no puede evitar. Sin embargo, hay muchas formas de ahorrar:

  • Presión de los neumáticos: unos neumáticos poco inflados reducen el consumo de combustible, por lo que es importante comprobarlos periódicamente.

  • Reduce el ralentí: Apaga el motor si sabes que vas a estar parado un rato. Una hora de ralentí puede quemar aproximadamente medio litro de combustible.

  • Utiliza el control de crucero: El control de crucero puede reducir las aceleraciones y deceleraciones innecesarias.

  • Conduce con una marcha más larga: Esto maximizará la eficiencia del combustible, ya que viajar a altas velocidades en marchas cortas puede consumir un 45% más de combustible.

  • Aire acondicionado: Puede aumentar el consumo de combustible hasta 0,4 millas por galón. Si es posible, viaja con la ventanilla abierta antes de recurrir al aire acondicionado.

Además de estos consejos, SNAP Fuel ofrece una estructura de precios sostenible y transparente, así como descuentos en los puntos de repostaje de nuestra empresa asociada, Certas Energy.

Programas de fidelización

Algunas empresas ofrecen a sus conductores programas de recompensa para ayudarles a ahorrar dinero. Artículos como descuentos en comida, bebida, duchas e instalaciones de limpieza pueden ayudar a ahorrar. Además, si es cliente de SNAP, podemos ofrecerle vales de comida en las paradas de camiones participantes.


Ya sea para ponerte en contacto con la familia a través de una videollamada o para ver tus programas favoritos en streaming, tener la opción de conectarte al WiFi puede suponerte un ahorro considerable. Utilizar únicamente los datos de tu teléfono puede salirte caro y dejarte con una factura inesperadamente alta. La mayoría de las paradas de camiones ofrecen WiFi para los conductores, y siempre puedes averiguar qué paradas de camiones lo ofrecen en nuestra página mapas.

¿Es la conducción de camiones un trabajo duro?

Esto suele depender de cada persona, ya que en cualquier trabajo hay aspectos que a uno le resultan difíciles y que a otros no. Las largas jornadas laborales, el tiempo que se pasa lejos de los seres queridos y un estilo de vida sedentario pueden hacer que el trabajo sea duro. Además, tendrá que enfrentarse a dificultades externas como atascos en las carreteras, horarios ajustados y, a veces, hacer horas extras. Sin embargo, no todo es pesimismo: muchos camioneros tienen muchas oportunidades de trabajo, independencia, flexibilidad y la posibilidad de viajar al extranjero.

¿Es la conducción de camiones una buena vida?

Como ya se ha dicho, la vida en la carretera puede tener algunas desventajas. La conducción de camiones no es para todo el mundo, pero los que acaban trabajando se benefician de algunas ventajas: - Estabilidad laboral: la actual escasez de conductores significa que no tendrá problemas para encontrar y mantener un empleo.

  • Remuneración - Una carrera como conductor de camiones puede ofrecer una buena remuneración y prestaciones adicionales.

  • Viajar: si no te gusta estar encerrado en un solo sitio todos los días, viajar por el Reino Unido y Europa es una gran ventaja.

Además de algunas de estas ventajas, muchos camioneros no cambiarían su vida al volante por un trabajo de oficina de 9 a 5 horas.

¿Cuánto cuesta ser conductor de camión?

Para ser conductor de camión hay que seguir unos cuantos pasos y el coste puede variar en función de con quién te examines. Te lo explicamos en unos sencillos pasos.

Permiso provisional de camión

Para obtener el permiso de conducir de la clase 2, debe tener el permiso de coche, ser mayor de 18 años y disponer de un permiso provisional para vehículos pesados. El permiso de conducir provisional consta de dos formularios: el D2 (gratuito) y el D4. El formulario D4 es el reconocimiento médico y su coste puede variar entre 50 y 120 libras.

Permiso de Circulación (Clase 2, Clase C)

La obtención del permiso de conducción de vehículos pesados consta de cuatro partes, y el coste de cada una de ellas puede variar. Según el sitio web del Gobierno, la obtención del permiso de conducir cuesta aproximadamente 304 £. Sin embargo, este coste puede variar si lo solicitas a través de un sitio web no oficial. Además, hay que pagar las clases, que pueden costar hasta 1.390 euros.

Tarjeta Tacho

Una vez aprobado, dispondrá de su permiso de conducir para vehículos pesados de la clase 2 (clase C) y podrá conducir un rígido. Para conducir con fines comerciales tendrás que sacarte la tarjeta tacho, que te costará 32 £ y tendrás que renovarla cada cinco años por 15 £.

Clase 1 (C+E)

Para obtener el permiso de conducir de Clase 1 es necesario realizar un examen más. El permiso de clase 1 te habilitará para conducir un camión de más de 3.500 kg con un remolque de más de 750 kg. Esto le costará 115 £.

En general, obtener el carné de conductor de camión de clase 1 puede costarle algo menos de 2.000 £. Sin embargo, es importante señalar que, una vez obtenido el carné, tendrás un salario decente, estabilidad laboral, podrás viajar y te sentirás parte de una comunidad dentro del mundo del transporte por carretera.

Elaborar un presupuesto como camionero puede ser un reto, pero es esencial si quiere gestionar sus finanzas. Hacer un seguimiento de sus gastos, establecer un presupuesto y ceñirse a él le ayudará a ahorrar dinero. Los consejos anteriores le darán un buen punto de partida para animarle a adoptar hábitos financieros más saludables. ¿Cómo ahorras dinero cuando estás de viaje? Comparta sus consejos y trucos con nosotros en SNAP.

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lunes 02 diciembre 2024 • Consejos para conductores


Susie Jones

On the 3rd of December 2024, changes to the Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) will come into full effect. The new CPC aims to offer better flexibility to drivers returning to the profession and those undertaking mandatory training. We delve into the upcoming changes and how they will impact drivers. Introduced in 2007, the CPC is a mandatory qualification for professional drivers in the UK and EU wanting to drive a range of heavy vehicles, such as HGVs, LGVs, buses, and coaches. Drivers must pass four tests: • Theory• Case study• Practical• Vehicle safety demonstration. Once passed, the CPC lasts for five years and must be renewed by taking 35 hours of periodic training within the five years.The UK government wanted to understand the effectiveness of the Driver CPC. They did this by asking drivers, trainers, and other parties to take a poll. The government focused on two main areas: improving driver choice and attracting more drivers into the industry for example, making it easier for drivers with foreign qualifications to obtain a licence in the UK. The changes to the Driver CPC are categorised into the following:The international Driver CPC is the new name for how the previous Driver CPC worked. The following applies:• Drivers must take 35 hours of CPC training every five years.• The courses must be at least seven hours long. • If splitting a course over a day, a driver must complete it on two consecutive days.• Drivers are allowed to do a total of 12 hours of e-learning.The National Driver CPC provides more flexibility for those wanting to drive in the UK. Drivers can take either:• 35 hours of training every five years.• A combination of 35 hours of National Driver CPC and International Driver CPC training every five years.The flexibility means that:• Training must be at least 3 hours 30 minutes long training providers can offer longer courses. • It does not need to be completed on two consecutive days if it's a split course course providers can set their time limits.• Training can be e-learning.• Drivers can do 12 hours of e-learning towards their overall 35 hours.From the 3rd of December, 2024, drivers will be able to stay qualified by choosing either:1. International Driver CPC National Driver CPCDrivers wanting to return to the profession must take 35 hours of training before returning. However, this will change from the 1st of February, 2025.Drivers with an expired CPC will have new pathways to make returning to driving easier.Drivers have four options:• Undertake 35 hours of International Driver CPC training.• Regain qualification to drive in the UK and EU.• Complete 35 hours of National Driver CPC training.• Regain qualification to drive in the UK only.• Take a seven-hour "return to driving" module.• Regain UK driving qualification instantly.• To drive in the EU, complete 28 additional hours of training within 12 months.• As part of the National Driver CPC training, complete a seven-hour "return to driving" module.• Regain UK driving qualification instantly.• Take 28 additional hours of training (National or International Driver CPC) within 12 months.Drivers must take 35 hours of training (International or National).The rules surrounding Driver CPC cards remain the same drivers must carry their cards when operating vehicles professionally. However, the type of card differs based on qualification:• Identical to the current design.• The design will include "Domestic UK use only."If a driver is qualified for both categories, they may hold two cards.Fleet managers can prepare for the changes by ensuring the following:• Find out whether their drivers need an International or National CPC.• Training deadlines aren't missed to avoid fines.You are exempt from needing a Driver CPC if you're using the vehicle for:• Non-commercial carriage• Carrying materials you use for your job driving must be less than 30% of your rolling monthly work.• Driving for someone you work for or your own agriculture, horticulture, forestry, farming, or fisheries business driving must be less than 30% of your rolling monthly work. • Driving within 62 miles of your base driving a HGV, bus, or coach must not be your main job.• Driving to or from pre-booked appointments to test centres.• Lessons for anyone wanting to get a driving licence or a Driver CPC.• Maintain public order.Full guidance is on the website.Drivers with grandfather rights don't need to hold the actual qualification as part of their licence. However, they must complete 35 hours of training every five years.

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miércoles 18 septiembre 2024 • Consejos para conductores


Susie Jones

takes place from the 23rd to the 29th of September, and as a truck driver, maintaining good vision is crucial to your job. Optical Express reported that road crashes involving drivers with poor vision accounted for roughly yearly casualties.Truck driving is a physically demanding role, but it is just as demanding visually requiring constant vigilance and the ability to quickly identify or react to changing road conditions. Poor vision can affect a driver's ability to judge distances, read signs, and detect other vehicles, reducing safety for the driver and other road users.Drivers must complete a t when applying for an HGV licence this occurs every five years after 45 and every year after the age of 65. As part of the medical, truck drivers must have a vision examination by a doctor, optician, or optometrist.To pass the examination, drivers require visual acuity of at least 0.8 (6/7.5) on the Snellen scale in their best eye and at least 0.1 (6/60) in the other.Group 2 HGV drivers need a horizontal visual field of at least 160 degrees with an extension of at least 70 degrees left and right and 30 degrees up and down. No defects should be present within a radius of the central 30 degrees.After 45 years old, drivers must complete their D4 Medical Assessment every five years and every year after 65. However, opticians recommend that every road user has an eye test at least every two years.If a driver experiences the following, they should get their eyes tested immediately:• Headaches• Eyestrain• Pressure behind the eyes• Double vision• Difficulty seeing during the night• Halos around lights.Under the law, employers must ensure their employees are fit to drive this could cover several things, but eyesight is one of them. Employers should test their driver's eyesight every six months by carrying out a number plate sight check 20 metres away.If an HGV driver requires glasses or contact lenses to reach the minimum vision requirement, they can't have a spectacle power greater than eightdioptres. For contact lenses, there is no restriction on contact lens power.The recommends the following to maintain good eye health:• Eat a well-balanced diet with foods that help your vision.• Exercise regularly to prevent diabetes and other conditions that can lead to vision problems.• Inform an optician if you notice any changes.• Wash your hands before putting them near your eyes or if you're handling contact lenses.• Protect your eyes when performing tasks that could damage them.• Wear sunglasses that block 99% or 100% of UVA and UVB radiation.• Follow the 20-20-20 rule every 20 minutes, look 20 feet away for 20 seconds.• Try not to smoke smoking is just as harmful to your eyes as it is to your body.The visual standards HGV drivers must meet are higher than those of other road users. In the UK, drivers must have a visual acuity of at least 0.5 (6/12) on the Snellen scale. In addition, drivers must be able to read a car number plate made after the 1st of September 2001 from 20 metres.The UK law on vision and driving falls below many European countries.By a number plate self-test from 20 metres. A visual acuity/visual field test is mandatory in other European countries.A driving test examiner performs the test in the UK, Cyprus, The Netherlands, and Norway. Several European countries require an Optometrist/Ophthalmologist/Doctor to carry out the test.• The UK, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, and Sweden require no further visual tests.• Algeria, Estonia, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Spain, and Turkey require a visual assessment every ten years.• Algeria, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, Serbia, Spain, and Turkey require visual tests from 65 or younger.It's vital to inform the DVLA if you have any of the following eye conditions:• Blepharospasm• Cataracts• Diabetic retinopathy• Glaucoma• Eye loss• Macular degeneration• Monocular vision• Nyctalopia• Retinitis pigmentosa• Visual field defect.Drivers need to meet the following standards:• Can read a number plate 20 metres away• No double vision• Have a regular field of vision in at least one eye.If a driver is unsure whether they meet the visual standards for driving, they must get advice from a GP, optician, or eye specialist. of the information a driver receives comes from vision with most maneuvers made based on a sense of sight. Vision cannot be substituted or supplemented and is the most important physical factor behind the wheel.

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martes 27 agosto 2024 • Consejos para conductores


Susie Jones

As a demanding profession, truck driving frequently involves long hours, a sedentary lifestyle, and extended periods away from home which can often take its toll on the health of many drivers. Unhealthy habits such as the consumption of fast food, lack of physical activity, and disruptive sleeping patterns can all lead to potential health complications in the future. But how do you stay fit as a truck driver? It is easier said than done but we've compiled a list of tips to help keep you at your peak whilst on the road. A simple tip and a commodity that we often take for granted, however, most health issues occur from dehydration. Regular sips of water or squash throughout the day will expel metabolic waste and toxins from your system and keep you more energized and alert. Keeping a refillable water bottle with you will not only remind you to stay hydrated but is better for the environment as well. The temptation of fast food after a long day is something that we can all relate to, however, just like keeping hydrated, your diet plays a significant role in your health as well as how you will end up feeling throughout the day. It is recommended that truck drivers eat three to four times a day, either two meals and two snacks or two meals and one snack. Try to maintain a meal and snack plan that is high in omega-3, iron, and vitamin C, such as green leafy vegetables, fish, and fruits. Avoid frequently consuming food and drink like pasta, bread, sweet drinks, and stimulants such as coffee and energy drinks. Check out our list of healthy snacks to keep in your cab:• Granola bars • Energy bars • Popcorn • Nuts • Dried fruit • Dark chocolate In addition to purchasing healthy food whilst out on the road, it can sometimes be healthier and more cost-effective to meal prep. has a fantastic selection of recipes to help you maintain a healthy diet whilst on the job. Due to the job's nature, getting enough sleep can be difficult for a truck driver and can lead to devastating results for everyone on the road. Simple tips and tricks such as the following could assist you with a decent night's kip: • Create an environment in the cab that feels like home. Check out our post about how to make your lorry cab a home • Keep your sleep area dark • A hot shower: Use our page to find out which truck stops offer this facility • Try out some Apps to assist you with sleeping • Find the ideal spot to park with little noise and disruption. Our intruck app provides 5,000 HGV (Heavy Goods Vehicle) locations across Europe for you to choose from whilst our team can provide bespoke security solutions enabling you to get a better night’s sleep knowing that you and your truck are safe. One of the hardest tips to follow whilst out on the road but an important one, nonetheless. Long hours of sitting throughout the day can lead to poor posture, back pain, and potential health complications. After a long day behind the wheel, it may be tempting to sit and relax, however, a quick 15 minutes of activity like walking or stretching can make you feel rejuvenated and less stressed. has some useful exercises tailored for truck drivers if you are looking to incorporate several types of physical exercise into your routine. Being out on the road full-time can make it difficult to get all your necessary vitamins. Taking a multivitamin each day can boost your immune system and help you stay healthy. We know that looking after your physical health on the road is important but how much time do truck drivers take to look after their mental health? The mental health charity Mind released statistics revealing that 30% of self-reported work-related illnesses in the transport and logistics industry are due to anxiety, loneliness, stress, and depression. They also implied that this number could be higher as most people do not seek the help they require. In addition to this, 95% of people off sick will not give the real reason for their absence from work if it is regarding their mental health. Following the above tips and tricks can have a knock-on, positive, effect on your mental health. Furthermore, it is important to have open and honest conversations with other truck drivers, supervisors, or dispatchers. Not only does a healthy lifestyle lead to better mental health but evidence suggests that it can also make you a better driver. A study showed that drivers who were asked to exercise daily reported greater ease in turning their heads were able to rotate their bodies further and were able to get into their cars more rapidly. Long hours appear to be one of the hardest aspects of truck driving. Truckers are often faced with long miles to cover and antisocial hours. These long miles and antisocial hours can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle. Due to the lifestyle of many truck drivers, on average, they are statistically more likely to have health problems compared to people in other careers. Truckers are often faced with a few obstacles such as cramped working spaces, stressful situations, unusual sleeping patterns, and lack of nutritional food that all have an influence on their health.Maintaining a healthy lifestyle as a truck driver requires a conscious effort but the benefits of doing so are well worth it overall. The above tips will enable you to take control of your health and improve your well-being. Keep an eye out for more tips and tricks from us at SNAP.