Susie Jones
Rådgivning til chauffører • 4 min læsning

Reglerne for fartskrivere gjort nemme

Oprettet: 01.08.2024

Opdateret: 08.08.2024

Fartskriverreglerne kan være et forvirrende sted for selv den mest erfarne lastbilchauffør. For slet ikke at tale om dem, der er nye i branchen. Vi forsøger at rydde op i noget af den forvirring.

Hvad er en fartskriver, og hvorfor har vi dem?

Ifølge ordbogen er en fartskriver "en anordning, der monteres i køretøjer som lastbiler og busser for at registrere oplysninger som f.eks. hvor hurtigt køretøjet kører, hvor langt det kører, og hvor mange pauser chaufføren holder."

Formålet med en fartskriver er at forhindre træthed hos føreren og sikre, at førere og arbejdsgivere overholder reglerne. [Trafiksikkerhedsorganisationen Brake] ( rapporterede, at "fire ud af ti træthedsrelaterede ulykker involverer en person, der kører et erhvervskøretøj." Derfor spiller reglerne for fartskrivere en vigtig rolle i bestræbelserne på at reducere dette antal.

Hvornår har du brug for en fartskriver?

Du skal have en fartskriver, hvis din bruttovægt overstiger 3,5 ton. Det er vigtigt at huske, at dette også gælder, hvis du trækker en anhænger. Der er nogle få undtagelser fra denne regel:

  • Hvis du kun kører på offentlige veje

  • Hvis køretøjet køres af de væbnede styrker, politiet eller brandvæsenet

  • Hvis du er en kommerciel flåde og bruger køretøjer med en maksimal vægt på syv et halvt ton, og din rejse er mindre end 100 km fra din driftsbase.

  • Hvis du transporterer varer, og dit køretøj er elektrisk

  • Hvis du transporterer udstyr eller maskiner til brug for føreren, og det ikke er dit primære arbejde at køre dette køretøj.

Hvad er de forskellige typer fartskrivere?

Der findes tre forskellige typer fartskrivere:

  • Analoge: Disse blev gjort obligatoriske i Europa i 1986. Analoge fartskrivere bruger vokspapirark til at registrere førerdata. Chaufføren indtaster oplysningerne manuelt og sætter dem ind i fartskriveren.

  • Digital: Disse blev introduceret i 2006. De bruges af mere end en million transportvirksomheder og over seks millioner professionelle chauffører. Digitale fartskrivere registrerer førerdata på en intern lagerenhed og et førerkort.

  • Smart: Fra juni 2019 krævede EU, at virksomheder skulle bruge intelligente fartskrivere. De registrerer automatisk køretøjets position ved begyndelsen og slutningen af hver rejse. De giver også opdateringer hver tredje time.

Hvad betyder hvert fartskriversymbol?

Se vores [video] (, der forklarer hvert tachografsymbol

Regler for pauser

Af hensyn til lastbilchaufførens og alle andre trafikanters sikkerhed skal pausereglerne overholdes. Vi har samlet de vigtigste punkter.


  • Må ikke være længere end fire og en halv time før en pause


  • Skal være på mindst 45 minutter, medmindre en chauffør tager et hvil.


  • Under en hvileperiode må der ikke køres eller udføres andet arbejde.

Opdeling af pauser:

  • En fuld 45-minutters pause kan deles op i en 15-minutters pause efterfulgt af en 30-minutters pause.

  • Deling af pauser skal fordeles over de fire og en halv times køretid

  • I henhold til EU-reglerne skal den anden pause være på mindst 30 minutter, hvis pauserne er opdelt.

Daglig køregrænse

Den daglige køregrænse henviser til den maksimale køretid i løbet af en dag. Ni timer er det maksimale, men det kan øges til 10 timer. Dette kan dog ikke gøres mere end to gange i løbet af en uge. Daglig køretid kan defineres som:

  • Den samlede akkumulerede køretid mellem afslutningen af en daglig hviletid og begyndelsen af den følgende daglige hviletid.

  • Den samlede akkumulerede køretid mellem en daglig hviletid og en ugentlig hviletid. .

Ugentlig og to-ugentlig køregrænse

Chauffører skal sikre, at de ikke overskrider den maksimale ugentlige og to-ugentlige kørselsgrænse.

  • Den maksimale ugentlige køregrænse er 56 timer (gælder for en fast uge)

  • En fast uge starter kl. 00.00 og slutter kl. 24.00 den følgende søndag.

  • En grænse på to ugers kørsel er 90 timer.

Daglig hvile

Derudover skal der tages daglig hvile.

  • Chaufføren skal have 11 timers sammenhængende hvile. Dette kan reduceres til ni

  • Denne reduktion kan kun ske op til tre gange mellem ugentlige hvileperioder.

  • Hvileperioden skal være afsluttet inden for 24 timer efter afslutningen af den sidste daglige eller ugentlige hvileperiode.

Den daglige hvile kan tages i køretøjet, men der skal være passende sovefaciliteter. Hvis disse faciliteter ikke findes, skal chaufføren selv finde overnatning. Tjek vores side locations for at finde ud af, hvilke rastepladser der tilbyder denne service.

Ugentlig hviletid

Den ugentlige hviletid skal tages senest ved afslutningen af seks på hinanden følgende 24-timers perioder fra afslutningen af den sidste ugentlige hviletid.

  • Chauffører skal tage mindst 45 timers hvile

  • De kan tage en reduceret ugentlig hvileperiode på mindst 24 timer

  • Reduceret ugentlig hvile skal kompenseres i en blok og mindst ni timer inden udgangen af den tredje uge.

Selvom der kan tages reduceret hviletid, er det værd at bemærke, at i to på hinanden følgende uger, hvor der er taget reduceret hviletid, skal den ene være 45 timer lang.


Nogle chauffører kan tage en anden chauffør med om bord. Fordelene er bl.a. øget produktivitet, flere kørte kilometer og længere køretid.

  • Begge chauffører skal tage ni timers daglig hvile

  • Denne daglige hvile skal tages inden for 30 timer i stedet for 24.

  • Den første time med multi-manning kræver ikke en anden chauffør. Efter en time bliver det obligatorisk.

Færgeoverfarter eller togrejser

Som nævnt ovenfor skal en chaufførs normale daglige hviletid være på 11 sammenhængende timer, men der er nogle få undtagelser fra denne regel. Forudsat at køretøjet ledsages af føreren, kan den daglige hviletid afbrydes to gange, men må ikke overstige en time i alt. For eksempel ved på- og afstigning på færger og tog.

Hvis den normale daglige hvileperiode afbrydes på denne måde, skal den akkumulerede hvileperiode være på mindst 11 timer eller 12 timer, hvis den er opdelt.

Hvad er reglen om ét minut i fartskriveren?

Et-minutsreglen trådte i kraft i oktober 2011. Den henviser til ældre lovgivning, som foreskrev, at et minut med mindst fem sekunders kørsel skulle logges som køretid. Men EU ændrede denne lovgivning, så den længste sammenhængende aktivitet inden for et minut bliver logget i forhold til den specifikke aktivitet.

Hvad sker der, hvis jeg ikke følger reglerne for fartskrivere?

Manglende overholdelse af fartskriverreglerne kan resultere i bøder og nogle gange fængselsstraf. Generelt afhænger straffen af overtrædelsens alvor. De fleste overtrædelser af fartskriveren håndteres med faste bøder. Chauffører har op til 28 dage til at overveje faste bøder.

Der er to typer af bøder og straffe i Storbritannien.

  • Niveau fire-bøder: Disse er begrænset til £2.500; dette loft gælder for hver fartskriverbøde. Sager med flere overtrædelser på niveau fire kan dog få en maksimal bøde pr. overtrædelse.

  • Bøde på niveau fem: Disse er begrænset til £5.000, men ligesom med bøder på niveau fire kan sager med flere overtrædelser få den maksimale bøde.

Reglerne for fartskrivere kan være svære at finde rundt i. Men hvis man ikke følger dem, kan det føre til sikkerhedsproblemer og potentielle bøder. Ved at forstå og følge reglerne kan flåder og chauffører betjene deres køretøjer sikkert og lovligt. Det er vigtigt at bemærke, at regler og bestemmelser for fartskrivere kan variere fra land til land.

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mandag 02 december 2024 • Rådgivning til chauffører


Susie Jones

On the 3rd of December 2024, changes to the Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) will come into full effect. The new CPC aims to offer better flexibility to drivers returning to the profession and those undertaking mandatory training. We delve into the upcoming changes and how they will impact drivers. Introduced in 2007, the CPC is a mandatory qualification for professional drivers in the UK and EU wanting to drive a range of heavy vehicles, such as HGVs, LGVs, buses, and coaches. Drivers must pass four tests: • Theory• Case study• Practical• Vehicle safety demonstration. Once passed, the CPC lasts for five years and must be renewed by taking 35 hours of periodic training within the five years.The UK government wanted to understand the effectiveness of the Driver CPC. They did this by asking drivers, trainers, and other parties to take a poll. The government focused on two main areas: improving driver choice and attracting more drivers into the industry for example, making it easier for drivers with foreign qualifications to obtain a licence in the UK. The changes to the Driver CPC are categorised into the following:The international Driver CPC is the new name for how the previous Driver CPC worked. The following applies:• Drivers must take 35 hours of CPC training every five years.• The courses must be at least seven hours long. • If splitting a course over a day, a driver must complete it on two consecutive days.• Drivers are allowed to do a total of 12 hours of e-learning.The National Driver CPC provides more flexibility for those wanting to drive in the UK. Drivers can take either:• 35 hours of training every five years.• A combination of 35 hours of National Driver CPC and International Driver CPC training every five years.The flexibility means that:• Training must be at least 3 hours 30 minutes long training providers can offer longer courses. • It does not need to be completed on two consecutive days if it's a split course course providers can set their time limits.• Training can be e-learning.• Drivers can do 12 hours of e-learning towards their overall 35 hours.From the 3rd of December, 2024, drivers will be able to stay qualified by choosing either:1. International Driver CPC National Driver CPCDrivers wanting to return to the profession must take 35 hours of training before returning. However, this will change from the 1st of February, 2025.Drivers with an expired CPC will have new pathways to make returning to driving easier.Drivers have four options:• Undertake 35 hours of International Driver CPC training.• Regain qualification to drive in the UK and EU.• Complete 35 hours of National Driver CPC training.• Regain qualification to drive in the UK only.• Take a seven-hour "return to driving" module.• Regain UK driving qualification instantly.• To drive in the EU, complete 28 additional hours of training within 12 months.• As part of the National Driver CPC training, complete a seven-hour "return to driving" module.• Regain UK driving qualification instantly.• Take 28 additional hours of training (National or International Driver CPC) within 12 months.Drivers must take 35 hours of training (International or National).The rules surrounding Driver CPC cards remain the same drivers must carry their cards when operating vehicles professionally. However, the type of card differs based on qualification:• Identical to the current design.• The design will include "Domestic UK use only."If a driver is qualified for both categories, they may hold two cards.Fleet managers can prepare for the changes by ensuring the following:• Find out whether their drivers need an International or National CPC.• Training deadlines aren't missed to avoid fines.You are exempt from needing a Driver CPC if you're using the vehicle for:• Non-commercial carriage• Carrying materials you use for your job driving must be less than 30% of your rolling monthly work.• Driving for someone you work for or your own agriculture, horticulture, forestry, farming, or fisheries business driving must be less than 30% of your rolling monthly work. • Driving within 62 miles of your base driving a HGV, bus, or coach must not be your main job.• Driving to or from pre-booked appointments to test centres.• Lessons for anyone wanting to get a driving licence or a Driver CPC.• Maintain public order.Full guidance is on the website.Drivers with grandfather rights don't need to hold the actual qualification as part of their licence. However, they must complete 35 hours of training every five years.

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onsdag 18 september 2024 • Rådgivning til chauffører


Susie Jones

takes place from the 23rd to the 29th of September, and as a truck driver, maintaining good vision is crucial to your job. Optical Express reported that road crashes involving drivers with poor vision accounted for roughly yearly casualties.Truck driving is a physically demanding role, but it is just as demanding visually requiring constant vigilance and the ability to quickly identify or react to changing road conditions. Poor vision can affect a driver's ability to judge distances, read signs, and detect other vehicles, reducing safety for the driver and other road users.Drivers must complete a t when applying for an HGV licence this occurs every five years after 45 and every year after the age of 65. As part of the medical, truck drivers must have a vision examination by a doctor, optician, or optometrist.To pass the examination, drivers require visual acuity of at least 0.8 (6/7.5) on the Snellen scale in their best eye and at least 0.1 (6/60) in the other.Group 2 HGV drivers need a horizontal visual field of at least 160 degrees with an extension of at least 70 degrees left and right and 30 degrees up and down. No defects should be present within a radius of the central 30 degrees.After 45 years old, drivers must complete their D4 Medical Assessment every five years and every year after 65. However, opticians recommend that every road user has an eye test at least every two years.If a driver experiences the following, they should get their eyes tested immediately:• Headaches• Eyestrain• Pressure behind the eyes• Double vision• Difficulty seeing during the night• Halos around lights.Under the law, employers must ensure their employees are fit to drive this could cover several things, but eyesight is one of them. Employers should test their driver's eyesight every six months by carrying out a number plate sight check 20 metres away.If an HGV driver requires glasses or contact lenses to reach the minimum vision requirement, they can't have a spectacle power greater than eightdioptres. For contact lenses, there is no restriction on contact lens power.The recommends the following to maintain good eye health:• Eat a well-balanced diet with foods that help your vision.• Exercise regularly to prevent diabetes and other conditions that can lead to vision problems.• Inform an optician if you notice any changes.• Wash your hands before putting them near your eyes or if you're handling contact lenses.• Protect your eyes when performing tasks that could damage them.• Wear sunglasses that block 99% or 100% of UVA and UVB radiation.• Follow the 20-20-20 rule every 20 minutes, look 20 feet away for 20 seconds.• Try not to smoke smoking is just as harmful to your eyes as it is to your body.The visual standards HGV drivers must meet are higher than those of other road users. In the UK, drivers must have a visual acuity of at least 0.5 (6/12) on the Snellen scale. In addition, drivers must be able to read a car number plate made after the 1st of September 2001 from 20 metres.The UK law on vision and driving falls below many European countries.By a number plate self-test from 20 metres. A visual acuity/visual field test is mandatory in other European countries.A driving test examiner performs the test in the UK, Cyprus, The Netherlands, and Norway. Several European countries require an Optometrist/Ophthalmologist/Doctor to carry out the test.• The UK, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, and Sweden require no further visual tests.• Algeria, Estonia, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Spain, and Turkey require a visual assessment every ten years.• Algeria, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, Serbia, Spain, and Turkey require visual tests from 65 or younger.It's vital to inform the DVLA if you have any of the following eye conditions:• Blepharospasm• Cataracts• Diabetic retinopathy• Glaucoma• Eye loss• Macular degeneration• Monocular vision• Nyctalopia• Retinitis pigmentosa• Visual field defect.Drivers need to meet the following standards:• Can read a number plate 20 metres away• No double vision• Have a regular field of vision in at least one eye.If a driver is unsure whether they meet the visual standards for driving, they must get advice from a GP, optician, or eye specialist. of the information a driver receives comes from vision with most maneuvers made based on a sense of sight. Vision cannot be substituted or supplemented and is the most important physical factor behind the wheel.

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torsdag 29 august 2024 • Rådgivning til chauffører


Susie Jones

As a truck driver, you are used to travelling long distances and working anti-social hours which can often mean added expenses. But how do you save money as a truck driver? Tracking your expenses and managing your money can be difficult, but we’ve put together some handy tips to help you budget. Taking the time to prepare for the journey can save you money and give you peace of mind. • Supplies: Work out what items you will need to ensure you don’t have to fork out on expensive items whilst on the road. • Food: Preparing your food may be a simple trick but an effective one when it comes to saving the pennies. Eating out is often expensive and sometimes unhealthy, try making your meals in your cab. Having a microwave and fridge in your cab will make meal-prepping that much easier. Check out our tips for staying . • Journey planning: Planning the most efficient route can save you money on fuel and unexpected toll charges. Knowing where you will be stationed for the night and booking in advance can make your journey more cost-effective. Download our to find truck parking near your transit route. The hardest but the most effective tip. Create a monthly or weekly budget that you can stick to and keep track of your expenses. There are many ways to set out your budget, you could write your expenses in a monthly calendar, jot them down in a notebook, or use an app to assist you. has an extensive list of apps that can help. Investing in an inverter will give you the ability to run small appliances. Having a fridge to keep items fresh, an electric griddle for cooking, and a coffee machine to make your cup of joe just how you like it will stop you from spending a fortune. Say goodbye to expensive fast food and hello to home-cooked meals for half the price. A cost that you can’t avoid. However, there are many ways that you can save on it: • Tyre pressure: Underinflated tyres will reduce your fuel economy, so it’s important to regularly check them. • Reduce idling: Stop the engine if you know you’re going to be stationary for a while. An hour of idling can burn roughly a gallon of fuel. • Use cruise control: Cruise control can reduce unnecessary acceleration and deceleration. • Drive in a higher gear: This will maximise fuel efficiency as travelling at high speeds in lower gears can consume 45% more fuel. • Air conditioning: It can increase your fuel consumption by up to 0.4 miles per gallon. If possible, travel with the window open before resorting to air con. In addition to these tips, offers a sustainable, transparent pricing structure and discounted rates at our partner company, Certas Energy’s refuelling locations. Some employers will offer their drivers reward programmes to assist them with saving money. Items such as a discount on food, drink, showers, and cleaning facilities can all help with saving. Additionally, if you are a SNAP customer, we’re able to offer you food vouchers at participating truck stops. Whether it’s getting in touch with family via video call or streaming your favourite shows, having the option to hook up to the WiFi can save you a substantial amount. Solely using your phone’s data can get expensive and can leave you with an unexpectedly high bill. Most truck stops will offer WiFi for drivers, and you can always find out which truck stops offer this on our page. This is often down to the individual, as with any job you will have aspects you find difficult that others wouldn’t. Long hours, time spent away from loved ones, and a sedentary lifestyle can make the job tough. On top of this, you will have to deal with external difficulties such as road congestion, tight scheduling and sometimes working overtime. However, it’s not all doom and gloom, many truck drivers have a lot of work opportunities, independence, flexibility, and the chance to travel abroad. As stated above, there can certainly be some downsides to life on the road. Truck driving is certainly not for everyone, but those who do end up in the role benefit from a few perks: • Job stability – The current shortage of drivers means that you will have no trouble finding and keeping a job. • Pay – A career in truck driving can offer good pay and additional benefits. • Travel – If you don’t like to be confined to a single place every day then getting to travel around parts of the UK and Europe is a huge benefit. In addition to some of these perks, you will find a lot of truck drivers wouldn’t trade their life behind the wheel for a 9-5 office job. There are quite a few steps to become an HGV driver and the cost can vary depending on who you take your tests with. We’ve broken it down for you in a few easy steps. Before you can obtain your Class 2, you will need to have a full car licence, be over 18, and have a provisional HGV licence. Your provisional HGV licence will consist of two forms, a D2 (This is free) and a D4. A D4 form is your medical and the cost can vary between £50-£120. There are four parts to obtaining your HGV licence, and the cost of each can vary. According to the website, gaining your HGV licence will cost roughly £304. However, this cost may fluctuate if you book using an unofficial website. On top these fees, you need to pay for lessons which can cost up to £1,390. Once passed, you will have your HGV Class 2 (C Class) licence and can drive a rigid. To drive commercially you will need to get your tacho card which will set you back £32. This will need to be renewed every five years and will cost £15. To become a Class 1 driver you need to take one more test. A Class 1 licence will qualify you to drive a truck over 3,500kg with a trailer of over 750kg. This will cost £115. Overall, qualifying as a Class 1 HGV driver can set you back just under £2,000. However, it’s important to state that once you have obtained your licence, you will be on a decent salary, have job stability, get to travel and gain a sense of community within the trucking world. Budgeting as a truck driver can be challenging but is essential if you want to manage your finances. Keeping track of your expenses, setting a budget, and sticking to it will help you save money. The above tips will give you a great starting point in encouraging you to get into healthier financial habits. How do you save money when you’re out on the road? Share your tips and tricks with us at SNAP.