Susie Jones
Poradenstvo pre vodičov • 4 min čítania

Zjednodušenie pravidiel pre tachografy

Vytvorené: 01. 08. 2024

Aktualizované: 08. 08. 2024

Svet pravidiel tachografov môže byť mätúci aj pre najskúsenejšieho vodiča nákladného vozidla. A čo už nehovoriac o nováčikoch, ktorí vstupujú do tohto odvetvia. Naším cieľom je objasniť niektoré z týchto nejasností.

Čo je tachograf a prečo ho máme?

Podľa slovníka je tachograf "zariadenie, ktoré sa umiestňuje do vozidiel, ako sú nákladné autá a autobusy, s cieľom zaznamenávať informácie, ako napríklad rýchlosť vozidla, vzdialenosť, ktorú prejde, a počet prestávok, ktoré vodič urobí."

Účelom tachografu je predchádzať únave vodičov a zabezpečiť, aby vodiči a zamestnávatelia dodržiavali predpisy. Charitatívna organizácia Brake, ktorá sa zaoberá bezpečnosťou cestnej premávky uviedla, že "štyri z desiatich nehôd spôsobených únavou sa týkajú osoby, ktorá riadi úžitkové vozidlo". Preto pravidlá pre tachografy zohrávajú dôležitú úlohu pri snahe o zníženie tohto počtu.

Kedy potrebujete tachograf?

Tachograf musíte mať, ak celková hmotnosť vášho vozidla presahuje tri a pol tony. Je dôležité si uvedomiť, že to zahŕňa aj ťahanie prívesu. Z tohto pravidla existuje niekoľko výnimiek:

  • Ak jazdíte len mimo verejných ciest

  • Ak vozidlo riadia ozbrojené sily, polícia alebo hasiči

  • Ak patríte do komerčného vozového parku a používate vozidlá s maximálnou hmotnosťou sedem a pol tony a vaša cesta je vzdialená menej ako 100 km od vašej prevádzkovej základne.

  • Ak prevážate tovar a vaše vozidlo je elektrické

  • Ak prevážate zariadenie alebo stroje pre potreby vodiča a riadenie tohto vozidla nie je vašou hlavnou pracovnou činnosťou.

Aké sú rôzne typy tachografov?

Existujú tri rôzne typy tachografov:

  • Analóg: Tieto boli v Európe povinné od roku 1986. Analógové tachografy používajú na zaznamenávanie údajov vodiča listy voskového papiera. Vodiči údaje zadávajú ručne a vkladajú ich do tachografu.

  • Digitálne: Tieto boli zavedené v roku 2006. Používa ich viac ako milión dopravných spoločností a viac ako šesť miliónov profesionálnych vodičov. Digitálne tachografy zaznamenávajú údaje vodiča na interné pamäťové zariadenie a kartu vodiča.

  • Inteligentné: Európska únia od júna 2019 nariadila, aby spoločnosti používali inteligentné tachografy. Tie automaticky zaznamenávajú polohu vozidla na začiatku a na konci každej jazdy. Každé tri hodiny poskytujú aj aktualizácie

Čo znamenajú jednotlivé symboly tachografu?

Pozrite si naše video, ktoré vysvetľuje jednotlivé symboly tachografu.

Porušenie pravidiel

V záujme bezpečnosti vodiča nákladného vozidla a všetkých ostatných účastníkov cestnej premávky je potrebné dodržiavať pravidlá prestávok. Rozdelili sme kľúčové body.

Čas jazdy:

  • Môže byť maximálne štyri a pol hodiny pred prestávkou


  • Musia trvať aspoň 45 minút, pokiaľ si vodič nevyberie prestávku na odpočinok

Doba odpočinku:

  • Počas doby odpočinku nie je možné viesť vozidlo alebo vykonávať inú prácu

Delenie prestávok:

  • Celá 45-minútová prestávka môže byť rozdelená na 15-minútovú prestávku, po ktorej nasleduje 30-minútová prestávka

  • Delené prestávky sa musia rozdeliť na štyri a pol hodiny jazdy

  • Podľa pravidiel EÚ, ak sú prestávky rozdelené, druhá prestávka musí trvať aspoň 30 minút.

Denný limit jazdy

Denný limit jazdy sa vzťahuje na maximálny čas jazdy za deň. Maximálny čas je deväť hodín, ale je možné ho zvýšiť na desať. Nie je to však možné urobiť viac ako dvakrát za stanovený týždeň. Denný čas jazdy možno definovať ako:

  • Celkový akumulovaný čas jazdy medzi koncom denného odpočinku a začiatkom nasledujúceho denného odpočinku

  • Celkový akumulovaný čas jazdy medzi denným odpočinkom a týždenným odpočinkom. .

Týždenný a dvojtýždenný limit jazdy

Vodiči musia dbať na to, aby neprekročili maximálny týždenný a dvojtýždňový limit jazdy.

  • Maximálny týždenný limit na vedenie vozidla je 56 hodín (platí pre pevný týždeň)

  • Pevný týždeň sa začína o 00.00 hod. a končí o 24.00 hod. nasledujúcu nedeľu

  • Dvojtýždňový limit jazdy je 90 hodín.

Denný odpočinok

Okrem toho je potrebné denne odpočívať.

  • Vodič musí nepretržite odpočívať 11 hodín. Tento počet môže byť skrátený na deväť

  • K tomuto zníženiu môže dôjsť len trikrát medzi týždennými obdobiami odpočinku

  • Doba odpočinku sa musí ukončiť do 24 hodín po skončení poslednej dennej alebo týždennej doby odpočinku.

Denný odpočinok je možné absolvovať vo vozidle, je však potrebné mať vhodné priestory na spanie. Ak tieto zariadenia chýbajú, vodič si musí nájsť ubytovanie. Pozrite si našu stránku miesta a zistite, ktoré zastávky pre kamióny túto službu ponúkajú.

Týždenný odpočinok

Týždenný odpočinok sa musí čerpať najneskôr na konci šiestich po sebe nasledujúcich 24-hodinových období od konca posledného týždenného odpočinku.

  • Vodiči sú povinní odpočívať najmenej 45 hodín

  • Môžu mať skrátený týždenný odpočinok v trvaní najmenej 24 hodín

  • Skrátený týždenný odpočinok je potrebné kompenzovať v jednom bloku, a to najmenej deväť hodín pred koncom tretieho týždňa.

Hoci je možné čerpať skrátený odpočinok, je potrebné si uvedomiť, že počas dvoch po sebe nasledujúcich týždňov, keď bol čerpaný skrátený odpočinok, musí jeden z nich trvať 45 hodín.

Viacčlenná posádka

Niektorí vodiči môžu vziať na palubu ďalšieho vodiča. Medzi výhody patrí vyššia produktivita, vyšší počet najazdených kilometrov a dlhší čas jazdy.

  • Obaja vodiči musia denne odpočívať deväť hodín

  • Tento denný odpočinok sa musí vykonať v priebehu 30 hodín a nie 24 hodín.

  • Prvá hodina viacčlennej posádky si nevyžaduje ďalšieho vodiča. Po jednej hodine sa stáva povinným.

Prechody trajektom alebo cesty vlakom

Ako je uvedené vyššie, pravidelný denný odpočinok vodiča musí trvať nepretržite 11 hodín, avšak z tohto pravidla existuje niekoľko výnimiek. Za predpokladu, že vozidlo sprevádza vodič; denný odpočinok môže byť prerušený dvakrát, ale nesmie presiahnuť celkovo jednu hodinu. Napríklad nastupovanie a vystupovanie na trajektoch a vo vlakoch.

Ak sa takto preruší pravidelný denný odpočinok, musí byť kumulovaný odpočinok aspoň 11 hodín alebo 12 hodín, ak je rozdelený.

Čo je pravidlo jednej minúty pre tachograf?

Pravidlo jednej minúty vstúpilo do platnosti v októbri 2011. Odkazuje na staršie právne predpisy, ktoré podrobne stanovovali, že minúta s najmenej piatimi sekundami jazdy sa musí zaznamenať ako čas jazdy. EÚ však túto legislatívu zmenila tak, že jedna najdlhšia nepretržitá činnosť vykonaná v rámci minúty sa zaznamená na základe tejto konkrétnej činnosti.

Čo by sa stalo, keby som nedodržal pravidlá tachografu?

Nedodržanie pravidiel pre tachografy môže mať za následok pokutu a niekedy aj trest odňatia slobody. Vo všeobecnosti trest závisí od závažnosti porušenia. Väčšina porušení pravidiel tachografu sa rieši pevne stanovenými pokutami. Vodiči majú na zváženie pevných pokút až 28 dní.

V Spojenom kráľovstve existujú dva druhy pokút a sankcií.

  • Pokuta štvrtej úrovne: je obmedzená na 2 500 GBP; tento limit sa vzťahuje na každú pokutu za tachograf. V prípadoch s viacerými porušeniami štvrtej úrovne však môže byť uložená maximálna pokuta za každé porušenie.

  • Pokuta piatej úrovne: je obmedzená na 5 000 libier, avšak podobne ako pri pokutách štvrtej úrovne, v prípadoch viacnásobného porušenia môže byť uložená maximálna pokuta.

Pravidlá tachografu môžu byť zložité na pochopenie. Ich nedodržiavanie však môže viesť k bezpečnostným problémom a potenciálnym pokutám. Pochopením a dodržiavaním pravidiel môžu vozové parky a vodiči prevádzkovať svoje vozidlá bezpečne a legálne. Je veľmi dôležité si uvedomiť, že pravidlá a predpisy týkajúce sa tachografov sa môžu v jednotlivých krajinách líšiť.

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štvrtok 29 augusta 2024 • Poradenstvo pre vodičov


Susie Jones

As a truck driver, you are used to travelling long distances and working anti-social hours which can often mean added expenses. But how do you save money as a truck driver? Tracking your expenses and managing your money can be difficult, but we’ve put together some handy tips to help you budget. Taking the time to prepare for the journey can save you money and give you peace of mind. • Supplies: Work out what items you will need to ensure you don’t have to fork out on expensive items whilst on the road. • Food: Preparing your food may be a simple trick but an effective one when it comes to saving the pennies. Eating out is often expensive and sometimes unhealthy, try making your meals in your cab. Having a microwave and fridge in your cab will make meal-prepping that much easier. Check out our tips for staying . • Journey planning: Planning the most efficient route can save you money on fuel and unexpected toll charges. Knowing where you will be stationed for the night and booking in advance can make your journey more cost-effective. Download our to find truck parking near your transit route. The hardest but the most effective tip. Create a monthly or weekly budget that you can stick to and keep track of your expenses. There are many ways to set out your budget, you could write your expenses in a monthly calendar, jot them down in a notebook, or use an app to assist you. has an extensive list of apps that can help. Investing in an inverter will give you the ability to run small appliances. Having a fridge to keep items fresh, an electric griddle for cooking, and a coffee machine to make your cup of joe just how you like it will stop you from spending a fortune. Say goodbye to expensive fast food and hello to home-cooked meals for half the price. A cost that you can’t avoid. However, there are many ways that you can save on it: • Tyre pressure: Underinflated tyres will reduce your fuel economy, so it’s important to regularly check them. • Reduce idling: Stop the engine if you know you’re going to be stationary for a while. An hour of idling can burn roughly a gallon of fuel. • Use cruise control: Cruise control can reduce unnecessary acceleration and deceleration. • Drive in a higher gear: This will maximise fuel efficiency as travelling at high speeds in lower gears can consume 45% more fuel. • Air conditioning: It can increase your fuel consumption by up to 0.4 miles per gallon. If possible, travel with the window open before resorting to air con. In addition to these tips, offers a sustainable, transparent pricing structure and discounted rates at our partner company, Certas Energy’s refuelling locations. Some employers will offer their drivers reward programmes to assist them with saving money. Items such as a discount on food, drink, showers, and cleaning facilities can all help with saving. Additionally, if you are a SNAP customer, we’re able to offer you food vouchers at participating truck stops. Whether it’s getting in touch with family via video call or streaming your favourite shows, having the option to hook up to the WiFi can save you a substantial amount. Solely using your phone’s data can get expensive and can leave you with an unexpectedly high bill. Most truck stops will offer WiFi for drivers, and you can always find out which truck stops offer this on our page. This is often down to the individual, as with any job you will have aspects you find difficult that others wouldn’t. Long hours, time spent away from loved ones, and a sedentary lifestyle can make the job tough. On top of this, you will have to deal with external difficulties such as road congestion, tight scheduling and sometimes working overtime. However, it’s not all doom and gloom, many truck drivers have a lot of work opportunities, independence, flexibility, and the chance to travel abroad. As stated above, there can certainly be some downsides to life on the road. Truck driving is certainly not for everyone, but those who do end up in the role benefit from a few perks: • Job stability – The current shortage of drivers means that you will have no trouble finding and keeping a job. • Pay – A career in truck driving can offer good pay and additional benefits. • Travel – If you don’t like to be confined to a single place every day then getting to travel around parts of the UK and Europe is a huge benefit. In addition to some of these perks, you will find a lot of truck drivers wouldn’t trade their life behind the wheel for a 9-5 office job. There are quite a few steps to become an HGV driver and the cost can vary depending on who you take your tests with. We’ve broken it down for you in a few easy steps. Before you can obtain your Class 2, you will need to have a full car licence, be over 18, and have a provisional HGV licence. Your provisional HGV licence will consist of two forms, a D2 (This is free) and a D4. A D4 form is your medical and the cost can vary between £50-£120. There are four parts to obtaining your HGV licence, and the cost of each can vary. According to the website, gaining your HGV licence will cost roughly £304. However, this cost may fluctuate if you book using an unofficial website. On top these fees, you need to pay for lessons which can cost up to £1,390. Once passed, you will have your HGV Class 2 (C Class) licence and can drive a rigid. To drive commercially you will need to get your tacho card which will set you back £32. This will need to be renewed every five years and will cost £15. To become a Class 1 driver you need to take one more test. A Class 1 licence will qualify you to drive a truck over 3,500kg with a trailer of over 750kg. This will cost £115. Overall, qualifying as a Class 1 HGV driver can set you back just under £2,000. However, it’s important to state that once you have obtained your licence, you will be on a decent salary, have job stability, get to travel and gain a sense of community within the trucking world. Budgeting as a truck driver can be challenging but is essential if you want to manage your finances. Keeping track of your expenses, setting a budget, and sticking to it will help you save money. The above tips will give you a great starting point in encouraging you to get into healthier financial habits. How do you save money when you’re out on the road? Share your tips and tricks with us at SNAP.

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utorok 27 augusta 2024 • Poradenstvo pre vodičov


Susie Jones

As a demanding profession, truck driving frequently involves long hours, a sedentary lifestyle, and extended periods away from home which can often take its toll on the health of many drivers. Unhealthy habits such as the consumption of fast food, lack of physical activity, and disruptive sleeping patterns can all lead to potential health complications in the future. But how do you stay fit as a truck driver? It is easier said than done but we've compiled a list of tips to help keep you at your peak whilst on the road. A simple tip and a commodity that we often take for granted, however, most health issues occur from dehydration. Regular sips of water or squash throughout the day will expel metabolic waste and toxins from your system and keep you more energized and alert. Keeping a refillable water bottle with you will not only remind you to stay hydrated but is better for the environment as well. The temptation of fast food after a long day is something that we can all relate to, however, just like keeping hydrated, your diet plays a significant role in your health as well as how you will end up feeling throughout the day. It is recommended that truck drivers eat three to four times a day, either two meals and two snacks or two meals and one snack. Try to maintain a meal and snack plan that is high in omega-3, iron, and vitamin C, such as green leafy vegetables, fish, and fruits. Avoid frequently consuming food and drink like pasta, bread, sweet drinks, and stimulants such as coffee and energy drinks. Check out our list of healthy snacks to keep in your cab:• Granola bars • Energy bars • Popcorn • Nuts • Dried fruit • Dark chocolate In addition to purchasing healthy food whilst out on the road, it can sometimes be healthier and more cost-effective to meal prep. has a fantastic selection of recipes to help you maintain a healthy diet whilst on the job. Due to the job's nature, getting enough sleep can be difficult for a truck driver and can lead to devastating results for everyone on the road. Simple tips and tricks such as the following could assist you with a decent night's kip: • Create an environment in the cab that feels like home. Check out our post about how to make your lorry cab a home • Keep your sleep area dark • A hot shower: Use our page to find out which truck stops offer this facility • Try out some Apps to assist you with sleeping • Find the ideal spot to park with little noise and disruption. Our intruck app provides 5,000 HGV (Heavy Goods Vehicle) locations across Europe for you to choose from whilst our team can provide bespoke security solutions enabling you to get a better night’s sleep knowing that you and your truck are safe. One of the hardest tips to follow whilst out on the road but an important one, nonetheless. Long hours of sitting throughout the day can lead to poor posture, back pain, and potential health complications. After a long day behind the wheel, it may be tempting to sit and relax, however, a quick 15 minutes of activity like walking or stretching can make you feel rejuvenated and less stressed. has some useful exercises tailored for truck drivers if you are looking to incorporate several types of physical exercise into your routine. Being out on the road full-time can make it difficult to get all your necessary vitamins. Taking a multivitamin each day can boost your immune system and help you stay healthy. We know that looking after your physical health on the road is important but how much time do truck drivers take to look after their mental health? The mental health charity Mind released statistics revealing that 30% of self-reported work-related illnesses in the transport and logistics industry are due to anxiety, loneliness, stress, and depression. They also implied that this number could be higher as most people do not seek the help they require. In addition to this, 95% of people off sick will not give the real reason for their absence from work if it is regarding their mental health. Following the above tips and tricks can have a knock-on, positive, effect on your mental health. Furthermore, it is important to have open and honest conversations with other truck drivers, supervisors, or dispatchers. Not only does a healthy lifestyle lead to better mental health but evidence suggests that it can also make you a better driver. A study showed that drivers who were asked to exercise daily reported greater ease in turning their heads were able to rotate their bodies further and were able to get into their cars more rapidly. Long hours appear to be one of the hardest aspects of truck driving. Truckers are often faced with long miles to cover and antisocial hours. These long miles and antisocial hours can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle. Due to the lifestyle of many truck drivers, on average, they are statistically more likely to have health problems compared to people in other careers. Truckers are often faced with a few obstacles such as cramped working spaces, stressful situations, unusual sleeping patterns, and lack of nutritional food that all have an influence on their health.Maintaining a healthy lifestyle as a truck driver requires a conscious effort but the benefits of doing so are well worth it overall. The above tips will enable you to take control of your health and improve your well-being. Keep an eye out for more tips and tricks from us at SNAP.

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utorok 27 augusta 2024 • Poradenstvo pre vodičov


Susie Jones

The average truck driver spends roughly 12 hours behind the wheel every day. Endless time on the open road may sound appealing, however, the reality is a stark contrast. Countless petrol stations, rest areas, and long hours can become tedious. Truckers often spend their downtime away from home and preventing boredom can be challenging. Convoy's recent survey suggested boredom was one of truckers’ top challenges. What effect is boredom having on driver well-being? And how can truckers stay entertained? Fatigue, isolation, loneliness, and a lack of mental stimulation are common concerns for drivers. Some drivers may tackle these concerns with unhealthy coping mechanisms such as overeating, smoking, or excessive caffeine consumption. Over time, these habits can negatively impact mental health. However, as talk surrounding mental health improves, more and more drivers are taking a different route to combat this. We asked truck drivers on Facebook what they do when boredom kicks in. “Audiobooks, mainly psychology. Music, chatting with loved ones, or listening to the radio. Or I turn everything off and have a peaceful existence with my own thoughts,” says Nigel. Others have mentioned how talking with loved ones over the phone has helped. Ashleigh states: “Talking to my friends in a group chat. Honestly, if I didn’t have them, I’d have quit a long time ago. The road throws up some rubbish and without talking to really good friends I’d never have survived.” Likewise, Karl believes a “group chat with friends is a must.” Contrary to popular belief, trucking is a physical endeavour drivers need coordination and concentration to avoid accidents. Despite this, being behind the wheel for extended periods can cause fatigue. The risk of getting complacent on the job can occur, especially if a driver knows their route well. How can drivers deal with complacency behind the wheel? Whether it’s listening to a podcast or a catchy tune, drivers must choose something that keeps their mind alert. We’ve compiled a list of things to prevent boredom behind the wheel. • Podcasts: Truck driver Marty listens to “dozens of podcasts” whilst driving. Podcasts are an excellent way to change things up and learn something new. Check out this • Music: “Music, music, and music” is Richard’s boredom buster. Whether it’s listening to the radio or singing along to a playlist, music is an excellent way to keep the mind alert • Take a break: Although drivers have strict deadlines and tachograph regulations, getting out of the cab when boredom kicks in helps the mind refocus. Truckers face additional challenges to entertain themselves after their shift. Taking a proactive approach to preventing boredom during this time is imperative. We’ve compiled a list of ways to pass the hours. • Location: Truck stops that offer a vast range of facilities and a communal feel are an excellent way to alleviate boredom. Some act as a social hub where truckers can share similar experiences. Head over to our to see what facilities our SNAP service partners offer • Exercising: Taking a daily walk or getting creative with your workouts can prevent boredom and ensure you stay fit and healthy. Check out our tips for • Streaming services: Catch up on the latest TV show or scroll through social media. Truck driver Steve likes to “scroll and comment on Facebook and watch Netflix” to pass the time • Hobbies: The opportunities are endless. Learning an instrument, learning a foreign language, drawing, writing, and more. Picking up a hobby is an effective way to prevent boredom • Cooking: Cooking meals in the cab has many benefits. Not only does it prevent boredom, but it saves money and is healthier • Stay connected with loved ones: A trucker’s downtime provides the perfect opportunity to contact those closest to them. Video calls are an effective way to feel closer to family and friends • Relax: Truckers can face stressful situations. Relaxing fully after a shift can improve driver well-being. Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises and meditation reduce stress. Although some drivers enjoy the solitude and independence the open road offers, combating boredom is still a challenge for many. Due to the nature of the job, truckers often experience long periods of boredom. However, to improve well-being, job satisfaction, and road safety, they must find ways to alleviate it. Whether it’s focusing on the task at hand, listening to the radio, or chatting with friends and family, most truckers can find a solution that works for them. Most drivers sleep in their cabs since they are well-equipped for a comfortable night’s sleep. A basic sleeper cab includes a bed, storage, lights, and electrical outlets – making it a home away from home. Due to the current European parking shortage, many drivers park in laybys. Doing so is deemed unsafe and leaves a driver vulnerable to theft. From November 2017, HGV drivers in the UK must take regular weekly rest breaks in proper rest areas (like service areas and truck stops). scheme allows fleets to offer their truck parking spaces to the network, alleviating the shortage and helping drivers avoid vulnerable situations. In addition, SNAP provides over 450 service partners across Europe for drivers to park at. Head over to our to learn more. If you’ve ever driven down a main road at night, you may have noticed trucks parked with their trailer doors open. A lot of drivers do this to deter thieves, the assumption being that if the trailer door is open there is nothing to steal. This is predominantly done on curtain-side trailers as it prevents thieves from slashing the curtain to see what’s inside.